Am I doing too many things this summer?

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Apr 29, 2016
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So I am kind of a non-traditional student. I was a Nursing major, and switched my major junior year. Am I doing too much this summer? I am starting research, taking a biology class, and doing a volunteering program (that requires 125 hours this summer). I feel like I can handle it but I am just nervous about it. I took Chem II and Physics I last summer and did pretty well. Thoughts?

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This belongs in the premed forum. But to answer your question, no, that's not too much at all. As a med student, you will be expected to juggle a lot more.
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Not really. A med student may see this as a cake walk. However you're at the early stages so it may seem daunting at first.

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I dont understand the above posters. Just because you will one day be a resident working 80 hours a week, doesn't mean you should now! That being said, your schedule doesn't sound too bad depending on how many hours you will be spending on research.
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No one can answer this other than you, unfortunately. I would recommend charting out your week with expected hours/schedule and seeing if it is something that seems overwhelming to you.
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You will only know the answer
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