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Apr 26, 2020
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I am applying to Dental school this cycle,

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I am applying to Dental school this cycle, something that I saw on the application is "Institutional Action". This current semester, I was removed from campus housing because I attended a gathering in the dorms while visitation was restricted due to the pandemic. I'm pretty positive I need to list this as an IA but is there anyone who has any idea of how this will impact my admission into dental school?
Assembling peaceably is a constitutional right and should not negatively affect you in any way
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But OP did that during the pandemic... and OP is trying be a healthcare professional
My statement still stands, there should not have even been any "Institutional Action" against OP
I am applying to Dental school this cycle, something that I saw on the application is "Institutional Action". This current semester, I was removed from campus housing because I attended a gathering in the dorms while visitation was restricted due to the pandemic. I'm pretty positive I need to list this as an IA but is there anyone who has any idea of how this will impact my admission into dental school?

TBH nobody knows but if the school decided to remove you from campus housing then it's not a minor thing & it's probably on your record... Just be honest and if interviewers ask you about this, don't try to argue with them. Just tell them you regret your actions and you are aware of the consequences
Assembling peaceably is a constitutional right and should not negatively affect you in any way
If parties were explicitly banned by the school or state then it's a violation of that rule, can't break rules or regulations and claim freedom of assembly when at a party lol. You can use your freedom of speech to yell out the answers in a lecture hall, but that doesn't protect you from the professor failing you, just like you can party all you want but if its against the rules, you will get in trouble. OP, try to obtain an official copy of your transcript to see if they put any remarks on there about you getting removed from housing and proceed from there.
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If parties were explicitly banned by the school or state then it's a violation of that rule, can't break rules or regulations and claim freedom of assembly when at a party lol. You can use your freedom of speech to yell out the answers in a lecture hall, but that doesn't protect you from the professor failing you, just like you can party all you want but if its against the rules, you will get in trouble. OP, try to obtain an official copy of your transcript to see if they put any remarks on there about you getting removed from housing and proceed from there.
How much of an impact would you suspect this would have on my application?
How much of an impact would you suspect this would have on my application?
Eh, depends on your interviewers honestly, everyone does make mistakes but yours will be highlighted because it happened during the pandemic. As was said above, if it is on your record and you are asked about it then be straightforward and honest with them, don't try to put the blame on others or downplay the issue. Let them know you learned from what happened and how you've worked to better yourself.
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