Am I allowed to put this on dental school application?

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Hello! Almost every summer and winter break, I've worked at my parents' family restaurant. So because of that, I wasn't on the payroll. Am I able to still include this as an employment on my application or would it be wiser to leave it out? Thanks in advance!

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Hello! Almost every summer and winter break, I've worked at my parents' family restaurant. So because of that, I wasn't on the payroll. Am I able to still include this as an employment on my application or would it be wiser to leave it out? Thanks in advance!
How would they ever know that you didn't get paid? Just put it in, they aren't going to ask you "well, did you get paid or not at this place?"
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Yes you could put it down as employment/work experience. Ultimately, it should not/will not decide your admissions status. It does show you stay busy with other activities rather just studying.

Good luck!

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