
  1. S

    Advice needed

    Hey everyone, Nontrad student in my junior year and doing absolutely terrible in my classes. I am studying every day, learning the concepts, piecing everything together in lecture, performing great on quizzes and HW and yet my exam scores are so low. Got a C in genetics and just got a 60 on my...
  2. Perchperkins

    Majoring in Fine Arts as a Pre-Med student?

    Hi everyone, I’m new to this forum. I’m 18 and I’m graduating from high school in a few months. I want to pursue a career in medicine - specifically I want to be a doctor. Initially, I was going to major in biology. But lately I’ve done some research and talked to some other college students and...
  3. K

    What medical specialties allow you to have your own practice ?

    I mean specialties that allow you to start a practice and work alone so you can control your work hours.
  4. 3441710

    Has Anyone Been Accepted Into Medical School after a "D"?

    Hello, everyone, and thank you for taking the time to read this thread. I recently finished my senior year at my university with a major in biology and I plan on applying to medical schools in the near future. Due to personal reasons, I was not able to get a successful grade in my biochemistry...
  5. S

    Bad Senior High School Grade

    Im still in grade 11 and i realized i really do want to be a doctor. I wanted to be a doctor since before but i had a C- or a good passing grade in my science during 9th grade and 10th grade. However, in the start of my 11th grade, i realized i really do want to be a doctor but i only had C+ in...
  6. N

    Dentistry vs Medicine ?

    Help me decide, please. Forget about the debts , salaries , years taken to graduate etc. I am concerned about the jobs themselves. I dont want to have less than 2-3 hours of free time a day. I also dont want to go to work in the middle of the night - I dont want bad sleep hours (not anything...
  7. N

    Everybody says that doctors work for many hours but this article disagrees with them?

    This article was written by the AMA and it says that most of the doctors work less than 80 hours a week so why do I keep on seeing doctors complaining about their work hours ? http://www.ama-assn.org/ama/ama-wire/post/many-hours-average-physician-workweek
  8. N

    So why do many doctors lack sleep (read details) ?

    Say a doc works a 16-hours shift. Doesnt that mean that he will have a 16 hours break after he finishes his work ? That is enough to get some good sleep and do many other things so what am i missing ?
  9. N

    Two questions about medical residency programs in the US ?

    1- Who accredits medical residency programs (at this moment) ? 2- What is the importance of enrolling in an accredited program ? I mean , what happens if a person enrolls in an unaccredited residency program ? As far as i am concerned, the ACGME and the AOA are the ones who accredit medical...
  10. N

    A question about the ACGME/AOA merge ?

    Will the requirements be the same for IMGs wishing to enroll in an Allopathic residency program in 2020 (after the merge) as they are now ?
  11. N

    Somebody please explain these steps for me ?

    http://www.kaptestglobal.com/sites/kaptest.co.uk/files/usmle-pathway_tcm55-32072.jpg This picture shows the steps that an international medical graduate must make to become a licensed physician in the US. What i dont understand is that after "USMLE step 3" there is "Year 1 residency". But the...
  12. N

    If a person just earned his MD degree from a European country, can he specialize in the US/Canada?

    He just earned his MD degree from a country in europe. Can he specialize (do his residency) in the US or Canada ? If yes , will he receive just as much money as US medical residents do ?
  13. N

    If a person just earned his MD degree from a European country, can he specialize in the US/Canada?

    He just earned his MD degree from a country in europe. Can he specialize (do his residency) in the US or Canada ? If yes , will he receive just as much money as US medical residents do ?
  14. N

    If a person just earned his MD degree from a European country, can he specialize in the US/Canada?

    He just earned his MD degree from a country in europe. Can he specialize (do his residency) in the US or Canada ? If yes , will he receive just as much money as US medical residents do ?
  15. K

    What non surgical specialties requires you to work 12 hrs or less (in public sector)?

    As the title says,,,
  16. K

    Do you think i will be too stressed (while doing residency) based on this criteria ?

    1. Forget about student loans. 2. Forget about my social situation (friends/family). 3. I am extremely hard working. 4. I dont get sad when others degrade/insult me since i am always confident of my skills. I know there will still be some stress but the 4 points above must be eliminating the...