Anatomy and physiology

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Oct 26, 2010
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Are these courses pre-reqs at most schools, or only on the "recommended"
list. Out of all the classes on most of the sites the only ones I am missing are anatomy/phys, as well as a biochem class (this seems to be required for most). I have taken all the other pre-reqs, and other recommended courses including genetics, cell and molec, microbio, pathology, neurochemical regulation, developmental bio, etc.

I graduated this past summer so any classes I would have to take would be at a local CC.

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I would highly recommend both anatomy and physiology. They are required at some schools. I'm in this situation right now where I have to take anatomy (and microbiology) for my first-choice.
Has anyone ever had trouble getting credit for a biochem class taken at a community college or online?? Those would be my only options....

Dang, what sucks even more is the local CC's and even 4 year universities don't offer Biochem until next fall :(
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both of these classes are highly recommended (but not required).... Of course there are a few schools that require them (Michigan comes to mind).

However, IMO, I think they'll make dental school a little bit less stressful
At my school they wont make dental school less stressful...Cause I might not get in if I take them haha..

Got a buddy in anatomy/phys...226 people in the class, 4 got A's on the last test (highest grade was 94)....Glad it's not required for the schools I am interested in.

I guess it's better than my western civ class though...Which no one has an A in.
They are required at some and highly recommended at others. I applied to Indiana and for them anatomy and biochemistry are pre-req's. Physiology is on the DAT so it seems weird that you haven't already taken that.
They are required at some and highly recommended at others. I applied to Indiana and for them anatomy and biochemistry are pre-req's. Physiology is on the DAT so it seems weird that you haven't already taken that.
Because the physiology on the DAT is taught in the intro biology courses.

Biochemistry is required by quite a few schools. Many schools are adding anatomy and physiology to the required courses. The unfortunate thing is, you cannot predict when a school will require a course!
Isn't it stressful how some courses at some universities are so impossible to score an A in? I hate taking classes where maybe 2-8 out of 200 students are going to get A's. It's very stressful and I dont feel as though I learn as much because of the stress.

At my school they wont make dental school less stressful...Cause I might not get in if I take them haha..

Got a buddy in anatomy/phys...226 people in the class, 4 got A's on the last test (highest grade was 94)....Glad it's not required for the schools I am interested in.

I guess it's better than my western civ class though...Which no one has an A in.
I am in a bad situation with A and P. My school offered a 4 credit class titled Anatomy and Physiology (lecture lab) so I took that and then I also took advanced physiology. I am supposed to have an interview at Indiana and they are asking me when I am going to complete my anatomy credits.... I graduated in May and am working full time. I thought what I had taken would count but apparently not. I think I am going to have to withdraw my application unless I can find an online course. So take as many classes while in school as possible!!

In my case there wasn't another anatomy course offered.... ugh