Will this hurt my chances...

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Oct 19, 2004
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Ok this may be a really dumb question but has me somewhat concerned. To make a long story short I had some trouble with my credit a few months ago and thus do not have the best credit rating in the world. I have learned from this and have moved on and doing good but will dental schools look at information like this and may it affect my chances of being accepted? Any help would greatly be appreciate from anyone who would know. Thank you very much and have a nice day.

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STP3145 said:
Ok this may be a really dumb question but has me somewhat concerned. To make a long story short I had some trouble with my credit a few months ago and thus do not have the best credit rating in the world. I have learned from this and have moved on and doing good but will dental schools look at information like this and may it affect my chances of being accepted? Any help would greatly be appreciate from anyone who would know. Thank you very much and have a nice day.

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JavadiCavity said:
Agree. However, if you need alternative loans in addition to the stafford loans, you need a good credit score or else they require a co-signer.

Good point JC!
There are students kicked out of school because they can't meet their obligation of paying tution because of bad credit.

Better hope you get into a state school or hopefully you have access to a co-signer
Brocnizer2007 said:
There are students kicked out of school because they can't meet their obligation of paying tution because of bad credit.

Better hope you get into a state school or hopefully you have access to a co-signer

Yeah I will be able to pay off tuition, I was just going through a rough time in my life and made a couple of mistakes but its all good now. Just wanted to make sure that it would not affect my chances of being accepted. Thank you all for responding!
Brocnizer2007 said:
There are students kicked out of school because they can't meet their obligation of paying tution because of bad credit.

Better hope you get into a state school or hopefully you have access to a co-signer

...But were these students in an undergrad program, first or second year? It just seems to me that the further along you are the less chance the school will let that happen. If you get into a highly competitive program (i.e., med school or dental school) it seems to me the school would have to jump in and help some kind of way. They wouldn't want to waste that valuable slot.
Are you guys applying to dental school or a one bedroom at Shady Acres. How can this even be viewed as a deciding factor. However I do believe there is a small section in the affirmative action legislation about reserving 2 to 3 spots for those applicants with bad credit. Hey that's at better deal than Pacific islanders get.