3rd year problems

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Also, @mzarrowsmith - "Smug look of disdain"? Quit trolling. You've probably never had to deal with the emotion involved with a 14-16 year old carrying a 1-2 year old wearing dirty rags begging you for 5 rupees so that she can feed herself and her child at the local food stand.It's heart wrenching to see someone go through that.

There's two ways to respond to this scene.

Based on your previous statements, your approach seems to be: "I do not want to be inconvenienced by the misery of people who are far less fortunate than me. Therefore, I will consciously decide to bury my head in the sand and shut them out of my life. I will (speedily) drive my BMW 725i to and from my six bedroom, five bathroom suburban mansion and never consider sacrificing my emotional and material comforts for the benefit of others. Seeing their suffering simply would bother me too much."

An alternate approach might be: "I am truly blessed and undeserving of the opportunities that my parents and my nation have given me. I hereby resolve to use my tremendous talents and skills to better the lives of others, with the hope that they might just have a shot at experiencing even a small fraction of the comforts and conveniences that I have taken for granted my entire life. This work certainly will be emotionally and intellectually challenging, but in the end, I will take solace in the fact that I did something -- rather than nothing -- to make my world a better place."

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Whatever. I'm done defending my outlook. If you disagree with me, then please go practice in India as a US-licensed radiologist (which is what my first reply was about).

My parents worked hard to give my family a better opportunity in the US. I plan to stay in the US for my medical practice. Let's leave it at that. If you really want to work in underprivileged communities, there is no shortage of them, both in the US and around the world.

One thing I will apologize for is generalizing about your experiences, peteB. It was wrong for me to lump you into any group. I respect your idea to work in India after you get your medical license in the US.

Let's move past this and get back to the OP.
And you have evidence to refute the idea that US boarded radiologist do teleradiology all around the world?

I know for a fact that there is a group that offers "nighthawk" service based out of Sydney Australia. With the time zone changes it works out great for them.

Also the idea of offshoring radiologists might not be as popular if the ACA (I know most docs consider it "evil") actually takes hold. If we do move to a system of bundled payments it is going to be very valuable to have a radiologist on site that can figure out if an ordered test is the best imaging method or even necessary. The shotgun method of ordering every scan under the sun/having insurance pay for it might not work much longer.
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are all residency programs hospital based? are there any that aren't, or are more outpatient than others?

Family medicine residencies that are located in Academic centers tend to have more outpatient time, especially for seniors, because their hospital services tend to not be as busy. The Internal medicine service at the center will take more of the patients. You'll still be spending most of your time on the wards though. A strong inpatient preparation is pretty important even if you want to do outpatient only, because you have to be prepared to temporize patients who are going to be transferred to the hospital and you have to have a strong understanding of what goes on in the hospital setting when your patients end up in the hospital.

You will still have to be prepared to lance the occasional small abscess, do gyn exams, sew up small lacs (especially if you live in a town where people don't automatically go to the ER for such things), etc. Also, bear in mind, a primary care physician doing outpatient only isn't going to make **** in comparison to other physicians. Which I guess is really nbd if you don't have much debt going in.
If you're ok with patient contact but just don't like really sick people, how about PM&R? You won't have super sick patients on your census, I can't see much blood and guts being involved, and you will get to help people recover their function, which I bet would be very satisfying.
I know for a fact that there is a group that offers "nighthawk" service based out of Sydney Australia. With the time zone changes it works out great for them.

Also the idea of offshoring radiologists might not be as popular if the ACA (I know most docs consider it "evil") actually takes hold. If we do move to a system of bundled payments it is going to be very valuable to have a radiologist on site that can figure out if an ordered test is the best imaging method or even necessary. The shotgun method of ordering every scan under the sun/having insurance pay for it might not work much longer.
I predict these nighthawk services will dwindle since the reimbursements on studies are declining such that paying nighthawk for a prelim read, then having to redictate in the AM to get reimbursed is making it financially unappealing.

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule will reimburse the physician for interpretation of electronically transmitted images if they are performed within the United States including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.
I predict these nighthawk services will dwindle since the reimbursements on studies are declining such that paying nighthawk for a prelim read, then having to redictate in the AM to get reimbursed is making it financially unappealing.

The Medicare Physician Fee Schedule will reimburse the physician for interpretation of electronically transmitted images if they are performed within the United States including Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

In theory, couldn't you read in any country and then sign your reports at the local US embassy (aka US soil)?