Algebra II


Always pushing forward...
10+ Year Member
Jan 27, 2012
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I'm in Algebra II now and I was excited because math always interested me, but I'm never good at it lol. A lot of people say that Algebra II was very easy. Me, stupidly thinking that it was going to be easy has hit a fork in the road. I try my best by doing extra problems to prepare for the quiz today and I got an F. It seems like I'm getting worse than improving. I really want to do well in the class, but it looks like I'm not getting there.

Any suggestions? Anything is helpful. Thank you.

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I did the chapter reviews for the chapters we were quizzed on the night before. It felt like I knew what I was doing, but I guess I didn't. Ah well, Thanks anyways.
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Yeah, I do it all the time. His advice and explanations are really good, But I guess the information isn't sticking. I have a 83% in that class now from a 103%. Today we took a test, and he hasn't put the grades in yet, but I have a weird feeling that the test is probably going to bring my grade down to a C.
Honestly, the quickest way to get better is to do lots and lots of practice problems. If you're doing that, getting help from the teacher, and still not doing well you should talk to your teacher and figure out what's going wrong between working problems on your own and on the exam.
Doing a lot of practice problems is good, but you should really try to understand why you get the answers you do. I'm not sure what you're working on now, but with almost everything in upper level math, just plugging random numbers into a calculator will only get you so far.

Also, I've tutored a few friends in math. If you give me a concept that you are struggling with, I'll try to explain it. (is this legal mods?)
Thanks. Oh I got my test back. I got a 82% one of the highest grade in the class. I was really surprised because a lot of people got a 70 and below. I wish I've gotten a better grade though, but there's always room for improvement.
There's a website called, their site has videos for all subjects that will teach you how to do specific things. We use it in my Chemistry class a lot, and I've watched some for Algebra II because I take Algebra online, so it's really one of my few resources.
There's a website called, their site has videos for all subjects that will teach you how to do specific things. We use it in my Chemistry class a lot, and I've watched some for Algebra II because I take Algebra online, so it's really one of my few resources.

Oh okay, this is really good thanks.
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I took Algebra II A&B course and flew through the class with an A, and then Algebra II C struck and I passed with a C-. The trigonometry was blowing my mind.

It's a tough course and I wish I would have practiced the problems sooner and read through the book understanding the concepts instead of just trying to memorize formulas and hope to remember them.

I'm retaking it during the summer... theres no way I'm accepting a C-. Good luck on your class, i think the best way is to read the book and try to grasp the concepts of lessons as a whole ... not just memorizing how to do problems,
Khan Academy is nothing short brilliant. It's helpful in all kinds of math, not just Algebra II.
Yeah Khan Academy is really good. It really helped me on the quiz we took. I got a 100%. I have a test tomorrow, and I hope I can pull of at least a B.