2018 ITE

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Jul 13, 2005
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this year's ITE was much different than the previous two I've taken. Previously I knEw abt how many I missed for sure. This year the test took a more of a USMLE approach where instead of having to get the vast majority right to make a high Score, there were a lot of tough questions to scale the bell curve down.

Last year a CA2 needed 79% of questions right for 50%tile. I would bet that number would be around 55% questions right to make 50%tile this year.

At least that's how it seemed to me.

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this year's ITE was much different than the previous two I've taken. Previously I knEw abt how many I missed for sure. This year the test took a more of a USMLE approach where instead of having to get the vast majority right to make a high Score, there were a lot of tough questions to scale the bell curve down.

Last year a CA2 needed 79% of questions right for 50%tile. I would bet that number would be around 55% questions right to make 50%tile this year.

At least that's how it seemed to me.
Agreed! Wouldn’t be suprised if my raw score dropped pretty substantially. I wonder if it’s the ABAs response to the test-prep company proliferation.
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Agree- CA3 here, did all of true learn and about 10 ACE books. Felt like i could have done another 10 ACE books and not come across content that was on that test. I can think of at least 15 questions I missed for sure-- stuff I haven't seen since step 1.
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this year's ITE was much different than the previous two I've taken. Previously I knEw abt how many I missed for sure. This year the test took a more of a USMLE approach where instead of having to get the vast majority right to make a high Score, there were a lot of tough questions to scale the bell curve down.

Last year a CA2 needed 79% of questions right for 50%tile. I would bet that number would be around 55% questions right to make 50%tile this year.

At least that's how it seemed to me.

Felt the opposite. This year felt easier than last year so in a little disappointed I made a bunch of mistakes and I feel like a few mistakes will really drop your score cause I'm expecting most ppl to do well. Last year I felt there were much more difficult questions to help with the curve. I did 90 percent of true learn this year and felt it was enough

But in the end the score doesn't matter so oh well

And 79 percent is really high. My average on truelearn is 62 percent which came out 5o be around 53 percentile.
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Felt the opposite. This year felt easier than last year so in a little disappointed I made a bunch of mistakes and I feel like a few mistakes will really drop your score cause I'm expecting most ppl to do well. Last year I felt there were much more difficult questions to help with the curve. I did 90 percent of true learn this year and felt it was enough

But in the end the score doesn't matter so oh well

And 79 percent is really high. My average on truelearn is 62 percent which came out 5o be around 53 percentile.

Exactly the same boat here.
Exactly the same boat here.

Agree with the above as well, felt like the majority of the questions were covered by the TrueLearn question bank. Just curious...at what point are we allowed to discuss the questions that were on the test? Or is it forever-restricted? It's such a shame that we'll never know for sure which questions were answered correctly, if anything for educational/learning purposes..
Felt the opposite as well. Lots of gimmes IMO. Think the curve is going to be similar to last years
Agree with the above as well, felt like the majority of the questions were covered by the TrueLearn question bank. Just curious...at what point are we allowed to discuss the questions that were on the test? Or is it forever-restricted? It's such a shame that we'll never know for sure which questions were answered correctly, if anything for educational/learning purposes..
Pretty sure its forever restricted.
I agree. Think that the make or break is going to be guessing right on the 10 or so that were out of left field. But thank god there weren't many stats questions.
Felt the opposite. This year felt easier than last year so in a little disappointed I made a bunch of mistakes and I feel like a few mistakes will really drop your score cause I'm expecting most ppl to do well. Last year I felt there were much more difficult questions to help with the curve. I did 90 percent of true learn this year and felt it was enough

But in the end the score doesn't matter so oh well

And 79 percent is really high. My average on truelearn is 62 percent which came out 5o be around 53 percentile.

+1 on this. felt the test was too easy, too many gimme questions.
I feel like there were way more gimme questions last year. 75% worth.

If stats hold, getting 2/3 of the questions right as a CA 2-3 would be in the bottom 10%tile. I didnt think it was that easy this year.
I feel like there were way more gimme questions last year. 75% worth.

If stats hold, getting 2/3 of the questions right as a CA 2-3 would be in the bottom 10%tile. I didnt think it was that easy this year.

Though honestly, for a test like that I feel like the average should be pretty high. Higher than the 60-65% being 50th percentile on TrueLearn.

BTW, now that the test is over did anyone feel that this years TrueLearn Qbank was worse than last years Qbank.
Though honestly, for a test like that I feel like the average should be pretty high. Higher than the 60-65% being 50th percentile on TrueLearn.

BTW, now that the test is over did anyone feel that this years TrueLearn Qbank was worse than last years Qbank.

100 percent. So many errors typos etc
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Though honestly, for a test like that I feel like the average should be pretty high. Higher than the 60-65% being 50th percentile on TrueLearn.

BTW, now that the test is over did anyone feel that this years TrueLearn Qbank was worse than last years Qbank.

Glad I spent hundreds of dollars on it.
Taking it as a CA0, I have no idea what to expect as far as my score goes. There were a lot of questions I knew, there were a lot I didn't know. Guess the only thing that matters is, did I know more that others at my same stage of training, right?
Taking it as a CA0, I have no idea what to expect as far as my score goes. There were a lot of questions I knew, there were a lot I didn't know. Guess the only thing that matters is, did I know more that others at my same stage of training, right?

Why are they having you take it as an intern? Very dumb.
Why are they having you take it as an intern? Very dumb.
Well, because we do 6 total months of anesthesia/anesthesia related rotations during intern year.

So far I've done 1 month OR, a month of acute pain, a month of chronic pain, and a month of CVICU which is staffed by anesthesia faculty and residents here. 2 months of OR remaining for intern year.

But to be honest, I don't know the reason, but I know we're not the only intern class taking the ITE in the country. I think it's just a marker of sorts. Nothing more.
Why are they having you take it as an intern? Very dumb.

Most if not all categorical programs have interns / "Clinical base year" take the ITE. The purpose is more to have the intern see what the test is like - the score is a total throw away; @abolt18 is in a "anesthesia-heavy" internship year with a lot of early exposure, other programs may be more of a transitional year with non-anesthesia rotations - thus trying to compare the scores among trainees/programs is like apples to oranges.
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I felt this year's test was slightly harder than last year. There of course were many topics and/or questions that were repeated almost verbatim from the last few years that i answered quickly.

That being said, i think i got somewhere between 30 to 40 wrong. Praying that puts me above the 20th percentile among CA3s (this is a hard requirement to graduate residency at my program)
I guarantee you their changing the ITE to mimic the basic and advanced exams. Just graduated and they were polar opposite of the ITEs
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We take it Intern year too. I’m actually very glad that I was at the VA for medicine last month (essentially the ONLY good thing about that rotation). I saw a crap ton of just crap pathology at the va that came up on the ite.

Edit: and it’s essentially a practice exam for us too. Score means nothing.
Ridiculous. The faster administering and resulting tests become, the longer they take to score.
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I thought they were released on April 6th last year.
if I remember correctly, last year was 6 weeks from the end of the testing window, so April 6th last year for most programs.
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When are they gonna try to motivate me to study for advance??
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Still radio silence here. So sad!
I believe the results are starting to trickle out, the residents at our program were talking about them today.

Glad I don't have to deal with this anymore.
We received communication from our PD today that we will get the scores tomorrow.
We got ours today! Did well! Nice confidence boost going forwards studying for the advanced. Would love to see the yearly percentile breakdown for 2018, if someone has it or gets a hold of it.
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We got ours today! Did well! Nice confidence boost going forwards studying for the advanced. Would love to see the yearly percentile breakdown for 2018, if someone has it or gets a hold of it.
It'll be much later at the soonest, but I'll try to post it. Our PD sent it out with our scores.
We got ours today! Did well! Nice confidence boost going forwards studying for the advanced. Would love to see the yearly percentile breakdown for 2018, if someone has it or gets a hold of it.
When you say “did well” especially since you didn’t see the breakdown, what do you mean?

A 75% right places you below 40th percentile.
Our program gives us our percentile when they distribute the individual score report. They don't give, or at least, have not at this moment given us the sheet with the complete breakdown of raw scores with percentiles by year. So, I know my percentile score, I know I did well, but I was interested in looking at the data.
We got ours today! Did well! Nice confidence boost going forwards studying for the advanced. Would love to see the yearly percentile breakdown for 2018, if someone has it or gets a hold of it.

Here you go.


  • Scaled Score Table.pdf
    131 KB · Views: 977
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oooh... People are really smart. Scored 90+ centile, still apparently my assoc PD isnt happy :bored:
We got ours today! Did well! Nice confidence boost going forwards studying for the advanced. Would love to see the yearly percentile breakdown for 2018, if someone has it or gets a hold of it.

These tests are nothing more than a greedy money grab. In an era where people are trying to get rid of step2cs, they just add more and more nonsensical hoops to drain our pockets with zero meaningful difference in patient care.
oooh... People are really smart. Scored 90+ centile, still apparently my assoc PD isnt happy :bored:

CA-3, scaled score 50, 99th percentile. Scaled score 49, 99th percentile last year. Still passed over for chief positions and all promotions. Still taking more call than most of the CA-2 and CA-3's. So done with this place.
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CA-1 here, 39 scaled, goal was 40. Happy with 91st percentile!
CA-3, scaled score 50, 99th percentile. Scaled score 49, 99th percentile last year. Still passed over for chief positions and all promotions. Still taking more call than most of the CA-2 and CA-3's. So done with this place.
Residency sucks. I was so miserable the whole time and according to your scores I’m nowhere near as smart or hard working as you. It gets better though!
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CA-3, scaled score 50, 99th percentile. Scaled score 49, 99th percentile last year. Still passed over for chief positions and all promotions. Still taking more call than most of the CA-2 and CA-3's. So done with this place.

Chief selection has NOTHING to do with academic acumen or anesthetic ability (although lack of either can disqualify you I suppose) and has everything to do with internal departmental politics. Chiefs at most large programs are little more than schedule-making, police men/women acting as an arm of the PD. Everyone is burnt out and over residency by the end, focus on finishing and then enjoy the freedom. Even fellowship (well, at least where I’m training) is so, so much better.
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CA-3, scaled score 50, 99th percentile. Scaled score 49, 99th percentile last year. Still passed over for chief positions and all promotions. Still taking more call than most of the CA-2 and CA-3's. So done with this place.
I didn't know there were promotions in residency. Looks like I've been cut out as well.
Chief selection has NOTHING to do with academic acumen or anesthetic ability (although lack of either can disqualify you I suppose) and has everything to do with internal departmental politics. Chiefs at most large programs are little more than schedule-making, police men/women acting as an arm of the PD. Everyone is burnt out and over residency by the end, focus on finishing and then enjoy the freedom. Even fellowship (well, at least where I’m training) is so, so much better.
Going to a fellowship at a great location. At this major metropolitan university program, the chiefs are always the most docile and controllable residents of each year. Current chiefs each failed an ITE and did remediation which means attending lectures while those who passed covered their case load. None published, lot of politics and who you know. Where you match makes a huge difference in your education, case exposures, duty hours, research opportunities. Don't go to a program that is not well established or has a bad reputation. Even hearsay on interview trails is usually well founded, unless one is stupid enough to try to prove these assertions wrong.
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Chief selection has NOTHING to do with academic acumen or anesthetic ability (although lack of either can disqualify you I suppose) and has everything to do with internal departmental politics. Chiefs at most large programs are little more than schedule-making, police men/women acting as an arm of the PD. Everyone is burnt out and over residency by the end, focus on finishing and then enjoy the freedom. Even fellowship (well, at least where I’m training) is so, so much better.

Agreed. it's all politics. Nothing to do with scores etc.

And congrats, looks like as usual everyone scored >90 percentile
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