2013-2014 Underdawgs Thread ( Lets get it)

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young generations college kids are so clueless and obnoxious sometimes. Probably 50% of LUCOM entering class are non-trads and not looking for partying, drinking all night, or breaking the law. They are serious about learning and making differences. Of course, we know about the code of conduct of LUCOM

You forgot that they are really serious about flaunting their superiority and dictating how people live their lives.
inb4 "Oh that's just some christians", "You have a vendetta against religion", or other scapegoats that deflect any negative comments that might harm the immaculate image of religion.

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DUI, sexual harassment, for example, I'm sure you're trying to steer the conversation to breaking the codes, yes?

But doing those things will automatically get you kicked out of any medical school. I think the issue is whether normal things (legal things) like living with your girlfriend/boyfriend, having pre-marital intimate relationships or drinking moderate levels of alcohol will lead to punishments or expulsion. I think if the people who choose to attend LU already live by a strict rule of conduct and share the same beliefs then its fine but I think its slightly delusional for people to go in thinking that LU will not try to enforce any restrictions on their med students and that they will not feel any religious pressure at all. If you believe in their values then its a perfect place for you but otherwise you should make sure you think hard about it.
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But doing those things will automatically get you kicked out of any medical school. I think the issue is whether normal things (legal things) like living with your girlfriend/boyfriend, having pre-marital intimate relationships or drinking moderate levels of alcohol will lead to punishments or expulsion. I think if the people who choose to attend LU already live by a strict rule of conduct and share the same beliefs then its fine but I think its slightly delusional for people to go in thinking that LU will not try to enforce any restrictions on their med students and that they will not feel any religious pressure at all. If you believe in their values then its a perfect place for you but otherwise you should make sure you think hard about it.
I will take pleasure when I see someone gets kicked out fourth year for having a beer because that person was dumb enough to go into a school like that. Good luck with the debt.
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exactly! You won't have time in school to get sh*tfaced, so, why whine so much about the codes. Listen, I'm not trying to convince you guys about anything. I'm giving my opinion on why me & many choose LUCOM & the codes about rules do not scare us away ... I'm leaning toward liberal, a Buddhist, have gay friends, an even answered questions to support the poor instead of rich white Republican males in the interview and I was accepted, so what I'm doing here is just sharing the experience, hoping you guys will stop judging the book by its cover -- but I guess that's not gonna happen, so peace out pre-meds

You totally just validated LUCOM in my eyes. You have gay friends? Here's a gold star.

If only you'd realize your efforts are doing more to harm LUCOM's rep than to help. It's like watching a progressively worsening faux-pas that makes anyone with any social acumen cringe.
DUI, sexual harassment, for example, I'm sure you're trying to steer the conversation to breaking the codes, yes?
Those are reasonable things to include in a code of conduct, but they are in no way unique to Liberty so I don't understand why you would bring them up...
Would it be possible to return this thread to the original topic?
Trashing LUCOM is way off topic for this thread ( and also very unprofessional )
Touchpause, I have publicly stood up for you when others crossed the line against you. I feel you are on the verge of crossing that same line. You have made your opinions very clear about LU but enough already, please.
If you want to bash a school then please start a separate thread for that.
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It's sarcasm, people, duh! since the conversation up there focusing so much on her gf got expelled for being gay, or so she says ... I DO drink wine, I mentioned that, they accepted me, and I'm recently married, so their codes are no problem for me. They said themself that they're not going to spy on your nights at the restaurant having beer or wine & not gonna expel you for that ... we all are adults here with enough responsibility, got it?

Bottom line is don't attend if you think it's not a fit for you, but it's just so disgusting and very unprofessional for you to talk badly about the school just cus you don't agree with few of their codes of conduct. If you don't like them, don't go, don't apply. I think it's rather good that they have great mission about serving the underserved and tbh, having Christian quality in a good way are actually good for becoming physicians anyway: compassionate and giving. Focus on the good, will ya?

I don't think people are purposely trying to talk bad about LU, a least I'm not. I think we just want to point out aspects of LU that people should be wary of. It would be awful to see students regret their decision because they were misinformed. Unfortunately, no matter how amazing LUCOM will ever be, they will always be associated with LU so you kinda have to expect certain reaction when you tell people you attended school there, especially if you're from the west or east coast.
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Isn't LUCOM built on tobacco money? Or did I hear that wrong? Was it LUCOM?
They received a $20.5 million grant from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. Pretty sure that's not tobacco money.
I will take pleasure when I see someone gets kicked out fourth year for having a beer because that person was dumb enough to go into a school like that. Good luck with the debt.
That's messed up dude. What would you gain from another person's failure/mistake?
That's messed up dude. What would you gain from another person's failure/mistake?
Why do you think the Kardashians and honey boo boo are famous in America? People need to be shamed for being willfully stupid.
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Did not see it... I saw 22, which is normal for a new school.

CUSOM: 3.4/26
MUCOM: 3.6/26
ACOM: 3.X/26

LUCOM will be seriously flirting with dangerous numbers and I will not be surprised if there is high drop out rates and enormously poor performance on the boards.

Highlighting this applicant's ECs was a research publication elucidating the cohabitation of the Homo sapien and Velociraptor in the year 2500-2000 B.C.

For a moment I believed it.
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also touchpause, you were pretty active on LUCOM thread, not anymore, where have you been? It was funny & amusing to read your comments there
Would it be possible to return this thread to the original topic?
Trashing LUCOM is way off topic for this thread ( and also very unprofessional )
Touchpause, I have publicly stood up for you when others crossed the line against you. I feel you are on the verge of crossing that same line. You have made your opinions very clear about LU but enough already, please.
If you want to bash a school then please start a separate thread for that.

To be fair, I did back off for quite a while and Summer seems to have requested my opinion.

But point taken
CUSOM: 3.4/26
MUCOM: 3.6/26
ACOM: 3.X/26

LUCOM will be seriously flirting with dangerous numbers and I will not be surprised if there is high drop out rates and enormously poor performance on the boards.

For a moment I believed it.
they must not be too concerned with this, though, if they are rejecting post-interview people with decent numbers.
they must not be too concerned with this, though, if they are rejecting post-interview people with decent numbers.

I'm surprised people with decent numbers are applying even if it means a year off.
They received a $20.5 million grant from the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission. Pretty sure that's not tobacco money.

It is tobacco money, albeit in a roundabout way. The funds came from the Tobacco Master Settlement Agreement - which was settled in '98. It agreed to pay $+200 billion in the first 25 years of the agreement to cover a litany of things.

It would seem kind of ***backwards for big money tobacco to support a new medical school. This is where the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission, and the money allocated by the settlement, comes in.
This money isn't accepted by just Liberty. Duke, UCLA, U of Virginia med, Boston U, the list goes on, if you search grant funding you will see they have or currently are, taking funds.
CUSOM: 3.4/26
MUCOM: 3.6/26
ACOM: 3.X/26

LUCOM will be seriously flirting with dangerous numbers and I will not be surprised if there is high drop out rates and enormously poor performance on the boards.

For a moment I believed it.
Where did you get these stats? If is not from their websites, I wouldn't put too much stock on them...
CUSOM has some as well, that's where I first learned about it
This money isn't accepted by just Liberty. Duke, UCLA, U of Virginia med, Boston U, the list goes on, if you search grant funding you will see they have or currently are, taking funds.
There is some kind of unwarranted criticism against LUCOM on this forum... I personally think people should wait for the first graduating class before passing any judgments on the school... The same thing happened when RVUCOM opened, but now you don't hear anything about it....
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So much hate towards LUCOM! Wow...
Where did you get these stats? If is not from their websites, I wouldn't put too much stock on them...

MUCOM's I got from their packet as the stats of those who attend the school. It's basically got a crap ton going for them from professors from established schools and connections.
CUSOM's I got from a student and admittedly the school is amazing once you get around it being in a backwater.
ACOM's I got from a SDN member who is on top of their stuff. And I'm pretty sure they control the majority of the rotation sites in the state.
So much hate towards LUCOM! Wow...

Eh, we're not hating as much as speculating. Sorry if we're being a bit rude about it. But we are genuinely curious about how the school will fare in the future.
There is some kind of unwarranted criticism against LUCOM on this forum... I personally think people should wait for the first graduating class before passing any judgments on the school... The same thing happened when RVUCOM opened, but now you don't hear anything about it....

Eh, RVU is still demonized on this forum. We've simply clammed up for the sake of a few RVU students on here who are relatively cool. But beyond that the school for its averages is doing relatively poorly with their match lists still relatively poor compared to other DO programs new and old.
Eh, RVU is still demonized on this forum. We've simply clammed up for the sake of a few RVU students on here who are relatively cool. But beyond that the school for its averages is doing relatively poorly with their match lists still relatively poor compared to other DO programs new and old.
The argument was different too. It was about for profit vs non-profit. With LUCOM the question is if they'll attack science over ideology, and there is precedent to believe that. Besides, LUCOM is the best thing to ever happen to RVU since they took the attention from them.
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Kind of surprised to come in this thread and find pages of bashing a new school. None of us really know how organized or disorganized LUCOM is. None of us really knows who's applying, who's getting in, etc. As a result, none of us can say with any certainty whether or not it will succeed.

My guess is LUCOM will have lower averages of matriculants, just like all new schools, and they'll likely have a low first time pass rate for boards, again like most new schools, but it will likely be >80% (I'm pretty sure no DO school recently had worse scores than that, so to assume they would seems unlikely).

Now, if you got into LUCOM, congratulations! You got into a US medical school. If you get another acceptance, I'd strongly recommend going there, as there are inherent benefits to being at a more established school and having people who were already, for lack of a better term, guinea pigs ahead of you.

For everyone else, please remember the purpose of this thread. Its for motivating people to follow their dreams in spite of having below average stats. Its a thread for all those 3.0/28+ people or the 3.8/23 people to see that it is actually possible to get in to a US medical school, despite the problems in their past. If anything, new schools giving people a chance is the kind of thing we praise around here.

If you don't like LUCOM, that's fine. Personally, I know little to nothing about it to really have an opinion one way or another. But lets try to stick to giving people advice about their apps and hearing the success stories.
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For everyone else, please remember the purpose of this thread. Its for motivating people to follow their dreams in spite of having below average stats. Its a thread for all those 3.0/28+ people or the 3.8/23 people to see that it is actually possible to get in to a US medical school, despite the problems in their past. If anything, new schools giving people a chance is the kind of thing we praise around here.

but it has been spammed by too many non-underdogs. The list needs serious trimming and criteria needs to be tightened up. People with low-average (but competitive) stats (which seem to be the bulk of this threads "underdogs") should instead make MDAPPS PROFILES for future DO applicants to reference.

I will start with this, which I think is somewhat generous: nobody with 3.0+/3.0+/27+ or 3.3+/3.3+/24+ should be allowed to join. (Generous meaning even people a little below these probably have a good chance.)
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but it has been spammed by too many non-underdogs. The list needs serious trimming and criteria needs to be tightened up. People with low-average (but competitive) stats (which seem to be the bulk of this threads "underdogs") should instead make MDAPPS PROFILES for future DO applicants to reference.

I will start with this, which I think is somewhat generous: nobody with 3.0+/3.0+/27+ or 3.3+/3.3+/24+ should be allowed to join. (Generous meaning even people a little below these probably have a good chance.)

Isn't there already a definition for underdog? I thought it was 1 SD or greater below the average. I still think such people are underdogs, just the difference between "apply to 10-15 schools and you'll get in" and "apply to all the schools (37+) and you'll get in".
MUCOM's I got from their packet as the stats of those who attend the school. It's basically got a crap ton going for them from professors from established schools and connections.
CUSOM's I got from a student and admittedly the school is amazing once you get around it being in a backwater.
ACOM's I got from a SDN member who is on top of their stuff. And I'm pretty sure they control the majority of the rotation sites in the state.
MU-COM stats seem to be from a legit source... but I would not disseminate stats about the other two if I were you because these are not from legit sources.
My guess is LUCOM will have lower averages of matriculants, just like all new schools, and they'll likely have a low first time pass rate for boards, again like most new schools, but it will likely be >80% (I'm pretty sure no DO school recently had worse scores than that, so to assume they would seems unlikely).
Not too sure... I remember seeing somewhere in SDN that WCUCOM first graduating class was in the 70%+ first time passing rate for COMLEX/USMLE Step1
MU-COM stats seem to be from a legit source... but I would not disseminate stats about the other two if I were you because these are not from legit sources.

Eh, in either regard they're quintessential DO app stat ranges. Some below will get in some above will get, most will be within 2-4 LizzyM
Not too sure... I remember seeing somewhere in SDN that WCUCOM first graduating class was in the 70%+ first time passing rate for COMLEX/USMLE Step1

I saw that too, but also didn't see any reference. I grouped it with the same people that said that NYCOM's attrition rate was 20%+ when it was really closer to 10% (which is still high mind you, but nowhere near 20%). I'd be surprised if that was the case, and given the new COCA requirement to submit and publish first time pass rates, I'm sure we'll know soon enough if that is anywhere close to being true.

Plus, isn't the overall COMLEX pass rate in the mid-90s. If new schools were actually hitting 70%, the averages would get pulled down a few percent every year a new school's first class took boards (something I haven't seen evidence for). If the WCU average really was low, I bet it was closer to 80%, so as not to noticeably affect the overall average.
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And a 65% match rate.

Do you know something the rest of us don't? As far as I can tell, the first class had 40% match AOA or military, and at least another 38% non-participants likely going for the NRMP match (the results of which haven't come out yet).

The remaining 22% didn't match AOA, but they could have applied to more competitive AOA spots and/or could also be in the NRMP match. 22% by the way is high, but its pretty close to GA-PCOM's 19% non-match AOA amount, and no one here is really questioning them.
Do you know something the rest of us don't? As far as I can tell, the first class had 40% match AOA or military, and at least another 38% non-participants likely going for the NRMP match (the results of which haven't come out yet).

The remaining 22% didn't match AOA, but they could have applied to more competitive AOA spots and/or could also be in the NRMP match. 22% by the way is high, but its pretty close to GA-PCOM's 19% non-match AOA amount, and no one here is really questioning them.

Cliquish said they had a 65% pre-scramble match rate for their first class for AOA ( I.e of the people who applied AOA only 65% got a residency) as compared to 85% nationally. Likewise a resident on here said that WCU students were very unprepared during rotations/clinical.
Cliquish said they had a 65% pre-scramble match rate for their first class for AOA ( I.e of the people who applied AOA only 65% got a residency) as compared to 85% nationally. Likewise a resident on here said that WCU students were very unprepared during rotations/clinical.

Again, though, 65% AOA is not really 65% match (its actually the same numbers I had in my post - 40% matched out of 62% that participated). The fact that 38% of the class had no problem completely forgoing the AOA match says something as well. Also, the national average for the AOA match is closer to 78%, not 85%. Of the 53.5% of DO students that participated in the AOA match, 41.5% matched. (All the data of the match is online for whoever wants it).

The 85% cliquesh was probably talking about was total DO matching numbers (somewhere around 85-90% pre-scramble/SOAP) for both the AOA and NRMP matches. We won't know the actual WCU-COM match stats until later this month, and even then we will only be able to speculate since the NRMP doesn't publish match stats for each school the way the AOA does.
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Honestly, I'm looking forward to the new data we're going to get given COCA's new requirements. It will be valuable to actually know what first time pass rates for schools are, and should help everyone who's applying.
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Isn't LUCOM built on tobacco money? Or did I hear that wrong? Was it LUCOM?

I believe the Virginia Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission was created to revitalize/help struggling communities whose economies were once highly dependent on tobacco – which is no longer being produced in those areas. It is NOT money from sale of tobacco. Their mission includes: “provide payments to tobacco farmers as compensation for the adverse economic effects resulting from loss of investment in specialized tobacco equipment and barns and lost tobacco production opportunities associated with a decline in quota.” This also includes funding for improving health and education to help these communities get back on their feet, independent from tobacco.
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Summernights...bunch a *****s on this board. Might as well leave em alone. They literally do not know sh**.
I just hope students realize what they are getting into by going to LUCOM. I attended an extremely christian college that had the exact same set of rules/code of conduct as LUCOM, and I can tell you right now that they will absolutely hold their med students to the code ESPECIALLY if they deem you a liberal or atheist sympathizer. I don't really care what they teach over there, but I highly suggest not attending this school unless you have the exact same political and religious views. I guarantee as the school gets a little time under its belt, we will see a lot of med students getting kicked out for violating drinking, smoking, curfew rules, whatever. Just do NOT kid yourself about the code of conduct and do not attend this school if you have conflicting views. That's my 2 cents.
False. Just plain made up garbage. "If they deem you a liberal or atheist sympathizer" hahaha
Can we get back to the purpose of this thread meow?

Sidenote: don't call people "*****"
That's so unnecessary
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Again, though, 65% AOA is not really 65% match (its actually the same numbers I had in my post - 40% matched out of 62% that participated). The fact that 38% of the class had no problem completely forgoing the AOA match says something as well. Also, the national average for the AOA match is closer to 78%, not 85%. Of the 53.5% of DO students that participated in the AOA match, 41.5% matched. (All the data of the match is online for whoever wants it).

The 85% cliquesh was probably talking about was total DO matching numbers (somewhere around 85-90% pre-scramble/SOAP) for both the AOA and NRMP matches. We won't know the actual WCU-COM match stats until later this month, and even then we will only be able to speculate since the NRMP doesn't publish match stats for each school the way the AOA does.

And again, you're missing my point. Of the people who applied AOA, only 65% matched pre-scramble as opposed to 85% for just AOA. The MD match is irrelevant to this conversation as we are not talking about those applicants.
Anywho.. lets get back to... you know... helping underdogs..
Are these match statistics suggesting that a sizeable portion of DO graduates can't land a residency? That's very concerning since MD graduates almost have a 100% match rate.