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Mister Significant

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5+ Year Member
Nov 7, 2017
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for some advice regarding my journey to MD/DO school...
I currently am in my last year with a Psychology major. I might be considered a non-traditional considering that I am now 23, and that I have not always had the resources or guidance to get the 'pre-med checklist' to perfection.
My parents split my incoming freshman year so I decided to do community college for two years. I held a 20 hour a week job throughout and worked 50 hours a week summers doing the trades. However, I always managed to get my science courses done (1 year Chemistry, pathophysiology, anatomy/physiology, 1 year general biology, microbiology, 1 year physics, etc.).
MY GPA is at a 3.3, but my science GPA is a 3.4. I took some Law classes and some other disciplines to see how I liked them, and sometimes I bit off more than I could chew. I thought I was doing well assuming my employment and my continued solid grades in the pre-med courses.
However, I met with the pre-med advisor at my University and she thinks otherwise. She gave me a pre-med checklist and sent me off, assuming I was weeded out.
I want to know what to do to get into a DO/MD program in the next two years. I'm hellbent on becoming a doctor; It's all I've ever wanted to do. None of the money in the world would make me want to do something else.

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What's you GPA trend?

I think another solid year of upper division sciences (mostly A's) and a 510 + MCAT would give you a decent shot at your state MD schools. For DO, your GPA isn't too bad but a boost would be nice. 505+ MCAT would be good for most schools in the country. You still have a very good chance of getting in. The MCAT will be huge in your situation, don't take until you are scoring well.

Do you have all the ECs needed? Volunteering, shadowing, leadership, etc?
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Hey guys,

I'm looking for some advice regarding my journey to MD/DO school...
I currently am in my last year with a Psychology major. I might be considered a non-traditional considering that I am now 23, and that I have not always had the resources or guidance to get the 'pre-med checklist' to perfection.
My parents split my incoming freshman year so I decided to do community college for two years. I held a 20 hour a week job throughout and worked 50 hours a week summers doing the trades. However, I always managed to get my science courses done (1 year Chemistry, pathophysiology, anatomy/physiology, 1 year general biology, microbiology, 1 year physics, etc.).
MY GPA is at a 3.3, but my science GPA is a 3.4. I took some Law classes and some other disciplines to see how I liked them, and sometimes I bit off more than I could chew. I thought I was doing well assuming my employment and my continued solid grades in the pre-med courses.
However, I met with the pre-med advisor at my University and she thinks otherwise. She gave me a pre-med checklist and sent me off, assuming I was weeded out.
I want to know what to do to get into a DO/MD program in the next two years. I'm hellbent on becoming a doctor; It's all I've ever wanted to do. None of the money in the world would make me want to do something else.
Read these:
Med School Rx: Getting In, Getting Through, and Getting On with Doctoring Original Edition
by Walter Hartwig
ISBN-13: 978-1607140627
ISBN-10: 1607140624

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What's you GPA trend?

I think another solid year of upper division sciences (mostly A's) and a 510 + MCAT would give you a decent shot at your state MD schools. For DO, your GPA isn't too bad but a boost would be nice. 505+ MCAT would be good for most schools in the country. You still have a very good chance of getting in. The MCAT will be huge in your situation, don't take until you are scoring well.

Do you have all the ECs needed? Volunteering, shadowing, leadership, etc?

Thank you for the reply; this is my first post.
My GPA at Community College (first two years) was 3.6.
The two years I've done at a University are 3.25. A lot of stuff has happened that made my grades drop.
Right now is my last year. I'm certain I can get those A's that your talking about. However, I can delay graduation a semester which is tempting so that I can take Cellular Biology and Biochemistry. On the flip-side I might wanna graduate and do CNA for the next year and take a Biochemistry and Cell Biology course while I prep for the MCAT.
As for volunteering I've done it here and there and have about a dozen occasions, including a youth basketball coaching gig. Most of my time out of the strenuous pre-med curriculum has been working, which I think would account for leadership and many other positive attributes.
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What's you GPA trend?

I think another solid year of upper division sciences (mostly A's) and a 510 + MCAT would give you a decent shot at your state MD schools. For DO, your GPA isn't too bad but a boost would be nice. 505+ MCAT would be good for most schools in the country. You still have a very good chance of getting in. The MCAT will be huge in your situation, don't take until you are scoring well.

Do you have all the ECs needed? Volunteering, shadowing, leadership, etc?
