I graduated from undergrad in 3 years because of AP credits (~40 units) and taking around 16-18 units each quarter (I only did 8 units of classes through CC over one summer, otherwise I was free every summer). I took all of my major pre-req classes through my home university, but as long as it is at a university and not a CC I'm sure you'll be fine. If you really need to take one at CC due to class size restrictions, it might be alright under calling it a COVID issue (that's how I took anatomy online after graduation). By graduating early I thought I might have missed out on college experiences, but then COVID happened, so I was actually glad to leave and not have to deal with a zoom education and being stuck in my dorm lol. I got my current research job sorted out right after graduation/submitting my DS app and I've enjoyed working and saving money before starting school.
However, if you have to take 20+ units every quarter to graduate soon or you think your gpa is gonna tank, then imo its not worth it since you need the time to have dental shadowing hours, community service volunteer hours, and a few extracurriculars for your application.