

2010 O.D.
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Jun 22, 2005
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I'm writing the OAT in a few months and was wondering how much anatomy/physiology is in the Biology section?? I have four years of university behind me but will not be taking any anatomy or physiology courses until the fall. I'm just wondering how indepth I will need to study the systems and stuff...any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks,


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pre_opt_sku said:
I'm writing the OAT in a few months and was wondering how much anatomy/physiology is in the Biology section?? I have four years of university behind me but will not be taking any anatomy or physiology courses until the fall. I'm just wondering how indepth I will need to study the systems and stuff...any help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks,


You don't have to know anything in too much detail. You should know topics about at the level that is covered in your intro bio classes. The OAT and MCAT prep books are a great way to study for the biology section. Thats all I used and I scored a 340 on the bio part. hope that helps.
odstudent said:
You don't have to know anything in too much detail. You should know topics about at the level that is covered in your intro bio classes. The OAT and MCAT prep books are a great way to study for the biology section. Thats all I used and I scored a 340 on the bio part. hope that helps.

Did you use the OAT prep book by Kaplan or another one? The kaplan OAT book that I found in the bookstore only has exams...its not like a review book. Is that what you used? Thanks!
star777 said:
Did you use the OAT prep book by Kaplan or another one? The kaplan OAT book that I found in the bookstore only has exams...its not like a review book. Is that what you used? Thanks!

I actually used the mcat prep book from kaplan. I think it was really helpful. I know there is an OAT prep book that has more than just exams, but you can't find it in stores. The only way to get it is to sign up for kaplan or buy it from someone who has already taken the class.
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I remember there was actually a question about goose bumps in the biology section...about how the skin stands erect, trapping hair and retaining heat. That was strange to see because I heard that for the first time in my a&p class a couple weeks earlier.
I was very suprised to see 2 questions in bio section about specific anatomical names of some bones and the skull anatomy. I knew both because I took anatomy, but I would have never have known that with just reg. bio. Its not covered in any review books I used.
od2b77 said:
I was very suprised to see 2 questions in bio section about specific anatomical names of some bones and the skull anatomy. I knew both because I took anatomy, but I would have never have known that with just reg. bio. Its not covered in any review books I used.

names of what bones?
I remember they asked questions about plant reproductive structures. WTF, how the hell am I suppose to remember that :mad: Other than that I think to do well on the OAT just buy the Kaplan OAT review book and do the whole book. I have them if anyone wanna buy, they were free when I went to the optometry day at UHCO... (five-finger discount) :smuggrin:
ODhopeful said:
I remember they asked questions about plant reproductive structures. WTF, how the hell am I suppose to remember that :mad: Other than that I think to do well on the OAT just buy the Kaplan OAT review book and do the whole book. I have them if anyone wanna buy, they were free when I went to the optometry day at UHCO... (five-finger discount) :smuggrin:

i paid 900+ shipping for mine!! well it included notecards, hours of lectures...but you still beat me. 900 dollars down the drain!!