9/10/2011 Official Club!!!

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Mar 30, 2011
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:):)We are the last of the fold. I wish everyone good luck. I am using SN2's method for three months on May 23rd allowing me two weeks for review. May the force be with you. Hope to meet some of you while we are in this together :):):):):):):)

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i have a feeling they aren't gonna be up till 5 and i'm gonna spend an horu and a half refreshing this page and the one with scores....
S0o0o I thought yesterday was the score release.... After freaking out an hour before 3pm yesterday... I'm surprisingly calm right now. By calm I mean I'm only having a mild anxiety attack versus diarrhea/vomiting. =)

As soon as you guys get your scores let us know !!!!

its funny how the doctors of tomorrow are so neurotic
I am sitting here right now with my wife and baby feeling like I am about to hyperventilate. Does anyone actually have any definitive info that the scores are posted before 5pm EST? I think I might have a heart attack if I sit here for the next two hours. haha.
No, not really. However, how is it possible that it takes this long to score a CBT?
Skip my essay and just give me a number!
I hope AAMC reads this post and gets their act together.
they're up!

10/10/10/Q. i guess the good thing is they're very even..... :(

my MCAT practice average was 30. lol the thing is, the first MCAT practice i took at the beginning of the summer was 30, and the last one i took was 30 too. my highest was a 32. i studied SO EFFING MUCH and i didn't go up at all. not even one point. i'm so mad about that, i shouldn't even have studied 10 hours a day in the summer... =[
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9PS, 6VR, 10BS: 25M
HOW TF DID I GET A 6 IN VERBAL OMG :scared: and M on writing? My average verbal is a 9 on AAMC's and 10's on EK. Did they make a mistake?!?!??!?! Did I skip an entire passage without knowing?

I put random answers on 20% of PS cuz i ran out of time yet i still got a 9

I'm so sad now :( I don't feel I could improve on verbal
AAMC Average: 30-31

Predicted Score: 30

Actual Score: 33P (8 VR, 13 PS, 12 BS)

Previous MCAT (the 07/06/2011): 26P (8VR, 9 PS, 9 BS)
12 12 R 14 38R

Exact same breakdown as my first practice exam (AAMC 3). Oh well. Good enough. :)

Good luck everyone!
Like everyone else I found this test to be harder than any of the CBT's available. I scored very well on all available tests(high 30s with a couple low 40s), but felt this test was written a little different than the available cbts.

PS: I felt like I killed this section. I typically don't skip questions but I decided to do it for the first time when I came across 3 calculation intensive q's in a row. I felt confident in the rest of the questions and came back with only enough time to do out the calculations for 2 of the 3 I had skipped; so I had to blindly guess on the last of the three(first time I ever had to do this)

VR: Meh. Typically this is my worst section. From the CBTS I usually can garner 12 points but hardly ever more than that. After leaving the exam I couldn't remember what a single passage was about. However, before leaving to take my break after the section I did feel fairly confident. There was one passage I knew I didn't fully understand and I felt like I got more from the tone of the questions rather than the passage itself.

Writing: I never took this section seriously while studying and I hope it doesn't bite me in the butt. I gave political examples and filled up the blank enough where it only slightly extended the text box. So who knows

BS: As a bio major this is typically my strongest section. From what I have read I fall in the same boat as a lot of other people. There was an orgo passage that is a toss up. I used sound judgement(looking for patterns and eliminating) to answer the questions where I knew nothing about.

Hopefully the curve sits low to reflect the difficulty of some of the rogue passages.

Does anyone know whether or not the voided tests play into the curve? I'm hoping so but my gut tells me that's not the case.

Goodluck everybody!

Above is my thoughts coming out of the test.

I would have guessed anywhere between 30-38 and I got a 35!. I'm pretty happy about this since I won't have to retake, and I'll be competitive at all my top choices.

My breakdown is 10/12/13 VR/PS/BS with a writing score of O
AAMC Average: 36.0

Predicted Score: 35

Actual Score: 38M (14 PS / 12 VR / 12 BS)

I am BEYOND happy right now!!!

....but how the F am I supposed to explain a writing score of M???
10 P 7 V 10 BS

What's funny is that I thought the verbals section was incredibly easy HOWEVER, it still projected what I had gotten several times.

10 on Physical Sciences isn't too bad, I didn't even finish the section and have felt stronger on practice exams

10 on BS is a little aggravating because I always I got 10-12, 10 being the low end....

SO yeah, 27M

Signing up for the January MCAT ASAP!

- Remember guys, it's not about how long the journey is... it's actually getting there. I may not get in this year, but I will be a doctor.
PS 10 VR 10 BS 9 29O

sigh. retake. i'm actually ok with that though. i think i can do better next time. really surprised with verbal since i usually did better than that. BS i'm annoyed about but not surprised because I thought it was so hard at the time. content with PS since that was my trouble zone.
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AAMC Average: 36

Predicted Score: 30-35

Actual Score: 31Q (10 PS / 10 VR / 11 BS)

Time for retake :(
Really pissed right now...

PS 14
VR 08
BS 15


how the hell am i supposed to explain that i can't read. that verbal was insane, i remember reading several questions in a row and not having any clue...
32Q. 12/10/10. Up from a 28! I'm so happy right now. I don't have to explain my horrible verbal score anymore!
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9PS, 6VR, 10BS: 25M
HOW TF DID I GET A 6 IN VERBAL OMG :scared: and M on writing? My average verbal is a 9 on AAMC's and 10's on EK. Did they make a mistake?!?!??!?! Did I skip an entire passage without knowing?

I put random answers on 20% of PS cuz i ran out of time yet i still got a 9

I'm so sad now :( I don't feel I could improve on verbal

Yea my average verbal score was an 11, with my highest being 13 and my lowest at 8. My average total score was a 32 (AAMC) and 30 (TPR)
My score was a 25Q... i just threw up a little..
10 PS/4 VR/ 11 BS : 25Q WTF?!?!
This cant possibly be correct!!!:bang::annoyed::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:
A. This is half my lowest practice and previous actual MCAT!!
B. My BS and PS are 11 and 10.
C. I made a Q on the writing sample. Proving (atleast suggesting) that I'm not illiterate.
D. Even though the first passage was ridiculously long, I finished. I did not feel that bad about it either!

Where did you take it? (I took mine right outside Dallas) I wonder if that has something to do with it. I just got off the phone with a lady at the MCAT resource center, who said that it is a possibility that they messed up. She said I could have my test rescored for $55 and it would take 4-6 weeks!!! WTF!
very happy right now 32O ( 12 PS, 08 VR, 12 BS).

June 16 (11PS, 06VR, 13 BS and M). So improved by 2 points on VR, which I really happy about :soexcited::soexcited: