2020-2021 Noorda College of Osteopathic Medicine (Provo, UT) Noorda-COM

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Overall gpa 3.67
Science gpa 3.61
MCAT 495

extensive research and clinical background etc.

I was rejected pre secondary

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Guess we just didn't fit their mission. Good luck with the rest of the cycle everyone.
Overall gpa 3.67
Science gpa 3.61
MCAT 495

extensive research and clinical background etc.

I was rejected pre secondary

You have really good gpa, why not retake the mcat? You would be able to get into much stronger programs!
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Good luck! I received mine the same day, but I’m waiting on one more person to say it’s a great submission before I turn it in!

Best of luck to you and may the odds be in our favor 🙂

If you are reading this without a secondary, I hope you get a secondary today! (Happy Friday!)
I went to the Faculty Friday series today. All I can say is WOW. I am so thrilled with the mentality of the people making the decisions and planning this program. I would encourage anyone interested to hop on these calls. I feel extremely inspired! Dean Brown especially stood out for me. Seems like a great team they have assembled.

Still waiting for the 2ndary. Really impressed with this program.
Assuming this is a respected SMP you likely have a shot at more established DO schools hence the rejection. Schools only have so many spots to interview and if they think you won't attend if accepted they will not waste their time on you. (This is usually the case as pointed out by Dr. Ryan and others who are connected to the admissions world)

Indeed, this person could do very well in DO applications!!

Not to contradict you, but I don't want people to shy away from applying if they have higher stats in some areas.

I am a nontrad and I have a 91%ile MCAT and a 4.0 postbac (much much lower cGPA) and I got a secondary. According to Dr. Ryan's logic, I would've been screened out for that and yet I wasn't. I have a totally random degree and background, no research, etc.

They legit are picking people with all sorts of stats and backgrounds, as evidenced in this thread and things Dean Himmelsbach has said on multiple occasions.

Shoot your shot!!
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Has anyone here submitted the secondary video two weeks ago or longer? Trying to gauge how long they are going to take before offering interviews post secondary.
Some of these previous posts have gotten me nervous about my stats. Does Noorda yield protect? I thought DO schools didn’t practice yield protection.
Some of these previous posts have gotten me nervous about my stats. Does Noorda yield protect? I thought DO schools didn’t practice yield protection.
I wouldn't think they would do that. If you haven't received the pre secondary rejection email you should be safe and just in a later batch of secondary invites. At least, that it is what I am hoping.
Has anyone here submitted the secondary video two weeks ago or longer? Trying to gauge how long they are going to take before offering interviews post secondary.
It seems like no one has gotten ii's yet (or at least no one has posted here about it unless I missed something). After submitting my secondary, I received an email that said it might be 3-4 weeks to hear back!
I read through the thread but I'm conflicted. I don't have an amazing undegrad GPA but I'm in a fulltime MS program right now, and I'm probably on track to get a 4.0 this semester and have a pretty great upward trend from undergrad (3.7+ after mid-junior year) and I have a decent MCAT. Idk am I too late to submit a primary ?? I will update my fall grades in December, so I don't want to be screened out right now. I also have significant research, rural med experience, and overall shadowing/volunteering & a DO letter. does anyone have any advice??
I read through the thread but I'm conflicted. I don't have an amazing undegrad GPA but I'm in a fulltime MS program right now, and I'm probably on track to get a 4.0 this semester and have a pretty great upward trend from undergrad (3.7+ after mid-junior year) and I have a decent MCAT. Idk am I too late to submit a primary ?? I will update my fall grades in December, so I don't want to be screened out right now. I also have significant research, rural med experience, and overall shadowing/volunteering & a DO letter. does anyone have any advice??

if you want to go here, apply! They are enthusiastically pleading with people to apply all the way through February. Have you not seen how many people with lower stats have gotten secondaries?
Can anyone tell me how they're dressing for the secondary video? From the staff example ones, they look pretty casual. I feel like they would have said dress fancy (interview style) if they expect that. So maybe just look nice but your usual self?
Can anyone tell me how they're dressing for the secondary video? From the staff example ones, they look pretty casual. I feel like they would have said dress fancy (interview style) if they expect that. So maybe just look nice but your usual self?
I suited up to look more professional.
Medical schools generally like to see SMPs where you're taking graduate (med school level) Physio, Pharm, Biochem, etc. However, if your 3.7 upward trend included good grades in hard science classes then you're fine.
I am taking graduate level science classes though. Like it doesn't have the label of SMP but I'm taking the classes you mentioned. Idk I thought it was still pretty good to do well in full time school and full time job at the same time :/
I am taking graduate level science classes though. Like it doesn't have the label of SMP but I'm taking the classes you mentioned. Idk I thought it was still pretty good to do well in full time school and full time job at the same time :/

It definitely is! SMP's are generally "better" in the sense that med schools know their rigor. But doing well in a normal master's (unless it's public health I guess is the general consensus) is still helpful, shows an upward trend, and shows academic competency. It just won't improve your undergrad GPA, which an SMP can offset, but it definitely won't hurt you to have a high GPA in your master's program, especially if it's science.
I read through the thread but I'm conflicted. I don't have an amazing undegrad GPA but I'm in a fulltime MS program right now, and I'm probably on track to get a 4.0 this semester and have a pretty great upward trend from undergrad (3.7+ after mid-junior year) and I have a decent MCAT. Idk am I too late to submit a primary ?? I will update my fall grades in December, so I don't want to be screened out right now. I also have significant research, rural med experience, and overall shadowing/volunteering & a DO letter. does anyone have any advice??
Not too late to apply at all!
Can anyone tell me how they're dressing for the secondary video? From the staff example ones, they look pretty casual. I feel like they would have said dress fancy (interview style) if they expect that. So maybe just look nice but your usual self?

I had the same thought and dressed casually/comfortably. Figured I would save the more professional look for the interview (if I get one!). :T
Can anyone tell me how they're dressing for the secondary video? From the staff example ones, they look pretty casual. I feel like they would have said dress fancy (interview style) if they expect that. So maybe just look nice but your usual self?
I was pretty casual in mine. I got the same vibe as you, that we could film in whatever we felt comfortable in
Hi everyone! Associate Dean Himmelsbach here - just wanted to remind everyone of the next Faculty Friday, tomorrow at 10:00 am MT.
Last week we kicked off our first Faculty Friday talking curriculum, this time around we are chatting about clinical experiences! Join us to talk about Years One and Two clinical experiences and rotations! Sign up for this webinar here: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../reg.../WN_idYwoHnHSGClrhQaaL1lxQ
You can send in questions ahead of time to our [email protected] email.
Hope to see you online tomorrow morning!
Another great faculty Friday event session today. Love the transparency they’ve shown so far. Ngl the Noorda-com team really did plan things out very well for students
I totally agree! If anyone is on the fence about applying to this school, please attend these meetings! So many questions are answered in an informative way that words on a page just can’t do. I’m not saying don’t do your research, but watching these will fill any gaps in your understanding of the school! I really hope I get in here!
I just love listening to the administration speak. They seem like such a nice group of people! The answer to "what are we looking for in an applicant" was the perfect response. Seems like Noorda is also already establishing a good relationship with hospitals and doctors in the area.
Also I know it wasnt mentioned today, but have they mentioned when interviews would start going out?