Accepted off NYCOM's waitlist!!

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5+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Jan 23, 2006
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Hey guys!! I did it!! I got a large packet came in the mail today (06-06-2006) from NYCOM and I got taken off the waitlist!!!! I cannot even begin to say how great this feels! I wasn't home and my cell rang and it was my dad. He was crying and I could bearly understand him. I thought my grandfather died! He said a large letter came from NYCOM and I told him to open it and I got in!!! Both my parents then proceeded to call everyone they knew, I didn't get to tell any family members!!!

I think this may have helped: On Thursday June 1st I put on a shirt and tie and hand delivered another LOR with some updates to Rodika Zaika, Director of Admissions. I just walked into admissions, asked to see her (she was standing next to the secratery I asked) and said hi I'm Jason ******, I'm on the waitlist for 2010 and I just wanted to give you this letter. She then said "oh yeah, I remember you. You've called a few times. Thanks for the letter." I then asked if there was any movment on the waitlist yet and she said no. That was all, literally less than 2 minutes. The letter I got today was dated June 2nd and signed by her. :D I don't know if this put me over the top or was a coincidence but I thought I would let you fellow waitlisters figure that out!

Thanks again for all your support guys and good luck to you fellow waitlisters! NYCOM 2010 OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

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CONGRATS!!! that is soooo AWESOME!!!! You were meant to have it!! :D

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

now it's time to party!! :hardy:
Congratulations dude, you deserve it! Good luck and hopefully I'll see you around this cycle ends.
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JasonUD said:
Hey guys!! I did it!! I got a large packet came in the mail today (06-06-2006) from NYCOM and I got taken off the waitlist!!!! I cannot even begin to say how great this feels! I wasn't home and my cell rang and it was my dad. He was crying and I could bearly understand him. I thought my grandfather died! He said a large letter came from NYCOM and I told him to open it and I got in!!! Both my parents then proceeded to call everyone they knew, I didn't get to tell any family members!!!

I think this may have helped: On Thursday June 1st I put on a shirt and tie and hand delivered another LOR with some updates to Rodika Zaika, Director of Admissions. I just walked into admissions, asked to see her (she was standing next to the secratery I asked) and said hi I'm Jason ******, I'm on the waitlist for 2010 and I just wanted to give you this letter. She then said "oh yeah, I remember you. You've called a few times. Thanks for the letter." I then asked if there was any movment on the waitlist yet and she said no. That was all, literally less than 2 minutes. The letter I got today was dated June 2nd and signed by her. :D I don't know if this put me over the top or was a coincidence but I thought I would let you fellow waitlisters figure that out!

Thanks again for all your support guys and good luck to you fellow waitlisters! NYCOM 2010 OH YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D

congratulations!!! you must be ecstatic. good job. :thumbup:
JasonUD said:
Hey guys!! I did it!! I got a large packet came in the mail today (06-06-2006) from NYCOM and I got taken off the waitlist!!!!

:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:

When I saw your other thread about being waitlisted I thought, "Man, I hope he gets in!"

truly awesome :cool:
Ms. Zaika is pretty cool. I spoke with her at the Open House. Glad you got in!! Guess I'll see you posting in the NYCOM 2010 thread and at the picnic this month. Shoot "ShenningDO" a PM.

I'm glad this is the last time you walk into the NYCOM office as a NYCOM applicant.

HunterGatherer said:
Ms. Zaika is pretty cool. I spoke with her at the Open House. Glad you got in!! Guess I'll see you posting in the NYCOM 2010 thread and at the picnic this month. Shoot "ShenningDO" a PM.

I'm glad this is the last time you walk into the NYCOM office as a NYCOM applicant.


Mazel tov
thats awesome for u. Ill be on my way to see Radika this
CONGRATULATIONS :) :) You should be tremendously proud of yourself and your hard work!!! Go out and CELEBRATE! NYCOM's a great school, and you will be happy there.
bluerose786 said:
CONGRATULATIONS :) :) You should be tremendously proud of yourself and your hard work!!! Go out and CELEBRATE! NYCOM's a great school, and you will be happy there.

Glad to see your saga come to an end on a positive note, see ya around campus this coming year.
just saw your post- congrats jason!!! :) :) :)
As of today 6/10/06, I too am I proud member of the NYCOM class of 2010!!! I got my large packet in the mail today! Rodika had signed my letter on 6/6/06, OMG I'm gonna be a doctor :eek:
PandoraML said:
As of today 6/10/06, I too am I proud member of the NYCOM class of 2010!!! I got my large packet in the mail today! Rodika had signed my letter on 6/6/06, OMG I'm gonna be a doctor :eek:
congrats !

would you guys mind sharing some info bout yourself to a future NYCOM hopefull
PandoraML said:
As of today 6/10/06, I too am I proud member of the NYCOM class of 2010!!! I got my large packet in the mail today! Rodika had signed my letter on 6/6/06, OMG I'm gonna be a doctor :eek:

Way to go Pandora! It feels great, doesn't it!!!
My poor cats are terrified because I keep yelling and jumping around!! Time to go celebrate!! And, Yes, it feels incredible!!
Another one to add to the list!! I got my letter this weekend as well. Now I get to stop planning for a move out to Ohio!
Yay! Let's hear it for NYCOM! WOOHOO! Congrats Lisa, see you in August!
LINYKid said:
congrats !

would you guys mind sharing some info bout yourself to a future NYCOM hopefull

YES, first off congrats to all of you for it is truely an awesome accomplishment, and you will im sure make fine physicians. Could some of you if you feel confortable, post your stats to give some of us NYCOM hopefuls some insight and hope
