Admission requirements

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2+ Year Member
May 1, 2020
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I was wondering if it is currently an admission requirement that a prospective Podiatry student have some exposure to the “typical” work day in the life of a Podiatrist, be it shadowing a pp pod in their office or spending time in a clinic of some sort? Thank you for your replies.

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I was wondering if it is currently an admission requirement that a prospective Podiatry student have some exposure to the “typical” work day in the life of a Podiatrist, be it shadowing a pp pod in their office or spending time in a clinic of some sort? Thank you for your replies.
A lot of pod students get in without shadowing at all (or just virtual shadowing)... you can read the pre pod forums. There are many examples.

Shadowing is supposed an admission requirement (and should be), but the podiatry schools are struggling for apps and many will be extra-lenient on reqs, take whoever they can get. Students have wised up to the ROI of podiatry. If the schools themselves don't offer more scholarships and/or don't lower the bar, they'll "lose" that applicant to a school that is more lax on admissions. It's too bad.