AACOMAS GPA Calculation and Retakes

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Feb 3, 2007
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Which classes should you retake...? I know obviously you should retake your bad prereq classes...but what about upper div class? Do upper div science classes need to be retaken if you have a C and how much do admissions look at overall science GPA versus your prereq GPA?

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If you got a few upper level science classes with low grades and have taken quite a few I wouldn't bother. But if they are all low grades, that isn't a good sign for adcoms ...

Every adcom looks at different things with different weights so I think its hard for someone to answer your question. Obviously if your sci gpa is higher than your overall then it might be better for you. Maybe someone else might have some more input as I have to run!
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Which classes should you retake...? I know obviously you should retake your bad prereq classes...but what about upper div class? Do upper div science classes need to be retaken if you have a C and how much do admissions look at overall science GPA versus your prereq GPA?

I've heard that AACOMAS calculates GPA differently from AMCAS, in that more recent grades are more heavily weighted. Does anyone know how exactly AACOMAS calculates GPAs? I haven't been able to find this and would be very grateful to anyone who might know.
I am applying to a few schools and have gotten an interview but I was wondering what people's thoughts were on Science gpa vs the MCAT. I got a 27 (10 BS, 9 VR, 8 PS) but I have a sub par science gpa. I had mainly Cs in my intro science classes, a damn D in org I. After this I got my act together A- in org II and Bs in physic classes and upper level bios. Anyone have any thoughts, obviously adcom's probably aren't happy but there is an upward trend....