3.3 cGPA 3.0 sGPA

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Apr 24, 2010
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Hey just switched from pre-pharm to pre-med. I worked at a pharmacy and decided it was not for me. I want to know if i have a shot at a med school. I have 3.3 cGPA and 3.0 sGPA and am a bio major at UIC. I also have 150+ hrs volunteering at a hospital and also have worked as a pharm tech for a while although i don't think i'm going to put that on my app. I think i might have a shot at maybe a DO school like midwestern. I was wondering if i can get into an MD school. One of my buddies told me to give SIU a shot. Anyways do I have shot at any MD med schools. I won't have an mcat till july so i probably wont be able to apply early. Any advice appreciated.

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What year are you? With a 3.3 and 3.0 your stats are pretty low and might require some work. If you've already graduated the best choice would be to either do one of the following:

1) Score high on the Mcat 30+ and attend a SMP. Will allow you to get into a MD school.

2) Go and retake a few course to get your Sgpa and Cum gpa up. And score a 28+ on the mcat and Apply broadly to MD and DO. DO schools particpate in grade replacement and as such you can replace some bad grades with new ones.

3) Post-bacc get a 4.0 in a post-bacc program.

4) hard core science masters, get a high gpa.
What year are you? With a 3.3 and 3.0 your stats are pretty low and might require some work. If you've already graduated the best choice would be to either do one of the following:

1) Score high on the Mcat 30+ and attend a SMP. Will allow you to get into a MD school.

2) Go and retake a few course to get your Sgpa and Cum gpa up. And score a 28+ on the mcat and Apply broadly to MD and DO. DO schools particpate in grade replacement and as such you can replace some bad grades with new ones.

3) Post-bacc get a 4.0 in a post-bacc program.

4) hard core science masters, get a high gpa.
I'm a senior. How do post bacs and SMP's exactly work? my biggest fear is that if I go to these programs and i still don't get in. It would be a waste of time and money.
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I'm a senior. How do post bacs and SMP's exactly work? my biggest fear is that if I go to these programs and i still don't get in. It would be a waste of time and money.

Smp's work by eliminating your undergrad and basically showing adcoms your good and smart. It's a last chance thing. They cost alot.
Post-bacc's are just you going back and taking some classes which are relevant to the mcat and pre-medical stuff.

Really if I were in your position i'd take my time. Going the DO route is probably the best choice since you just need about half a semester of retaking science classes to get your gpa up to good levels and then taking the mcat and scoring high enough.

But that's just my opinion. Either way SMP or DO you'll need to spend another year working hard.
SMP's will get you a good chance of getting into either MD or DO schools. You just need to get a 3.5+ gpa.
Also I'm an Indian dude. does that hurt my chances? I know that we are overrepresented minorities.
Hey just switched from pre-pharm to pre-med. I worked at a pharmacy and decided it was not for me. I want to know i have a shot at a med school. I have 3.3 cGPA and 3.0 sGPA and am a bio major at UIC. I also have 150+ hrs volunteering at a hospital and also have worked as a pharm tech for a while although i don't think i'm going to put that on my app. I think i might have a shot at maybe a DO school like midwestern. I was wondering if i can get into an MD school. One of my buddies told me to give SIU a shot. Anyways do I have shot at any MD med schools. I won't have an mcat till july so i probably wont be able to apply early. Any advice appreciated.

I had similar stats (3.5 cum, 3.1 sGPA) and got into UIC med, and was wait-listed at a few other schools. I did not do a post-bac. I am desi. My advice is to study like heck for the MCAT and do well on it (I did, ~90 percentile, and I am certain that is the ticket that got me an acceptance). If you can score 35+, I don't think you'll have any problems getting into an MD school.

As an FYI, I've heard from friends that if you live north of I-80 SIU won't grant you interviews, they tend to take people from central/southern Illinois, especially if you're desi. UIC is probably your best bet. Again, do well on the MCAT and you have a good chance.
The pharmacy experience is relevant to a med school application, and I would list it. You probably got some patient contact time through the experience as well.

An MCAT of 34+ would bale out your low cGPA for allo schools (28+ for some DO, higher for CCOM which is fairly selective), but unless you have a strong upward science grade trend or the low BCPM, is due to one or two terrible grades, I'd suggest you need some great grades in additional upper-level science classes before you'd appeal to adcomms of MD or DO schools.

Meanwhile, you need to build your experiences up, gaining physican shadowing time, leadership, and maybe research and teaching. And don't forget nonmedical/noncampus regular community service is viewed very favorably.
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I had similar stats (3.5 cum, 3.1 sGPA) and got into UIC med, and was wait-listed at a few other schools. I did not do a post-bac. I am desi. My advice is to study like heck for the MCAT and do well on it (I did, ~90 percentile, and I am certain that is the ticket that got me an acceptance). If you can score 35+, I don't think you'll have any problems getting into an MD school.

As an FYI, I've heard from friends that if you live north of I-80 SIU won't grant you interviews, they tend to take people from central/southern Illinois, especially if you're desi. UIC is probably your best bet. Again, do well on the MCAT and you have a good chance.

Thank you for response. Do you know of any OOS schools that i might have a shot at too? I'd prefer to stay here but don't mind going elsewhere if it will get me admitted.
The pharmacy experience is relevant to a med school application, and I would list it. You probably got some patient contact time through the experience as well.

An MCAT of 34+ would bale out your low cGPA for allo schhools (28+ for DO), but unless you have a strong upward science grade trend or the low BCPM is due to one or two terrible grades, I'd suggest you need some great grades in additional upper-level science classes before you'd appeal to adcomms of MD or DO schools.

Meanwhile, you need to build your experiences up, gaining physican shadowing time, leadership, and maybe research and teaching. And don't forget nonmedical/noncampus regular community service is viewed very favorably.
I was just scared that it might make me look like some guy that's not really decided on what I'm doing if i list it. I have okay grades in upper level course. I got a B in biochem 1 and 2. The reason why my gpa is low is because i have a c in calc 1 and 2 and also got a c in analytical chem and inorganic chem which led me to switch my major from biochem to biology. Also how does one go about getting a shadowing postition? Thanks for your response
During clinical volunteering, one often meets physicians that can be asked about shadowing. Or consider asking your personal doc, or those of your parents. Or friends' parents. Or call docs' offices and ask their nurse. Or check with your college prehealth office which may have a list of willing doctors.
Thank you for response. Do you know of any OOS schools that i might have a shot at too? I'd prefer to stay here but don't mind going elsewhere if it will get me admitted.
These might help you to do some research:
DO admission stat averages for specific schools: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showthread.php?t=598056

DO MSAR http://www.aacom.org/resources/bookstore/cib/Documents/cib2010/2010-CIB-complete.pdf

DO GPA cut offs: http://forums.studentdoctor.net/showpost.php?p=7199902&postcount=2
What year are you? With a 3.3 and 3.0 your stats are pretty low and might require some work. If you've already graduated the best choice would be to either do one of the following:

1) Score high on the Mcat 30+ and attend a SMP. Will allow you to get into a MD school.

2) Go and retake a few course to get your Sgpa and Cum gpa up. And score a 28+ on the mcat and Apply broadly to MD and DO. DO schools particpate in grade replacement and as such you can replace some bad grades with new ones.

3) Post-bacc get a 4.0 in a post-bacc program.

4) hard core science masters, get a high gpa.

Just wondering about your background. You seem to be giving advice like its going out of style. However, you are listed as a premed. Just curious.:confused:

Are there any MD schools that I have a shot at? I don't mind DO (probably what I'll have to do) but I still want to apply to some MD schools.
Just wondering about your background. You seem to be giving advice like its going out of style. However, you are listed as a premed. Just curious.:confused:

I've spent way too much time on here and learned a few tricks of the trade.