pre med

  1. 6

    Advice for a Younger Student?

    Hi all, I have an unusual situation and could use a little help from the “hive-mind” that is this forum. I appreciate the collective wisdom present here, and would really appreciate a helping hand. I will graduate from a local public university at the age of 18 (I am 15 now) with a biology...
  2. B

    How Important is Physics II for MCAT?

    Hi SDNers, So basically, I was having a bit of a trouble deciding when I should take Physics I and Physics II in college- I had originally planned on taking Physics I in my first semester of junior year and Physics II in the second semester but then I realized that if I want to take the MCAT...
  3. missrv

    With my academic record, would this be a wise decision or a dumb one?

    I am currently taking 3 summer courses and a lab this session that are 5 weeks long. I'm taking Bio101, statistics and modern us history. There's 3 weeks left until finals and im panicking because i know i'm going to fail biology. Should i drop it? I dropped two classes my first semester of...
  4. P

    Looking for advice

  5. D

    INTERNATIONAL, 3.93/ 514, just got my score, WHAT NOW?

    Hey everyone, Typical beginner here, also I'm overseas and very far from my prehealth office, so I can't run to them for help. I got my MCAT score last night, and so far I have shortlisted about 20 schools, and begun my AMCAS. The committee letter is currently being written by the prehealth...
  6. A

    Jobs that can give me clinical hours

    I am a pre med student and I am in need of money. I would like a job that can give me clinical hours as well and I was just wondering what options I have. I have looked around and all I can find is EMT, scribe or tech. Are these the only positions that can give me clinical hours?
  7. calidermatologist2023

    Medical Scribe (Gaining Clinical Experience) in Rochester, NY

    Hi, How does one go about finding medical scribe opportunities around the New York (especially Rochester) area or just looking for medical scribe positions in general? I looked up positions on ScribeAmerica as well as but have not heard back from those places yet. I also tried...
  8. G

    Volunteer Help

    GPA: 3.75 MCAT: not yet taken My only patient experience is from volunteering at nursing homes. Where I live it is not very possible for me to volunteer at a hospital. It is also impossible to find a doctor willing to let someone shadow them, so I have no shadowing hours. Other volunteer hours...
  9. T

    Best Looking Job for Medical School?

    Hi! I am a sophomore undergrad pursuing a biochemistry major with a minor in biology. I have had a job at a restaurant in a resort in PA that is 4 Diamond and (currently being rated) presumably Forbes 5-Star for about a year and a half now. I saw an opening for a job at a hospital near me as a...
  10. L

    A couple of questions

    I'm a junior in high school and I've been considering my future a lot more lately. I know I want to be an OBGYN for sure. However, can I use a BS in Psychology as a pre-med track? Are there any fast track programs out there for an OBGYN?Also, I'll have my AA degree by the time I finish high...
  11. N

    How to go about starting a mini research project?

    I currently work under a PI in a dev bio dept. at my undergrad. They mainly have me doing a lot of basic lab work ( cell culture, pcr, plating, imaging,etc.). I've gotten pretty use to the basic stuff so I asked my PI if there were any projects I could work on sort of independently (w/...
  12. S

    Best "Philosophy" for Extracurriculars?

    This question is hard to phrase, but I'll try my best. Which kind of extracurriculars is looked upon most favorably by med school admission officers: the "Zero to Mother Teresa" type (applicant has HIGH intensity and commitment of ONLY typical pre-med activities such as shadowing, research...
  13. B

    Undergrad Neurosciencevs pharmacotherapy and abnormal psych vs social psych?

    Hello everyone, I am currently in my last semester of undergrad and I am wondering if I should take neuroscience or pharmacotherapy and abnormal psych or social psych? These are all undergrad upper division courses. My overall goal is go prepare for med school while maintaining my gpa. My gpa is...
  14. A

    MCAT study partner needed ASAP for August MCAT

    Hello, I'm not sure how people do this, but I am in need of a study partner for my MCAT that I'm taking towards the end of August. I live in Rochester, NY so if you want to meet in person, that's an option, but I also don't mind having an online study partner. This is the first time I'm taking...
  15. N

    Anyone else really struggle picking a major?

    I know that major doesn't matter at all for medical school. I just really find it hard to choose! On one hand, I know either Psychology or Anthropology would be the "easier" choices alongside my pre-medical courses. However, I am honestly genuinely fascinated by how the human body works...
  16. F

    Choosing Major & Courses

    Hi Everyone, Okay, this may seem like a such an amateur and ridiculous question, but I just started my pre-med journey and am the first person in a few generations to go to I am still learning how all this works.. I have been reading literally dozens of posts on SDN about choosing...
  17. R

    Should I start my pre-reqs this summer or wait?

    I recently decided that I am going to pursue medical school. I'll be a senior this fall majoring in journalism and minoring in apparel just because it was easy and we're required to have a minor. I've talked with the pre-med adviser at my school and she said it's not too late to take this path...
  18. C

    Chances? high GPA, decent Kaplan scores

    1. 3.95 GPA and 3.96 sGPA 2. 506, 506, 510 on KAPLAN FL's (aiming for >90th % in June) * i know i havent taken the real thing, maybe go off of practice + some b/c of prep time left and the fact that kaplan deflates to increase their revenue) 3. Ohio 4. Caucasian male 5. THE Ohio State University...
  19. Missy9881

    How is my GPA so far as an undergrad?

    Hello fellow SDN'ers. I just received my final grades for my second semester at Brown. I can definitely say that freshman year was a rough transition (I wasn't used to taking such difficult classes alongside such a bright student body). My GPA for my freshman year is a 3.3. My science GPA is a...
  20. The Dude....

    Mostly Online - Active Military

    Read the prior threads...still looking for some input. I'm an active Army Officer working as an Executive Officer (Roughly 60 to 70 hours a week...maybe more but I don't want to overestimate...deployed once...ramping up for Afghanistan deployment currently) and there is no way possible I can...
  21. I

    Which schools to apply to??

    Almost ready to submit my AACOMAS application and wondering which schools I should apply to for the best chance: GPA: 3.3 (science 3.0) MCAT: 501 Tons of volunteering, healthcare experience, and good LORs I would prefer to stay in the midwest but in terms of medical school admission, I can't be...
  22. G

    Special Masters Program or Post Bacc?

    Like so many other Pre Meds, my GPA is not exactly up to par. I am going into my 4th year of undergrad and have a 3.39 cGPA and a 3.24 sGPA. I am currently getting ready for the MCAT, so I cannot provide a score quite yet. However, I have been scoring in the 508 range after my third full length...
  23. M

    re-take courses that are 5 years+ or take upper levels

    Hi everyone! Recently I found out that some medical schools require pre-requisite courses to be taken within five years and other schools are open to older courses but like to see recent coursework. I graduated in 2013 and have been working as a clinical research coordinator for the past two...
  24. G

    MD & DO Do I have a realistic chance?

    Hello all! New member to this page. Looking for honest opinions, advice, etc. Be as a brutal as you feel is necessary. I can handle it! So. Just finished my sophomore year of college. 3.8 GPA, recently decided to major in microbiology, minor in psychology and/or neuroscience. It is clear that I...
  25. D

    Pre-med Jobs?

    Can anyone recommend a job for premed students that pays? Im only looking for something to do over the summer. Info on me: I just finished my freshman year My only experience in the hospital was volunteer work as a clerk.
  26. H

    Honestly, am I a hopeless case?

    Let's skip all the reasons as to how I ended up how I did and get to the point. I have a GED and just finished my first year of college at a cc. I tried to take the minimum amount of courses I could while at the cc so I can do the rest at a higher level. Now aside from this, I now have a 3.07...
  27. M

    ??do pre-requisites expire for MD??

    Hi everyone! I am currently calling schools to obtain school specific information but 1. did anyone encounter pre-requisite "expiration dates"? Ex. courses must be completed 10 years from matriculation to medical school. I took my pre-reqs in 2009-2013 and I am applying in 2017. [My...
  28. ElliotStabler

    First time volunteering. Should I change departments?

    I finally called my local hospital and requested an interview to start volunteering. I have an interview set up but its for a pediatric outpatient setting comforting sick children and just doing arts and craft with them. The reason they gave me an interview with peds is because I stated i have...
  29. F

    Okay I'm tired of living in uncertainty. I want some truth

    Hi everyone, I am a rising senior biochemistry major at Loyola University Chicago. Pertaining to this thread, I am a black male raised in the inner city. I've been doing undergrad research working in a chemistry research lab on campus since second semester sophomore year (4 semesters now) and I...
  30. R

    Chances of getting in to MD?

    Undergrad: Penn State University Ethnicity: Asian (Indian) Stats: 3.40 cGPA 3.44 sGPA Volunteering hours: 200 Shadowing hours: 80 Community service hours: 1,300 Mcat: 520 Hi, I just wanted to know my chances of getting into a MD school in the US with my stats. Some people are telling me it...
  31. C

    I made a decision to become an MD but all I read is discouraging information. Help!

    Hello everyone, Many months ago I posted a thread regarding my life events and failures the pushed me back to pursue medicine as a non traditional student. Well after working for 40k a year I thought I should perhaps consider going back to University of Louisiana at Lafayette to study biology...
  32. Dr. Leo Spaceman

    First Semester Down! My progress as a non-trad...

    Hello everybody, I wanted to keep an archive of sorts about my post-bac experience so this is a recap of my first semester. I started an informal post-bac program at my local community college this spring. I took physics 1 and chemistry 1 and made a 4.0! I owe my grades to my bomb study...
  33. N

    Chances with 3.47 GPA & 521 MCAT?

  34. F

    Help-too many math courses

    Hi All, Some background on myself: I am a non-traditional pre-med student, age 27 and am currently a bio major. After working 6 years in marketing to support my wife through nursing school I have finally begun my journey towards my dream-becoming a physician. I just completed my second semester...
  35. Mk_Morg

    My appeal as a candidate in your opinion

    Hi everyone, I just completed my first semester back to college in hope of moving onto medical school. Being a non-traditional student, there's always been a curiosity of how someone like myself appeals to the admission committees. I'm 29 and work full-time as a firefighter/EMT assigned to the...
  36. M

    Should I take a Gap Year (2ish years) or go to D.O school?

  37. Poxes


    I need help, I am currently in a CC, and I have already dropped two classes, Chem and my honors stats course, because I was going to receive a C or lower, I want to drop my trig class but I know this will affect my chances at med school. Will it affect my chances if I receive 3 Ws? I know they...
  38. Reaching19

    Help! Got an "NP" grade

    I will automatically get a NP for my P/NP class if I submitted my survey late; just one will already do it T_T. I've been doing all of the surveys in time but I submitted our latest one late because I had so many of things happening at once during the week. I know this is my personal fault, and...
  39. H

    Is medicine still a possibility?

    Hello all, This will be my first post on the SDN so please bare with me if I am not utilizing the service correctly. I am a 21 year old college student. I went to a 4 year university right out of high school which I attended for two years. Unfortunately, I chose to study business which I...
  40. F

    organic chem in summer

    So I'm going to be taking organic chem I & II in the summer and since these are courses that are seen as tough will it be looked down on that I took them in summer? It's at the same university I'm attending and right now I'm taking 21 credits with 2 labs so there's no way my dean will allow me...