Advice for the August MCAT

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Now that some of you guys are done taking the MCAT, what advice can you give for those of us that are preparing for the August one? Specifically, I am interested in hearing about stuff you came to realize towards the end of your MCAT prep but wish you had known from the beginning.

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premedbruin said:
Now that some of you guys are done taking the MCAT, what advice can you give for those of us that are preparing for the August one? Specifically, I am interested in hearing about stuff you came to realize towards the end of your MCAT prep but wish you had known from the beginning.

Do more AAMC practice tests. Then do them again. And again.
jp104 said:
Do more AAMC practice tests. Then do them again. And again.

^^2nd that

also, learn the material well
you might have to go over it again just to refresh yourself since you may forget details
knowing those details can make you confident of your answers

good luck
tictaq said:
^^2nd that

also, learn the material well
you might have to go over it again just to refresh yourself since you may forget details
knowing those details can make you confident of your answers

good luck

But don't get too hung up on details. You need to be able to think and analyze fast. Most of the information you get will be from the passages. Make sure to study what you don't know and do as many practice tests and passages as you can get your hands on!