Altius Summer Immersion??

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Apr 23, 2022
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I am looking into the Altius summer immersion in person program and cannot find reviews on anyone that has done it..

anybody have good or bad experiences with that program? or with Altius at all?

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I am looking into the Altius summer immersion in person program and cannot find reviews on anyone that has done it..

anybody have good or bad experiences with that program? or with Altius at all?

Altius is a program where you will get out of it what you put in. If you follow the program and do all that they ask you to, it will take a lot of time, but you’ll see the results. The summer immersion is a lot of work since it’s their entire program condensed into a short time period. Everyone that I’ve spoken to that has taken Altius has either loved it because they knuckled down and did the work and gotten the score they wanted, or they have hated it because it was hard and they cut corners and didn’t do the work and didn’t score well on their test day. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

Source: 526 MCAT score after taking Altius, and I was an Altius tutor for a year.
I didn't do the program, but that was because I found their communication to be extremely lacking. I reached out several times with questions when I was shopping for a program and nobody ever responded to any of my queries. Fast forward a year and I keep getting calls/emails from them...but I had already taken the MCAT.

Not a true review of the program, but I found their lack of communication to be super off-putting.