Withdrawals on transcript

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10+ Year Member
Jan 5, 2012
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I'm in a history class that is way harder than I anticipated, I plan to drop it and just take the course in a mini-mester during xmas break. Would dental schools frown upon the fact that I'll have a drop on my record? Or does one drop not really matter?

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I have 2 Ws, and have 2 interviews so far. So apparently not:)
I'm in a history class that is way harder than I anticipated, I plan to drop it and just take the course in a mini-mester during xmas break. Would dental schools frown upon the fact that I'll have a drop on my record? Or does one drop not really matter?

sorry but this has got to be one of the stupidest threads ever made. One W seriously???
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Hey, zimmer just doesn't know. I remember my prehealth advisor used to always say how W's look really bad on your transcript and lessen your chance of getting in to dental school. Meanwhile I had two W's and I already have four interviews.

I think it depends on what you are dropping. I feel like it looks worse when you drop a science class (like a prerequisite) rather than just a history class.
sorry but this has got to be one of the stupidest threads ever made. One W seriously???

We are here to help, not bash on someone because of a question you might know the answer to. Definitely would not want you to be my dentist!
As for your question, I highly doubt 1 W would affect anything. It's better than getting a D or an F that will affect your gpa.
Does not matter you will be fine! Chances are you will have acceptances by then anywase! GL
sorry but this has got to be one of the stupidest threads ever made. One W seriously???

Seriously dude chill out, I'm just trying to give myself a really good chance this cycle because I don't want to reapply I'm sorry you feel the need to say this is the stupidest thread ever. I've talked to advisers and they advised me not to drop which is why I put the question up here cause I really didn't know. I've seen a lot of threads that I didn't agree with, but I've kept unnecessary comments to myself. As a future health care provider, I hope you don't react this way whenever you hear a question that you think is obvious because not everyone has the same opinions. I really don't think I've ever made any remarks on any of your threads to make you react this way. Anyways good luck to you.
Hey, zimmer just doesn't know. I remember my prehealth advisor used to always say how W's look really bad on your transcript and lessen your chance of getting in to dental school. Meanwhile I had two W's and I already have four interviews.

I think it depends on what you are dropping. I feel like it looks worse when you drop a science class (like a prerequisite) rather than just a history class.

Thanks for your opinion! I think I'm going to drop it :)