Yesterday my ER was burning . 8 patients decided to show up in an hour. Single coverage critical access shop. Full waiting room.
Got called to intubate someone crashing on the floor -_-
Came back to some very pissed off patients who didn’t feel like they got immediately seen. I hate the entitlement our ED patients have
You know i just want a relaxing gig - the excitement and stress of the ER gets old very very fast.
20+ years EM here. 51 yrs old. Young me loved the busy ER, 45 yr old me got a taste of FSER and fast forward 6 yrs and I will never go back to the hospital again even at 1k/hr. You heard it right, I would not go back for 1k/hr.
If you can get into FSER in a physician owned group, this is your ticket. Docs are clamoring to get in, but the ship has essentially sailed unless you got in early or know someone to sell to you. Now, ever new site is bought up by current owners who want more shifts. Buy in is relatively cheap, you have true ownership, you see less than 1pph with most just UC stuff, and make 2-3x more than for a CMG if you get a successful site. Every doc who jumped from the hospital know how lucky they are.
I work 6 shifts/mo by ownership, but many months end up working 4 as there are hungry owners who pick up my shifts. This month, I am working 3 b/c its the holidays.
FSERs are glorified UC with about 10-15% ER stuff which is a great mix. There are the occasional shoulder reduction, cardiac CP, chest tube which is actually fun instead of seeing sick patients daily which is a drag.
I would say FSER is what EM should be not the chaotic multiple crash understaffed facilities with admin/CMGs breathing down your neck with metrics.
Yeah, I am a lucky one who got in very early.
I would not recommend EM unless a new grad is happy to work 6-8 shifts a month and make 200K. Set that floor low to avoid burn out and be flexible to do locums which is hot right now. If you can work more, go ahead but do not go in thinking 14 shifts for 350K is easy. IT IS NOT.
But in reality, I would not recommend medicine in general. I know many specialists who constantly complain how crappy their job is. Anesthes, GS, OB, etc. They all complain of decreased reimbursement, crappy admin, surgery schedule, etc. They ALL complain just as much as EM.
I have no idea why SDN have so many unhappy EM docs compared to other specialists because from my hospital/personal experience, most docs are unhappy.
This is the golden advice, avoid anything that requires you to be connected to the hospital.