The Official June 2015 MCAT Thread

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Bark Bark
7+ Year Member
Oct 14, 2014
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So we can talk about all things MCAT 2015.
Just registered too!

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I had to seriously change my schedule up to fit time to study.
I recommend waking up 4 hours earlier than you normally would, and cut out any social life. I wake up at 6 am and get a solid 4 hours of studying in before any obligations of classes/etc. Plus I've found studying in the AM is more efficient (once I'm showered and coffee is in I'm wide awake) then you dont have studying hanging over your head, and any additional studying is gravy.

^This is true. I've been trying to get up earlier to get studying out of the way, but it's so hard! I'm not a morning person at all but I think doing studying in the morning is helpful especially since the exam is at 8. What time do y'all go to bed??
^This is true. I've been trying to get up earlier to get studying out of the way, but it's so hard! I'm not a morning person at all but I think doing studying in the morning is helpful especially since the exam is at 8. What time do y'all go to bed??

2-3AM :dead:

But I don't have classes until 2 pm
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I definitely agree with the above. It looks good if you can excel academically and get a good score while holding a job. Definitely don't let one of those factors suffer.
^This is true. I've been trying to get up earlier to get studying out of the way, but it's so hard! I'm not a morning person at all but I think doing studying in the morning is helpful especially since the exam is at 8. What time do y'all go to bed??
I go to bed at 1030 on the dot. I'm up at 0640, showered and with coffee, and some light carb/protein breakfast (what I will eat for the MCAT) and at my desk at 0710... I study from that time until 1130ish , at which time I eat and head to classes.. I know it sounds like I must be some type A crazy person but I'm not at all; the reason I make this so structured is if I don't have a very rigid schedule I will slack and get too far behind. After 3-4 days of this it became second nature. I am really happy with my progress, however once exams come up I know my studying will be interrupted and I will inevitable fall behind.

Edit: one week of this schedule and I increased my scores significantly as well

My % correct on the next step diagnostic were along the lines of 54% PS, 72% BS, 67 VR, and 47% Psych. On the AAMC official I got ~65% PS, 76% BS, 85% VR, and 64% Psych... I'm not sure how much of this is related to differences in difficulty, but I was definitely able to reason through more questions.
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I go to bed at 1030 on the dot. I'm up at 0640, showered and with coffee, and some light carb/protein breakfast (what I will eat for the MCAT) and at my desk at 0710... I study from that time until 1130ish , at which time I eat and head to classes.. I know it sounds like I must be some type A crazy person but I'm not at all; the reason I make this so structured is if I don't have a very rigid schedule I will slack and get too far behind. After 3-4 days of this it became second nature. I am really happy with my progress, however once exams come up I know my studying will be interrupted and I will inevitable fall behind.

Edit: one week of this schedule and I increased my scores significantly as well

My % correct on the next step diagnostic were along the lines of 54% PS, 72% BS, 67 VR, and 47% Psych. On the AAMC official I got ~65% PS, 76% BS, 85% VR, and 64% Psych... I'm not sure how much of this is related to differences in difficulty, but I was definitely able to reason through more questions.
Is this test similar to the old aamc exams administered?
What were your thoughts on the biology and physical section of the new aamc?
I'm going to take the advice on here and wake up early before class to study. Going to take some getting used to since I love sleep more than most things, but I think it'll be worth it in the end. Thanks for all the advice everyone!
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Just finished electrostatics. Did well on the first 25 questions (~85%) but got destroyed on the 52 question section (<60%).
Most of the questions I got right pertained to what was reviewed in the chapter and what was relevant to the AAMC outline.
What pissed me off is they introduced a bunch of concepts I never reviewed yet like AC and DC type stuff, along with a bunch of weird magnetism questions (mag isn't even emphasized much in TBR content, much less only 2 topics in both the old and new AAMC outline #vent).
Is this test similar to the old aamc exams administered?
What were your thoughts on the biology and physical section of the new aamc?
I havent taken any old AAMC exams. My thoughts on the PS and Biology section are well.. you MUST memorize amino acids. Haha. Other than that I think I used a formula.... a total of 5 times on the test? A lot of reading comprehension/critical thinking skills are applied to both PS and even moreso the biology section. I don't think I had one Physics only passage, and a solid 70% of the PS section had a biochem or at least Orgo component. I think a firm understanding of Biochem is going to be critical to this exam, in addition to strong VR skills.
I havent taken any old AAMC exams. My thoughts on the PS and Biology section are well.. you MUST memorize amino acids. Haha. Other than that I think I used a formula.... a total of 5 times on the test? A lot of reading comprehension/critical thinking skills are applied to both PS and even moreso the biology section. I don't think I had one Physics only passage, and a solid 70% of the PS section had a biochem or at least Orgo component. I think a firm understanding of Biochem is going to be critical to this exam, in addition to strong VR skills.

Yea, the amino acids are essential stuff to know (though the Kaplan and EK books say it's not necessary to memorize them....)
Any tips on improving VR? I have no idea where to start and it kinda scares me.... :(
I havent taken any old AAMC exams. My thoughts on the PS and Biology section are well.. you MUST memorize amino acids. Haha. Other than that I think I used a formula.... a total of 5 times on the test? A lot of reading comprehension/critical thinking skills are applied to both PS and even moreso the biology section. I don't think I had one Physics only passage, and a solid 70% of the PS section had a biochem or at least Orgo component. I think a firm understanding of Biochem is going to be critical to this exam, in addition to strong VR skills.
Do you think we will have to know stuff like lineweaver burk plot?
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No, but Michaelis-Menton and enzyme inhibition are both on the outline, so I would think line weaver burke would be fair game. I know at least one or two of the practice tests I've taken have had lineweaver burke, although I can't recall if it was on the AAMC one or not.
LWP and MM are pretty easy concepts to understand once you've had practice with it. I'd recommend reading B2S2 in TBR Bio and doing the passages from there.
btw, how pertinent is magnetism on the test? There's only 2 topics in the outline but I'm not sure about how in-depth the FL's go in terms of knowing the content. I find I'm struggling in the magnetism portion of the Electrostatics section.
Hi guys! I'm taking the test on June 19th, and I finally started studying (I guess I'm starting a little late).

I'm having trouble finding a schedule to follow. I currently have the entire TBR set for physics, gen chem, O-chem. I have the TPR for Bio+Biochem and Psych+Socio. And I just ordered the NextStep CARs book.

I was wondering if I should follow SDN2's schedule (roughly speaking) along with watching the Khan Academy videos. I also saw the NextStep schedule, but I think they use Examkrackers (which I don't feel like buying).

I was also wondering where you guys were finding the AAMC outline. I tried to llok for it on the AAMC website, but I can't access it for some odd reason.
Hi guys! I'm taking the test on June 19th, and I finally started studying (I guess I'm starting a little late).

I'm having trouble finding a schedule to follow. I currently have the entire TBR set for physics, gen chem, O-chem. I have the TPR for Bio+Biochem and Psych+Socio. And I just ordered the NextStep CARs book.

I was wondering if I should follow SDN2's schedule (roughly speaking) along with watching the Khan Academy videos. I also saw the NextStep schedule, but I think they use Examkrackers (which I don't feel like buying).

I was also wondering where you guys were finding the AAMC outline. I tried to llok for it on the AAMC website, but I can't access it for some odd reason.

Sounds like you've got thorough materials. Just find a way to structure your studying and test yourself regularly so you can pinpoint weaknesses, then go back and bring those concepts and/or sections up to level (also, you aren't exactly starting late, so don't worry too much about that).

The AAMC website is where the outline is located. Try these links:
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Thank you didymus! I think the outline will be super helpful!

Where is everyone getting their full-length exams? I know that AAMC has a practice one, and I believe my TPR materials come with 3 full-lengths. Are there any other good resources for the 2015 full lengths?
Thank you didymus! I think the outline will be super helpful!

Where is everyone getting their full-length exams? I know that AAMC has a practice one, and I believe my TPR materials come with 3 full-lengths. Are there any other good resources for the 2015 full lengths?
Next step has 5 for ~150
TBR Acids and bases done. Finished Phase I and II. Averaged 80%. Would've been up 85% if it weren't for stupid concept mistakes. Freakin' hard chapter!
Gonna do TBR Buffers and Titration tomorrow since both the concepts overlap.
In other news, I'm really slacking on VR and Psych/Socio.
75% finished with the Kaplan Behavioral Science book. How are you guys keeping all the terms and theories straight? I'm taking notes of all the terms I don't know but it's exhausting and frustrating. Takes so much time.
I have a similar issue. I find myself taking notes of important concepts as I read during content review but I feel it takes up so much time, when I should be doing questions. Does anyone have a better way of getting thru content review faster and efficiently?
I have a similar issue. I find myself taking notes of important concepts as I read during content review but I feel it takes up so much time, when I should be doing questions. Does anyone have a better way of getting thru content review faster and efficiently?
I don't think it's a waste of time. Look at next steps 100 day method. You will literally spend 4 hours on a big EK lecture, reading, taking notes, and then re reading. The nice thing is then you can re look at your notes and it takes drastically less time than re reading, and you get good vocabulary review. For instance I have ~150 terms on biochem and am only halfway through.
75% finished with the Kaplan Behavioral Science book. How are you guys keeping all the terms and theories straight? I'm taking notes of all the terms I don't know but it's exhausting and frustrating. Takes so much time.
How is the kaplan book for the behavioral sciences?
It's super detailed. Not sure if that's good or bad. Interesting enough to keep my attention plus it has concept checks after each section and 14 discrete questions after each chapter. Overall I think it's pretty good, don't have anything to compare it to though.
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It's super detailed. Not sure if that's good or bad. Interesting enough to keep my attention plus it has concept checks after each section and 14 discrete questions after each chapter. Overall I think it's pretty good, don't have anything to compare it to though.

Since the Kaplan behavioral sciences book is so content review heavy without anything i would consider MCAT style practice, i decided to supplement with NextStep's MCAT Psychology and Sociology: Strategy and Practice. Its arriving on Friday. It looks like it'll have plenty of passages to work on. I'll let you guys know what i think of it.
Since the Kaplan behavioral sciences book is so content review heavy without anything i would consider MCAT style practice, i decided to supplement with NextStep's MCAT Psychology and Sociology: Strategy and Practice. Its arriving on Friday. It looks like it'll have plenty of passages to work on. I'll let you guys know what i think of it.

I purchased NS psych/soc as well. Haven't started it yet. Interested to see how passages will match up with the content in Kaplan. Keep us updated!
Hi everyone!
I am hoping to take the exam in June. However, as you all know, the seats in the US are all full. If anyone is switching/dropping, could you message me so that I can register? Thank you guys and best of luck studying!
So I was refreshing the website and around 11PM (central) there were a bunch of seats listed in the US. So I'm guessing around 12AM (eastern) is when the database refreshes with more available seats.

I went ahead and registered for one in Minnesota but its still not a preferred location. But I am so glad to be registered! If anyone in any of the midwest states of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, or Illinois is planning on switching/dropping please message me and we can coordinate timing for registration. Thank you all for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.
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So I was refreshing the website and around 11PM (central) there were a bunch of seats listed in the US. So I'm guessing around 12AM (eastern) is when the database refreshes with more available seats.

I went ahead and registered for one in Minnesota but its still not a preferred location. But I am so glad to be registered! If anyone in any of the midwest states of Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, Iowa, or Illinois is planning on switching/dropping please message me and we can coordinate timing for registration. Thank you all for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.
Jeeze. I was disappointed that I had to drive 30 minutes for my location! Is there always a shortage of testing spots???
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Jeeze. I was disappointed that I had to drive 30 minutes for my location! Is there always a shortage of testing spots???
I took the old exam last summer and registering was definitely not this competitive. I think it has a lot to do with way fewer test dates than before and June is one of the best months to take the test if you are applying next cycle.
Is anyone using the older TBR sets for Chemistry and O-Chem? How are you guys structuring your studying?
lol jk 83% on titrations and buffers on Phase I passages (5 psgs). Took me ~38 minutes to complete though.
idk, I always try to aim for 6-7 mins per passage, with a minute added for each addtl question if there if more than 7 questions in a passage.
^what did you do to study for the old exam? and how many passages do u do per day

I'm pretty sure for the new test you have ~9 mins per passage
^what did you do to study for the old exam? and how many passages do u do per day

I'm pretty sure for the new test you have ~9 mins per passage
I did 7-8 minutes per passage but I did start off with slightly higher timing. Ummmm it depends on passages. When I complete a section in my content review I usually do phase I and II right away for PS. So probably around 9-10 ish a day + 2-3 VR. For Bio, I'm also using TBR's passages but reviewing with Kaplan 2015 content review which I have found to be exceptional. I usually run through the 15 passages in one sitting. My post-content review passages will stem from all the FL's I have, Khan's passages, and the TPR SW.
I apologize if this has already been answered, but what materials are you guys using to study for the behavioral sciences section? I was looking into Kaplan, but it seems wayyy too detailed. Is TPR any good?
I apologize if this has already been answered, but what materials are you guys using to study for the behavioral sciences section? I was looking into Kaplan, but it seems wayyy too detailed. Is TPR any good?
I am using Kaplan. Doing a little bit each day. Considering we don't know what to expect, I feel like the more info the better.....especially considering there is a whole section on Behavioral Sciences on this new MCAT.