Would attending FSU over UF hurt my chances of getting into a Top 25 Medical School?

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Nov 20, 2013
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In Florida, UF has somewhat of an elitist reputation and is regarded as the best school in the state, hands down. I realize that this is basically the same as being the tallest midget, considering Florida has a god awful education system. However, FSU is ranked relatively close to UF, and is arguably the same academic wise, but I'm pretty sure that it's name isn't anywhere near as recognizable out of state, as UF's is. My tuition for FSU will be almost Free, compared to the full tuition at UF. Assuming I have the same academic success at either school, if I decide to attend FSU, will this negatively impact me when applying to a top 25-top 50 med school?

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No. This has been discussed over and over on these forums, as a search would have shown you. Go to FSU, do well in class and on the MCAT, and you'll be fine.
In Florida, UF has somewhat of an elitist reputation and is regarded as the best school in the state, hands down. I realize that this is basically the same as being the tallest midget, considering Florida has a god awful education system. However, FSU is ranked relatively close to UF, and is arguably the same academic wise, but I'm pretty sure that it's name isn't anywhere near as recognizable out of state, as UF's is. My tuition for FSU will be almost Free, compared to the full tuition at UF. Assuming I have the same academic success at either school, if I decide to attend FSU, will this negatively impact me when applying to a top 25-top 50 med school?

Going to FSU vs UF will have absolutely zero impact on your odds for medical school, outside of each of their respective medical schools having a bias for their own undergrads. Go to the more affordable school. Besides, have you seen the girls at FSU?
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In Florida, UF has somewhat of an elitist reputation and is regarded as the best school in the state, hands down. I realize that this is basically the same as being the tallest midget, considering Florida has a god awful education system. However, FSU is ranked relatively close to UF, and is arguably the same academic wise, but I'm pretty sure that it's name isn't anywhere near as recognizable out of state, as UF's is. My tuition for FSU will be almost Free, compared to the full tuition at UF. Assuming I have the same academic success at either school, if I decide to attend FSU, will this negatively impact me when applying to a top 25-top 50 med school?

I totally agree that you should go to FSU, but just for the record, UF is a well-regarded public institution. USNWR has them at #49, which isn't too shabby in my opinion.

But back to your question, you're crazy if you don't go to FSU. While you're there be sure to become a really irritating Noles fan and date as many FSU Delta Gammas as possible.

ETA: and be sure to return here to post pics of said FSU DGs, you know, for science
Zero impact. I promise you've never heard of my college or half of my classmates.

Do well in college with a good GPa and do well on your MCAT. If you can do the above on the cheap, do it.
Thank you for the responses. You guys have made me infinitely more confident in my decision. I'd be lying if I said the girls at FSU weren't a deciding factor, cookiemonster.
Both schools aren't "elite" in the national sense so it wouldn't make a difference at all.
Considerations for undergraduates who will be pre med.

Considering that the costs between both schools are identical if you qualify for Florida bright futures (assuming you would because you got into UF), then tuition won't exceed a couple of thousand dollars at UF versus being free at FSU. I'm not familiar with your situation, so I can't say whether or not this difference in tuition is justifiable. So what else does that leave to weigh in the decision process? Academics, research opportunities, and student life. Maybe there is a reason UF has the reputation of being a better school: for one it's a member of the AAU, meaning the university by nature invests more in faculty research. In 2011 alone the UF Academic Health Center received $360 million in research funding, meaning that there is no shortage of opportunities to begin research early. As far as student life goes, at UF there are a lot of like minded pre-meds who want a healthy undergrad experience but also know how to cut loose. Work Hard Play Hard. At FSU, the general consensus of the student body is party-only (not trying to generalize for everyone, because there are exceptions). Lastly, girls at FSU are extremely attractive, I will even admit to that, but in most cases they're all ass and no brains. At least at UF where there are girls of equivalent attractiveness (don't believe me, search UF ZTA, DG, ADPi, KD) with at least above a 1200 on their SAT.
UF is definitely slacking in the attractive female department.
Considering that the costs between both schools are identical if you qualify for Florida bright futures (assuming you would because you got into UF), then tuition won't exceed a couple of thousand dollars at UF versus being free at FSU. I'm not familiar with your situation, so I can't say whether or not this difference in tuition is justifiable. So what else does that leave to weigh in the decision process? Academics, research opportunities, and student life. Maybe there is a reason UF has the reputation of being a better school: for one it's a member of the AAU, meaning the university by nature invests more in faculty research. In 2011 alone the UF Academic Health Center received $360 million in research funding, meaning that there is no shortage of opportunities to begin research early. As far as student life goes, at UF there are a lot of like minded pre-meds who want a healthy undergrad experience but also know how to cut loose. Work Hard Play Hard. At FSU, the general consensus of the student body is party-only (not trying to generalize for everyone, because there are exceptions). Lastly, girls at FSU are extremely attractive, I will even admit to that, but in most cases they're all ass and no brains. At least at UF where there are girls of equivalent attractiveness (don't believe me, search UF ZTA, DG, ADPi, KD) with at least above a 1200 on their SAT.
Wut frat u in brah?
I went to Washington State University versus University of Washington and it didn't make a single noticeable difference when applying to medical school.

Heck, I could argue that going to WSU was better for getting into UWSOM because we had 20 people apply and 4 get in while UW had 450 apply and like 65 get in. That's 20% of applicants versus like 15%.

But seriously, it won't matter in the log run. Do what you want. Every place will have volunteering, lab experience, doctors to shadow, etc.
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If you like girls with buck teeth and jean shorts, then sure, UF girls are the way to go.
Neither of the schools are top notch so it doesn't really matter. Focus on getting into A med school, not a top 25.
The question here is why arent you considering the REAL top school in florida? :naughty:
The question here is why arent you considering the REAL top school in florida? :naughty:
Well I mean, if I wanted to spend $50k+ per year on undergrad, I would sure as hell be going to a higher ranked school than UM. Wouldn't mind going to their med school though.

I agree though, UM would be my top choice if I had $50k to burn and wanted to stay in Florida.
Well I mean, if I wanted to spend $50k+ per year on undergrad, I would sure as hell be going to a higher ranked school than UM. Wouldn't mind going to their med school though.

I agree though, UM would be my top choice if I had $50k to burn and wanted to stay in Florida.
Shoot dude... I didnt see their undergraduate tuition. I'm pretty sure I would never pay that much for a bachelor degree!
While there are many people at UF during interview trail for FL schools, the number of pre-meds in UF in mind-boggling from what I've heard. Some adcoms people have said that compared to other FL schools, the number of applicants they receive from UF is insane and sometimes its seen as a handicap if you come from there. And honestly, besides football, no one has heard of either UF or FSU as academic powerhouses nationally. UF is higher ranked since it is technically Florida's flagship school.

So in my opinion, go to FSU. While they have a lot of pre-med as well (my undergrad), they aren't nearly as much as UF and it may be easier for you to shine there. Your BS degree from UF would honestly impress no one.
And honestly, besides football, no one has heard of either UF or FSU as academic powerhouses nationally. UF is higher ranked since it is technically Florida's flagship school.

Yep. Not many outside of Florida will see a difference in prestige between UF and FSU. This is actually the first I've heard that they may be perceived differently, and I grew up in the south.
Well I will say for the state of florida the UF is considered alot better than FSU in general. Few people would choose to go to FSU is they also get accepted to UF. I only know of one person of my 600 high school class. With that I would say that FSU would probility be a little easier to do well in the classes. Some UF classes are known to weed out students and many dont come out of general chemistry still pre med. In terms of getting accepted to medical school it really makes no difference but UF does have more variety to do research. In certain areas of medical research UF has leaders in the field with people well know around the country. FSU does not have anything. If doing research is somthing that interests you alot than UF might be a better option. The state of florida is putting alot of money into UF. They are trying to be a top 10 public school and are about to get an extra 15 million from the state a year for 5 years to do this. Alot of the money is going to medical research. You can see more info inthe link above. http://www.urel.ufl.edu/ufrising/facultyFunding/funding.html
In Florida, UF has somewhat of an elitist reputation and is regarded as the best school in the state, hands down. I realize that this is basically the same as being the tallest midget, considering Florida has a god awful education system. However, FSU is ranked relatively close to UF, and is arguably the same academic wise, but I'm pretty sure that it's name isn't anywhere near as recognizable out of state, as UF's is. My tuition for FSU will be almost Free, compared to the full tuition at UF. Assuming I have the same academic success at either school, if I decide to attend FSU, will this negatively impact me when applying to a top 25-top 50 med school?

Full scholarship at FSU sounds better than UF any day.
To be premed at UF has it's pros and cons. First, there are A LOT of premeds at UF. I think something like half of incoming freshmen are premed and UF is among the top schools in turns of graduating premeds. That means that the premed advisors will not give you the time of day, you will not get to know your gen chem, gen bio, or physics professors, and you will have a hard time getting into a research lab if your grades aren't stellar. There are a million premed organizations on campus, but about 90% of them don't know what they're talking about. And this applies to your fellow premeds, who will eventually become prepharm, or go to PA school. Getting into a top 25 school from UF means that you're basically on your own. I'm not saying it can't be done, I know a few people that are matriculating at Hopkins, Harvard, and Penn, from UF, but you'll just have to work for it. That being said, UF has a reputation in the south. Shands hospital is on of the largest academic health centers in the southeast, if your grades are good, and you're persistent, you can get involved in some pretty cool research. While interviewing at several Florida schools and some out of state schools, I have not seen a single applicant from FSU. I have, however, met plenty from UF. Financially speaking, I graduated completely debt free from UF, and if you have to take out loans to go to UF, then I'd say go to FSU and make the best of it. Because, realistically, you'd be accumulating interest for a good 10 years before you could pay them off, and that is certainly not worth it. Tuition at UF is still extremely affordable, and bright futures covers almost all of it. If your parents can cover the living expenses, then definitely UF.

Wherever you go, you're going to have to work hard to get into a top program.

Also, when it comes to attractive women, I think some of you need to drive down to FIU.
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