Obama v. McCain

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15+ Year Member
Oct 18, 2005
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What do you guys think -- if I vote for Obama, is going to slit my throat with health care reform and turn my future earnings into pennies on the dollar?

Who is better for the future of anesthesia? I like Obama more overall, but I'm worried about him on this issue.

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What do you guys think -- if I vote for Obama, is going to slit my throat with health care reform and turn my future earnings into pennies on the dollar?

Who is better for the future of anesthesia? I like Obama more overall, but I'm worried about him on this issue.

I agree. Even though I'm a doctor and I worry about the future of the career, I don't think it's the most important issue overall (unfortunately). I disagree with McCain on too many issues.
voting for obama as a doctor is probably akin to going out back and shooting yourself in the foot.
just curious what you guys disagree with mc cain about?
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voting for obama as a doctor is probably akin to going out back and shooting yourself in the foot.
just curious what you guys disagree with mc cain about?

Everything, he is a loser. His VP is even worse. Plus her daughter is a tramp.

I am very wary of the Democrats and what they may do with the healthcare system, but I have far more issues w/the Republicans and their ridiculous idiocy.
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fair enough. not a mc cain fan...but really really really not an obama fan.
Anybody else sick of hearing this "experience" bull****? Who cares how much experience a candidate has if his/her decisions suck. Who's got more experience than anybody? GW! Would anyone vote for him if he were able to run again?
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i hear you about GW. but experience is relevant. too much, you are a washington insider, with morals for sale. too little and you can't deal with big issues or foreign policy. still dreaming of the day when we are a three party system....
Everything, he is a loser. His VP is even worse. Plus her daughter is a tramp.

I am very wary of the Democrats and what they may do with the healthcare system, but I have far more issues w/the Republicans and their ridiculous idiocy.

Wow, that's some real intelligent thinking you have going on there. Please expound your infinite wisdom to the rest of us losers.

Unbelievable. Kinda makes me wish they had IQ tests before they passed out voting cards. And I'm not even republican.

You can't win... It's a two party system

I'm voting Kodos and Kang 2008.
Wow, that's some real intelligent thinking you have going on there. Please expound your infinite wisdom to the rest of us losers.

Unbelievable. Kinda makes me wish they had IQ tests before they passed out voting cards. And I'm not even republican.

Yeah, I think tests at the polls are pretty good. That worked out well in Alabama until the 60's, didn't it? :smuggrin::smuggrin:
Yeah, I think tests at the polls are pretty good. That worked out well in Alabama until the 60's, didn't it? :smuggrin::smuggrin:


kudos and kang? dude...i vote peter for president. go petoria!

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what does sarah palin's daughter have to do with anything?? sarah's speech was incredible. she's an amazing woman.
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Wow, that's some real intelligent thinking you have going on there. Please expound your infinite wisdom to the rest of us losers.

Unbelievable. Kinda makes me wish they had IQ tests before they passed out voting cards. And I'm not even republican.

LOL, you are pretty witty.

McCain is a nitwit because he is just an extension of the sorriest president in history. Plus he panders to the right wing religious fanatics.

His VP seems pretty stupid. I find it laughable that she solely supported an abstinence-only approach to sex ed in the schools. Now her daughter is pregnant. Draw your own conclusions about her parenting skills. I do agree that we should leave her kids out of it but I can't help poking a little bit of fun at her.

And the comment about her daughter was purely for inflammatory reasons.

Best wishes
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Everything, he is a loser. His VP is even worse. Plus her daughter is a tramp.

I am very wary of the Democrats and what they may do with the healthcare system, but I have far more issues w/the Republicans and their ridiculous idiocy.

ok, it's classified information, but i see myself obliged to tell you losers the truth...;:D
it's all a big conspiracy , sarah palins daughter will give birth to the man who will be humankinds leader in the war against the machines....
Wow, that's some real intelligent thinking you have going on there. Please expound your infinite wisdom to the rest of us losers.

Unbelievable. Kinda makes me wish they had IQ tests before they passed out voting cards. And I'm not even republican.

Oh lighten up a little bit dude. In case you didn't realize it, this forum is a place for us all to argue and take cheap shots at each other.
Oh lighten up a little bit dude. In case you didn't realize it, this forum is a place for us all to argue and take cheap shots at each other.
no worries, mine was a joke too (voting tests). but admit it, sarah palin is hot (for a mom of 5).
Oh lighten up a little bit dude. In case you didn't realize it, this forum is a place for us all to argue and take cheap shots at each other.

Live it to a DO to vote for Obama. Hows that for a cheap shot? I guess I ll have to save you from yourself by voting for McCain!
LOL, you are pretty witty.

McCain is a nitwit because he is just an extension of the sorriest president in history. Plus he panders to the right wing religious fanatics.

His VP seems pretty stupid. I find it laughable that she solely supported an abstinence-only approach to sex ed in the schools. Now her daughter is pregnant. Draw your own conclusions about her parenting skills. I do agree that we should leave her kids out of it but I can't help poking a little bit of fun at her.

And the comment about her daughter was purely for inflammatory reasons.

Best wishes

Being in the same party does not equate to extension. McCain panders to no one, which is precisely why the Republicans never supported him up until GW screwed things up so much that they're only choice for a respectable candidate was to support the anti-GW.

Obama is a great speaker, and that's about it.

Yeah, a three party system would be great. I'm a libertarian myself, but I'll deal. Being a physician and voting for Obama is like working for that paycheck and then smiling when the government takes it right back.
And being an American and voting for McCain is like saying "let's continue spiraling America's credibility and influence/power on the world stage into the toilet." It amazes me how many people don't see how important international relations are if we want to prosper, and be SAFE. I hear pundits joke about how democrats make friends with European and other international leaders, who are OUR ALLIES, and who WE NEED. How the crap does forging stronger alliances make us weaker?! Republican ideology will continue to weaken this country.
And I am NOT a democrat. I want to KEEP the money I earn. I don't like the idea that my money will go into a lot of social programs that I don't support. There are a lot of other issues that I support the Republicans on. But I think if they had it their way, the world would be even more dangerous, and the US would be weaker.
And being an American and voting for McCain is like saying "let's continue spiraling America's credibility and influence/power on the world stage into the toilet." It amazes me how many people don't see how important international relations are if we want to prosper, and be SAFE. I hear pundits joke about how democrats make friends with European and other international leaders, who are OUR ALLIES, and who WE NEED. How the crap does forging stronger alliances make us weaker?! Republican ideology will continue to weaken this country.

Which "European and other international leaders" has Obama forged alliances with in his illustrious political career?

It's good to see you have your finger on the pulse of foreign relations, but realistically both McCain and Obama are a huge step forward from the dark ages that Bush put us through. The only difference in foreign relations that I see between Obama and McCain is that I believe McCain will be more apt to say "Screw you" when it's warranted.
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Which "European and other international leaders" has Obama forged alliances with in his illustrious political career?

It's good to see you have your finger on the pulse of foreign relations, but realistically both McCain and Obama are a huge step forward from the dark ages that Bush put us through. The only difference in foreign relations that I see between Obama and McCain is that I believe McCain will be more apt to say "Screw you" when it's warranted.

Pretty much all of the "Old" European countries love Obama. Just putting him in office will IMMEDIATELY improve the standing of the US around the world.

I just don't understand the rationale that all of you crazies have that Obama will completely decimate medicine by covering MORE people!. Obama will likely increase taxes on those of us who do extremely well, but with the Republicans in charge it won't matter how much we make because the dollar won't be worth dirt.

McCain has proven time and again that experience does not equal good judgement. Choosing him to get a few extra bucks in the bank and continue the sad decline of the US is callous. The Republicans have taken this country to the brink no matter where you stand on the issues. Unless you are a mindless Jesus-freak, they offer NOTHING.

On the other hand, Sarah Palin is clearly the single most-qualified American for the Vice Presidency..:scared:
Everything, he is a loser. His VP is even worse. Plus her daughter is a tramp.

I am very wary of the Democrats and what they may do with the healthcare system, but I have far more issues w/the Republicans and their ridiculous idiocy.

Wrong. He is an american hero and deserves respect. Dude has sacraficed more for this country than you ever will.

I don't agree with many of his policies but know enough not to call him a loser.
Pretty much all of the "Old" European countries love Obama. Just putting him in office will IMMEDIATELY improve the standing of the US around the world.

I just don't understand the rationale that all of you crazies have that Obama will completely decimate medicine by covering MORE people!. Obama will likely increase taxes on those of us who do extremely well, but with the Republicans in charge it won't matter how much we make because the dollar won't be worth dirt.

McCain has proven time and again that experience does not equal good judgement. Choosing him to get a few extra bucks in the bank and continue the sad decline of the US is callous. The Republicans have taken this country to the brink no matter where you stand on the issues. Unless you are a mindless Jesus-freak, they offer NOTHING.

On the other hand, Sarah Palin is clearly the single most-qualified American for the Vice Presidency..:scared:

Can you enlighten???
Anybody else sick of hearing this "experience" bull****?Who cares how much experience a candidate has if his/her decisions suck. Who's got more experience than anybody? GW! Would anyone vote for him if he were able to run again?

Are you joking?
This is some sloppy logic. How do you make your decisions??? Your past experinces. But yes, some people are extremely slow to learn from their experinces. But get a grip, experince matters.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said Obama "ducked and dodged" when asked recently about the threat of Islamic terrorism. "John McCain hit the nail on the head," said Romney. "Radical violent Islam is evil, and he will defeat it."


How can you be so childish and stupid.

it's all a big conspiracy , sarah palins daughter will give birth to the man who will be humankinds leader in the war against the machines....

That's about the most plausible thing I've heard out of either side since 'round about January.

She's a terrible, desperate choice for McCain though. She's great for his base and the religious right, but she does nothing to bring in independents or swing state voters, and that's what McCain needs. Short of some astounding scandal popping up on Obama's side, this election is done.

The popular vote may be reasonably close, but I think Obama's going to take it in an electoral landslide.
And I am NOT a democrat. I want to KEEP the money I earn.
BS - plain and simple. If you want to keep the money you earn, voting for BHO ain't the way.
Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney said Obama "ducked and dodged" when asked recently about the threat of Islamic terrorism. "John McCain hit the nail on the head," said Romney. "Radical violent Islam is evil, and he will defeat it."


How can you be so childish and stupid.


So - which part didn't you like? The "Radical violent Islam is evil" part, which is absolutely true, or the "He will defeat it" part, which is probably wishful thinking at best on the part of anybody?

Childish and stupid.......hmmmmmmmmmmmm That's the way I see people who want to vote for BHO - what a waste of a vote.
McCain is a nitwit because he is just an extension of the sorriest president in history. Plus he panders to the right wing religious fanatics.

You should look a little deeper into McCain's actual record before you blindly regurgitate the Democratic party-line. Not saying you shouldn't vote for Obama if that's where your heart takes you, but you should use your own brain to determine who you're voting against. Not someone else's. Do your own homework. Compare their congressional records. Figure out what their colleauges in the Senate actually think about each of them. You might be surprised.

But, most Americans (sadly) vote with their hearts instead of their heads.

She's a terrible, desperate choice for McCain though. She's great for his base and the religious right, but she does nothing to bring in independents or swing state voters, and that's what McCain needs. Short of some astounding scandal popping up on Obama's side, this election is done.

Please elaborate with specifics. I haven't yet seen any critical thinking here. Just opinion.

For those of you who've bought the Democratic spin-mongering on McCain simply being GWB Jr., you should read this article... from 2004

The Bush-McCain love-hate relationship

By Howard Fineman
MSNBC contributor
updated 3:49 p.m. ET March 12, 2004

WASHINGTON - Truth be told, John McCain really can't stand George W. Bush, even if he agrees with him on a lot of things, especially Iraq. It's amusing for us political reporters to watch the senator from Arizona struggle with the role fate handed him: riding shotgun on the Bush re-election stagecoach. It's hard to know whether McCain, deep down, wants to protect his passenger or let the Indians have him. As for Bush, he doesn't trust McCain, but he needs him.

McCain's rhetorical flirtation with the idea of becoming Sen. John Kerry's running mate is just the latest act in an ongoing intramural psychodrama that began in 1999, and no amount of common geostrategic purpose in the post-9/11 world can end it. He is a proud man, a fierce fighter with an ego to match the pride and ferocity. He wanted the Republican nomination in 2000, wanted it badly, and raged against what he saw as a system rigged against him.

As the season started, McCain surveyed the landscape and saw Bush as a pampered kid being set up in the family business — presidential politics — on the strength of his father's connections and access to money. McCain railed in private about this. He tried to laugh about it, but he was seething inside. McCain was from royalty, too, in his own way — Navy royalty. He was the namesake of a famous father, and that smoothed his path to Annapolis and helped keep him there. But he had paid his dues in the most profound way, with five years of his life in prison cells in Hanoi.


The deeper wound was South Carolina. Had McCain won the primary there, he might be president today. His own tactical mistakes were costly. But there was another reason for his loss. The good ol' boy supporters of the Bush team savaged McCain and his family, spreading vicious rumors about their character and racial makeup. No direct tie to the campaign has been found. But none was needed. The boys didn't have to be told what to do. They knew. They'd done it before, to others.
Letting bygones be bygones

After it was all over, Bush, with his usual steely geniality, told McCain that the rough stuff of the primary season was not his fault and, in any case, was just politics. Time for bygones to be bygones. Exactly what the senator said in reply isn't known. But Bush and Karl Rove knew that they couldn't afford to antagonize McCain further. McCain, for his part, didn't want his "maverick" reputation to rob him of the chance to be a major player in a capital dominated by his fellow Republicans.

Even had 9/11 not happened, the Bush White House would have had to tolerate McCain. He is chairman of perhaps the most powerful and certainly the busiest committee in Senate, the Commerce Committee. Virtually every big-hitting corporation with business in Washington needs to see Rove & Co., of course, but they also, quite often, need to see the senator.
Since the Twin Towers fell, Bush and McCain have been thrown into closer proximity. The president needs McCain's support and credibility as a military man; McCain needs the president to champion their shared belief that force — and only force — can teach the terrorists and their blathering U.N. apologists that America will protect itself at all costs.

McCain has been measured but evidently quite serious in his praise of the president's handling of the war on terrorism and the aftermath of 9/11 in particular. He told friends that he thought Bush had risen to those occasions impressively.

The fun of needling Bush

But McCain still finds it hard not to remind the White House of his independence, and can't resist needling Bush even when he dutifully is arguing the president's case. We were right to go to Iraq, McCain says repeatedly, but he has been increasingly tough on the administration's intelligence-gathering problems and use of intel in making its case for war. He has refused to sanction the notion that intelligence data was deliberately distorted, but insisted on the need to probe — hard — for the facts.

When Bush-Cheney ’04 launched a TV ad last week that invoked the horrors of 9/11, McCain defended the move — but added that perhaps the president's team might have chosen other pictures for the video: He said just enough to give critics some support.

And now the question of the veepship. It's true that he and Kerry are close. They are perhaps the leading members of an informal caucus of Vietnam Veterans in the Senate, a fiercely loyal group that tends to eschew party lines whenever possible to express solidarity with one another. It's also true that, like any politician, McCain likes to make news, likes to be in the limelight and likes to be asked if he has any interest in being a partner on a national ticket.

I don't think McCain is serious. He'll stay where he is, but it's not because he feels any affection for the guy he's riding with.

Howard Fineman is Newsweek’s chief political correspondent and an NBC News analyst.


Thank you.

That article is from 2004. Remember, in the past 8 years, McCain has voted in favor of GWB's plans 90% of the time.

Just curious, but what percent of the time has BHO broken ranks with his party in votes? I'm just guessing, but I'd say he has broken ranks less often than JSM.
Just curious, but what percent of the time has BHO broken ranks with his party in votes? I'm just guessing, but I'd say he has broken ranks less often than JSM.

This is a fact. A few months ago I was listening to NPR and they were discussing this exact issue. I don't remember exact numbers but since being senator Obama has voted with the Dems 96% of the time. I don't remember the exact % for McCain but it was either high 60s or 70s. Either way it was much, much lower than Obama.

"Change we can believe in" is a load of crap. Not because it might not be true, but because both McCain AND Obama will be a HUGE change from the past 4 years. If you're truly not a Democrat and consider yourself more middle-of-the-road with politics, then I think you should read about McCain. His reputation has long been the maverick of the Republican Party.

And oh yeah....If you call someone who served our country and survived being a POW a loser, you need to take a closer look in the mirror.
this sort of answers it...from FactCheck.org (I didn't copy the whole article, only the parts that pertained to racerx's question...click the link if you want the whole article):


According to Congressional Quarterly's Voting Studies, in 2007 McCain voted in line with the president's position 95 percent of the time – the highest percentage rate for McCain since Bush took office – and voted in line with his party 90 percent of the time. However, McCain's support of President Bush's position has been as low as 77 percent (in 2005), and his support for his party's position has been as low as 67 percent (2001).

As for whether voting with Bush 95 percent of the time last year is "significant," that's a matter of opinion that we leave to readers to determine for themselves.

When doing so, they may wish to consider that Obama's votes were in line with the president's position 40 percent of the time in 2007. That shouldn't be terribly surprising. Even the Senate's Democratic leader, Harry Reid of Nevada, voted with Bush 39 percent of the time last year, according to the way Congressional Quarterly rates the votes.

Also, Obama voted in line with fellow Senate Democrats 97 percent of the time in 2007 and 2005, and 96 percent of the time in 2006, according to CQ.
The Problem

Millions of Americans are uninsured or underinsured because of rising medical costs: 46 million Americans — including over 8 million children — lack health insurance with no signs of this trend slowing down.
Health care costs are skyrocketing: Health insurance premiums have risen 4 times faster than wages over the past 6 years.
Too little is spent on prevention and public health: The nation faces epidemics of obesity and chronic diseases as well as new threats of pandemic flu and bioterrorism. Yet despite all of this less than 4 cents of every health care dollar is spent on prevention and public health.
Barack Obama's Plan

Quality, Affordable and Portable Coverage for All

  • Obama's Plan to Cover Uninsured Americans: Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans, including the self-employed and small businesses, to buy affordable health coverage that is similar to the plan available to members of Congress. The Obama plan will have the following features:
    1. Guaranteed eligibility. No American will be turned away from any insurance plan because of illness or pre-existing conditions.
    2. Comprehensive benefits. The benefit package will be similar to that offered through Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHBP), the plan members of Congress have. The plan will cover all essential medical services, including preventive, maternity and mental health care.
    3. Affordable premiums, co-pays and deductibles.
    4. Subsidies. Individuals and families who do not qualify for Medicaid or SCHIP but still need financial assistance will receive an income-related federal subsidy to buy into the new public plan or purchase a private health care plan.
    5. Simplified paperwork and reined in health costs.
    6. Easy enrollment. The new public plan will be simple to enroll in and provide ready access to coverage.
    7. Portability and choice. Participants in the new public plan and the National Health Insurance Exchange (see below) will be able to move from job to job without changing or jeopardizing their health care coverage.
    8. Quality and efficiency. Participating insurance companies in the new public program will be required to report data to ensure that standards for quality, health information technology and administration are being met.
  • National Health Insurance Exchange: The Obama plan will create a National Health Insurance Exchange to help individuals who wish to purchase a private insurance plan. The Exchange will act as a watchdog group and help reform the private insurance market by creating rules and standards for participating insurance plans to ensure fairness and to make individual coverage more affordable and accessible. Insurers would have to issue every applicant a policy, and charge fair and stable premiums that will not depend upon health status. The Exchange will require that all the plans offered are at least as generous as the new public plan and have the same standards for quality and efficiency. The Exchange would evaluate plans and make the differences among the plans, including cost of services, public.
  • Employer Contribution: Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan. Small businesses will be exempt from this requirement, and will receive a new Small Business Health Tax Credit that helps reduce health care costs for small businesses.
  • Support for Small Businesses: Barack Obama will create a Small Business Health Tax Credit to provide small businesses with a refundable tax credit of up to 50 percent on premiums paid by small businesses on behalf of their employees. This new credit will provide a strong incentive to small businesses to offer high quality health care to their workers and help improve the competitiveness of America’s small businesses.
  • Mandatory Coverage of Children: Obama will require that all children have health care coverage. Obama will expand the number of options for young adults to get coverage, including allowing young people up to age 25 to continue coverage through their parents' plans.
  • Expansion Of Medicaid and SCHIP: Obama will expand eligibility for the Medicaid and SCHIP programs and ensure that these programs continue to serve their critical safety net function.
  • Flexibility for State Plans: Due to federal inaction, some states have taken the lead in health care reform. The Obama plan builds on these efforts and does not replace what states are doing. States can continue to experiment, provided they meet the minimum standards of the national plan.
Lower Costs by Modernizing The U.S. Health Care System

  • Reducing Costs of Catastrophic Illnesses for Employers and Their Employees: Catastrophic health expenditures account for a high percentage of medical expenses for private insurers. The Obama plan would reimburse employer health plans for a portion of the catastrophic costs they incur above a threshold if they guarantee such savings are used to reduce the cost of workers' premiums.
  • Helping Patients:
    1. Support disease management programs. Seventy five percent of total health care dollars are spent on patients with one or more chronic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. Obama will require that providers that participate in the new public plan, Medicare or the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) utilize proven disease management programs. This will improve quality of care, give doctors better information and lower costs.
    2. Coordinate and integrate care. Over 133 million Americans have at least one chronic disease and these chronic conditions cost a staggering $1.7 trillion yearly. Obama will support implementation of programs and encourage team care that will improve coordination and integration of care of those with chronic conditions.
    3. Require full transparency about quality and costs. Obama will require hospitals and providers to collect and publicly report measures of health care costs and quality, including data on preventable medical errors, nurse staffing ratios, hospital-acquired infections, and disparities in care. Health plans will also be required to disclose the percentage of premiums that go to patient care as opposed to administrative costs.
  • Ensuring Providers Deliver Quality Care:
    1. Promote patient safety. Obama will require providers to report preventable medical errors and support hospital and physician practice improvement to prevent future occurrences.
    2. Align incentives for excellence. Both public and private insurers tend to pay providers based on the volume of services provided, rather than the quality or effectiveness of care. Providers who see patients enrolled in the new public plan, the National Health Insurance Exchange, Medicare and FEHBP will be rewarded for achieving performance thresholds on outcome measures.
    3. Comparative effectiveness research. Obama will establish an independent institute to guide reviews and research on comparative effectiveness, so that Americans and their doctors will have the accurate and objective information they need to make the best decisions for their health and well-being.
    4. Tackle disparities in health care. Obama will tackle the root causes of health disparities by addressing differences in access to health coverage and promoting prevention and public health, both of which play a major role in addressing disparities. He will also challenge the medical system to eliminate inequities in health care through quality measurement and reporting, implementation of effective interventions such as patient navigation programs, and diversification of the health workforce.
    5. Insurance reform. Obama will strengthen antitrust laws to prevent insurers from overcharging physicians for their malpractice insurance and will promote new models for addressing errors that improve patient safety, strengthen the doctor-patient relationship and reduce the need for malpractice suits.
  • Lowering Costs Through Investment in Electronic Health Information Technology Systems: Most medical records are still stored on paper, which makes it hard to coordinate care, measure quality or reduce medical errors and which costs twice as much as electronic claims. Obama will invest $10 billion a year over the next five years to move the U.S. health care system to broad adoption of standards-based electronic health information systems, including electronic health records, and will phase in requirements for full implementation of health IT. Obama will ensure that patients' privacy is protected.
  • Lowering Costs by Increasing Competition in the Insurance and Drug Markets: The insurance business today is dominated by a small group of large companies that has been gobbling up their rivals. There have been over 400 health care mergers in the last 10 years, and just two companies dominate a full third of the national market. These changes were supposed to make the industry more efficient, but instead premiums have skyrocketed by over 87 percent.
    1. Barack Obama will prevent companies from abusing their monopoly power through unjustified price increases. His plan will force insurers to pay out a reasonable share of their premiums for patient care instead of keeping exorbitant amounts for profits and administration. His new National Health Exchange will help increase competition by insurers.
    2. Lower prescription drug costs. The second-fastest growing type of health expenses is prescription drugs. Pharmaceutical companies are selling the exact same drugs in Europe and Canada but charging Americans more than double the price. Obama will allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S. Obama will also repeal the ban that prevents the government from negotiating with drug companies, which could result in savings as high as $30 billion. Finally, Obama will work to increase the use of generic drugs in Medicare, Medicaid, and FEHBP and prohibit big name drug companies from keeping generics out of markets.
Fight for New Initiatives

  • Advance the Biomedical Research Field: As a result of biomedical research the prevention, early detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer and heart disease is better today than any other time in history. Barack Obama has consistently supported funding for the national institutes of health and the national science foundation. Obama strongly supports investments in biomedical research, as well as medical education and training in health-related fields, because it provides the foundation for new therapies and diagnostics. Obama has been a champion of research in cancer, mental health, health disparities, global health, women and children's health, and veterans' health. As president, Obama will strengthen funding for biomedical research, and better improve the efficiency of that research by improving coordination both within government and across government/private/non-profit partnerships. An Obama administration will ensure that we translate scientific progress into improved approaches to disease prevention, early detection and therapy that is available for all Americans.
  • Fight AIDS Worldwide. There are 33 million people across the planet infected with HIV/AIDS. As president, Obama will continue to be a global leader in the fight against AIDS. Obama believes in working across party lines to combat this epidemic and recently joined Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) at a large California evangelical church to promote greater investment in the global AIDS battle.
  • Support Americans with Disabilities: As a former civil rights lawyer, Barack Obama knows firsthand the importance of strong protections for minority communities in our society. Obama is committed to strengthening and better enforcing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) so that future generations of Americans with disabilities have equal rights and opportunities. Obama believes we must restore the original legislative intent of the ADA in the wake of court decisions that have restricted the interpretation of this landmark legislation.

    Barack Obama is also committed to ensuring that disabled Americans receive Medicaid and Medicare benefits in a low-cost, effective and timely manner. Recognizing that many individuals with disabilities rely on Medicare, Obama worked with Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) to urge the department of health and human services to provide clear and reliable information on the Medicare prescription drug benefit and to ensure that the Medicare recipients were protected from fraudulent claims by marketers and drug plan agents.
  • Improve Mental Health Care. Mental illness affects approximately one in five American families. The National Alliance on Mental Illness estimates that untreated mental illnesses cost the U.S. more than $100 billion per year. As president, Obama will support mental health parity so that coverage for serious mental illnesses are provided on the same terms and conditions as other illnesses and diseases.
  • Protect Our Children from Lead Poisoning. More than 430,000 American children have dangerously high levels of lead in their blood. Lead can cause irreversible brain damage, learning disabilities, behavioral problems, and, at very high levels, seizures, coma and death. As president, Obama will protect children from lead poisoning by requiring that child care facilities be lead-safe within five years.
  • Reduce Risks of Mercury Pollution. More than five million women of childbearing age have high levels of toxic mercury in their blood, and approximately 630,000 newborns are born at risk every year. Barack Obama has a plan to significantly reduce the amount of mercury that is deposited in oceans, lakes, and rivers, which in turn would reduce the amount of mercury in fish.
  • Support Americans with Autism. More than one million Americans have autism, a complex neurobiological condition that has a range of impacts on thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others. As diagnostic criteria broaden and awareness increases, more cases of autism have been recognized across the country. Barack Obama believes that we can do more to help autistic Americans and their families understand and live with autism. He has been a strong supporter of more than $1 billion in federal funding for autism research on the root causes and treatments, and he believes that we should increase funding for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act to truly ensure that no child is left behind.

    More than anything, autism remains a profound mystery with a broad spectrum of effects on autistic individuals, their families, loved ones, the community, and education and health care systems. Obama believes that the government and our communities should work together to provide a helping hand to autistic individuals and their families.
Barack Obama's Record

  • Health Insurance: In 2003, Barack Obama sponsored and passed legislation that expanded health care coverage to 70,000 kids and 84,000 adults. In the U.S. Senate, Obama cosponsored the Healthy Kids Act of 2007 and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2007 to ensure that more American children have affordable health care coverage.
  • Women's Health: Obama worked to pass a number of laws in Illinois and Washington to improve the health of women. His accomplishments include creating a task force on cervical cancer, providing greater access to breast and cervical cancer screenings, and helping improve prenatal and premature birth services.
Straight Talk on
Health System Reform

A "Call to Action"

John McCain believes we can and must provide access to health care for every American. He has proposed a comprehensive vision for achieving that. For too long, our nation's leaders have talked about reforming health care. Now is the time to act.

Americans Are Worried About Health Care Costs. The problems with health care are well known: it is too expensive and 47 million people living in the United States lack health insurance.

John McCain's Vision for Health Care Reform

John McCain Believes The Key To Health Care Reform Is To Restore Control To The Patients Themselves. We want a system of health care in which everyone can afford and acquire the treatment and preventative care they need. Health care should be available to all and not limited by where you work or how much you make. Families should be in charge of their health care dollars and have more control over care.

Making Health Insurance Innovative, Portable and Affordable

John McCain Will Reform Health Care Making It Easier For Individuals And Families To Obtain Insurance. An important part of his plan is to use competition to improve the quality of health insurance with greater variety to match people's needs, lower prices, and portability. Families should be able to purchase health insurance nationwide, across state lines.

John McCain Will Reform The Tax Code To Offer More Choices Beyond Employer-Based Health Insurance Coverage. While still having the option of employer-based coverage, every family will receive a direct refundable tax credit - effectively cash - of $2,500 for individuals and $5,000 for families to offset the cost of insurance. Families will be able to choose the insurance provider that suits them best and the money would be sent directly to the insurance provider. Those obtaining innovative insurance that costs less than the credit can deposit the remainder in expanded Health Savings Accounts.

John McCain Proposes Making Insurance More Portable. Americans need insurance that follows them from job to job. They want insurance that is still there if they retire early and does not change if they take a few years off to raise the kids.

John McCain Will Encourage And Expand The Benefits Of Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) For Families. When families are informed about medical choices, they are more capable of making their own decisions and often decide against unnecessary options. Health Savings Accounts take an important step in the direction of putting families in charge of what they pay for.

A Specific Plan of Action: Ensuring Care for Higher Risk Patients

John McCain's Plan Cares For The Traditionally Uninsurable. John McCain understands that those without prior group coverage and those with pre-existing conditions have the most difficulty on the individual market, and we need to make sure they get the high-quality coverage they need.

John McCain Will Work With States To Establish A Guaranteed Access Plan. As President, John McCain will work with governors to develop a best practice model that states can follow - a Guaranteed Access Plan or GAP - that would reflect the best experience of the states to ensure these patients have access to health coverage. One approach would establish a nonprofit corporation that would contract with insurers to cover patients who have been denied insurance and could join with other state plans to enlarge pools and lower overhead costs. There would be reasonable limits on premiums, and assistance would be available for Americans below a certain income level.

John McCain Will Promote Proper Incentives. John McCain will work with Congress, the governors, and industry to make sure this approach is funded adequately and has the right incentives to reduce costs such as disease management, individual case management, and health and wellness programs.

A Specific Plan of Action: Lowering Health Care Costs

John McCain Proposes A Number Of Initiatives That Can Lower Health Care Costs. If we act today, we can lower health care costs for families through common-sense initiatives. Within a decade, health spending will comprise twenty percent of our economy. This is taking an increasing toll on America's families and small businesses. Even Senators Clinton and Obama recognize the pressure skyrocketing health costs place on small business when they exempt small businesses from their employer mandate plans.

CHEAPER DRUGS: Lowering Drug Prices. John McCain will look to bring greater competition to our drug markets through safe re-importation of drugs and faster introduction of generic drugs.

CHRONIC DISEASE: Providing Quality, Cheaper Care For Chronic Disease. Chronic conditions account for three-quarters of the nation's annual health care bill. By emphasizing prevention, early intervention, healthy habits, new treatment models, new public health infrastructure and the use of information technology, we can reduce health care costs. We should dedicate more federal research to caring and curing chronic disease.

COORDINATED CARE: Promoting Coordinated Care. Coordinated care - with providers collaborating to produce the best health care - offers better outcomes at lower cost. We should pay a single bill for high-quality disease care which will make every single provider accountable and responsive to the patients' needs.

GREATER ACCESS AND CONVENIENCE: Expanding Access To Health Care. Families place a high value on quickly getting simple care. Government should promote greater access through walk-in clinics in retail outlets.

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY: Greater Use Of Information Technology To Reduce Costs. We should promote the rapid deployment of 21st century information systems and technology that allows doctors to practice across state lines.

MEDICAID AND MEDICARE: Reforming The Payment System To Cut Costs. We must reform the payment systems in Medicaid and Medicare to compensate providers for diagnosis, prevention and care coordination. Medicaid and Medicare should not pay for preventable medical errors or mismanagement.

SMOKING: Promoting The Availability Of Smoking Cessation Programs. Most smokers would love to quit but find it hard to do so. Working with business and insurance companies to promote availability, we can improve lives and reduce chronic disease through smoking cessation programs.

STATE FLEXIBILITY: Encouraging States To Lower Costs. States should have the flexibility to experiment with alternative forms of access, coordinated payments per episode covered under Medicaid, use of private insurance in Medicaid, alternative insurance policies and different licensing schemes for providers.

TORT REFORM: Passing Medical Liability Reform. We must pass medical liability reform that eliminates lawsuits directed at doctors who follow clinical guidelines and adhere to safety protocols. Every patient should have access to legal remedies in cases of bad medical practice but that should not be an invitation to endless, frivolous lawsuits.

TRANSPARENCY: Bringing Transparency To Health Care Costs. We must make public more information on treatment options and doctor records, and require transparency regarding medical outcomes, quality of care, costs and prices. We must also facilitate the development of national standards for measuring and recording treatments and outcomes.

Confronting the Long-Term Challenge

John McCain Will Develop A Strategy For Meeting The Challenge Of A Population Needing Greater Long-Term Care. There have been a variety of state-based experiments such as Cash and Counseling or The Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) that are pioneering approaches for delivering care to people in a home setting. Seniors are given a monthly stipend which they can use to hire workers and purchase care-related services and goods. They can get help managing their care by designating representatives, such as relatives or friends, to help make decisions. It also offers counseling and bookkeeping services to assist consumers in handling their programmatic responsibilities.

Setting the Record Straight: Covering Those With Pre-Existing Conditions

MYTH: Some Claim That Under John McCain's Plan, Those With Pre-Existing Conditions Would Be Denied Insurance.

FACT: John McCain Supported The Health Insurance Portability And Accountability Act In 1996 That Took The Important Step Of Providing Some Protection Against Exclusion Of Pre-Existing Conditions.

FACT: Nothing In John McCain's Plan Changes The Fact That If You Are Employed And Insured You Will Build Protection Against The Cost Of Any Pre-Existing Condition.

FACT: As President, John McCain Would Work With Governors To Find The Solutions Necessary To Ensure Those With Pre-Existing Conditions Are Able To Easily Access Care.
Obama will make available a new national health plan to all Americans

Stop here. A government-run, national health care plan. Can anyone here think of one thing that the government does with OUR money that is cost-effective and efficient? Yet, here when a candidate admits that he WILL further expands government's grip on health care, future physicians sign up.

Let me put it this way, look at Medicare. Outside of academia, more and more physicians are REFUSING to accept Medicare because they can't run a business with its payment structure. This trend is only increasing. And if you further expand government's stranglehold on health care then 40 years down the road we will be no better off. How do I know this? Well we have proof, with each and every program that government implements, it gets bigger over time and less efficient, costing taxpayers more and more money with less and less return. Please...tell me why in the world anyone with any sense would think that this trend will change with this supposed program?

If you support Obama, you support a program that says government should tell a physician what income they should make. This is wrong on so many levels it shouldn't need discussing.
Been independent all my life and voted mainly with repubs.This time around may vote dem. As I see Obama may actually help us. Think of how many patients we care for with no insurance and for which we get nothing for - at least if these scumbags who drive 40K cars but don't have health insurance will now have something. The bad thing about BHO is the tax increase for those making greater than 250K (i.e us). But hey I'm Italian and as my Dad always says we don't pay taxes anyway :laugh:

And don't forget guys your buddies in the GOP tried to veto our recent legislative victory.

Can anyone here think of one thing that the government does with OUR money that is cost-effective and efficient? Yet, here when a candidate admits that he WILL further expands government's grip on health care, future physicians sign up.

Social Security and the Postal Service are excellent examples. Both run extremely efficiently and do their job cheaper than any private company could. Medicare has it's issues with physician pay, but it pays hospitals very well. It also delivers care very efficiently and has as good or better outcomes than most private insurance. Additionally, the VA (don't laugh) does an extremely good job with a shoestring budget. All of these programs have done this despite being attacked and budget-cut persistantly for as long as they have been around.

Compare that with the astonishing waste and fraud that is endemic in corporate America. Corporations only care about reaching or exceeding Wall Street expectations for the upcoming financial quarter, and they will exhaust every means (legal or illegal) to do it. It is not a sustainable model for long-term stability, and I think the inability for even successful companies to keep from having to constantly merge or die proves it.

The government does not do as bad a job as you've been led to believe by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.
Been independent all my life and voted mainly with repubs.This time around may vote dem. As I see Obama may actually help us. Think of how many patients we care for with no insurance and for which we get nothing for - at least if these scumbags who drive 40K cars but don't have health insurance will now have something. The bad thing about BHO is the tax increase for those making greater than 250K (i.e us). But hey I'm Italian and as my Dad always says we don't pay taxes anyway :laugh:

And don't forget guys your buddies in the GOP tried to veto our recent legislative victory.

Good god son - what have you been smokin? BHO will raise taxes on EVERY American, just some more than others. Who the hell do you think pays when corporate tax rates increase? Stop drinking the koolaid!
Social Security and the Postal Service are excellent examples. Both run extremely efficiently and do their job cheaper than any private company could. Medicare has it's issues with physician pay, but it pays hospitals very well. It also delivers care very efficiently and has as good or better outcomes than most private insurance. Additionally, the VA (don't laugh) does an extremely good job with a shoestring budget. All of these programs have done this despite being attacked and budget-cut persistantly for as long as they have been around.

Compare that with the astonishing waste and fraud that is endemic in corporate America. Corporations only care about reaching or exceeding Wall Street expectations for the upcoming financial quarter, and they will exhaust every means (legal or illegal) to do it. It is not a sustainable model for long-term stability, and I think the inability for even successful companies to keep from having to constantly merge or die proves it.

The government does not do as bad a job as you've been led to believe by Fox News and the Wall Street Journal.

Another koolaid drinker. Oh - I get it - your post is a joke right? But wait - just in case...

I have NEVER heard of ANYONE pointing to the VA as the shining example of medical care in this county. Have you ever actually been to a VA hospital? If you had, you would never make such a ludicrous statement. Veterans only go there if they don't have other options.

The Postal Service? Surely you're joking. In case you don't understand this, the USPS is a legal monopoly. UPS, FedEx, and anyone else are prohibited by law from competing with the USPS. If that whole process was opened up to private enterprise, the USPS would cease to exist.
Another koolaid drinker. Oh - I get it - your post is a joke right? But wait - just in case...

I have NEVER heard of ANYONE pointing to the VA as the shining example of medical care in this county. Have you ever actually been to a VA hospital? If you had, you would never make such a ludicrous statement. Veterans only go there if they don't have other options.

The Postal Service? Surely you're joking. In case you don't understand this, the USPS is a legal monopoly. UPS, FedEx, and anyone else are prohibited by law from competing with the USPS. If that whole process was opened up to private enterprise, the USPS would cease to exist.

Socialized healthcare model works in europe but the U.S. is a different story...our population has more variety... the mindset of Americans differ...we are more individualistic.. "you keep what you worked for".....while some lean toward greater social responsibility as a society (as seen in Japan)

In the end, I think we need a better model...one that is more adaptive for different populations...yet centralized and better regulated.

I think at the very least, the insurance company must provide options for everyone....look at Massachusetts:

An Act Providing Access to Affordable, Quality, Accountable Health Care, St. 2006, c.58. The New Health Insurance Law. Key provisions of the law include subsidized health insurance for residents earning less than 300% of the Federal Poverty Level, and low-cost insurance for all other residents who are not eligible for insurance through their employers. As of July 1, 2007 all residents will be required to maintain health insurance.
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