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Focus on passing your classes and staying afloat. Start thinking about backup specialties.
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Unfortunately a failed year and having to repeat is going to cripple your chances for surgery. You need to be academically perfect from here on out to even have a chance. Honestly you need to be doing above class average and then crush boards.

The reality is you need to start thinking of a plan 1b
Not going into gen surg but here to say you need to increase your study efficiency.
Get a friend or someone you trust to orient you to Anki and premade decks to help if you weren't already using them. If you're putting in that many hours, at least incorporate some active recall, etc.

For transparency, I didn't use Anki in med school, and I wish I did. I did fine without it, but I think it makes a huge difference.
It is competitive for those that don’t have blemishes on their record. Certainly go for it but understand that it may not happen. And that is ok. It’s ok to end up in a back up specialty
Thank you everyone for your advice. I am really considering what you guys are saying to heart. Although this cannot be expressed here, I feel that I am obligated to myself to inform you all of how I came here. I was a national AP scholar in high school and won the Semen's/Intel research award multiple times. I spent many years after high school refining my studying methods to learn new advanced techniques to beautifully integrate knowledge into conceptualization. I fully believe I have the intelligence, persistence, work ethic, and innovative spirit it takes to become a great heart surgeon. I know it is an uphill battle (even my father is putting me down), but I will see it through to the end. No regrets.
No regerts
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