Anatomy textbooks: Gray's anatomy for students V.S Moore's

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Oct 16, 2005
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Hey guys,

I'm in the process of selecting my anatomy textbook for study. I've basically narrowed it down to the following two books:

1. Gray's anatomy for students.
2. Moore's clinically oriented anatomy.

I don't really know which book is better, I've heard that Moore's can become difficult to understand at times. I'm not sure whether Gray's cover enough details about what we need to know.

anyway, just wanna know which book do you guys recommend.

Thanks for the help.


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Hmm.. I maybe wrong about this but I haven't seen anyone who was carrying a Gray's Anatomy book during my formal medical schooling. I only see them in our library, used as a reference. And I'm not sure if it's updated. I also found it difficult to understand because of its small fonts.

Thus, I recommend Moore's. I found the book interesting because it has many colored illustrations (unlike Gray's), frequently updated, & has this clinical correlation every chapter (which I'm not sure if Gray's has it). Not to forget, their discussion is comprehensive.
bleudsky said:
Hmm.. I maybe wrong about this but I haven't seen anyone who was carrying a Gray's Anatomy book during my formal medical schooling. I only see them in our library, used as a reference. And I'm not sure if it's updated. I also found it difficult to understand because of its small fonts.

Thus, I recommend Moore's. I found the book interesting because it has many colored illustrations (unlike Gray's), frequently updated, & has this clinical correlation every chapter (which I'm not sure if Gray's has it). Not to forget, their discussion is comprehensive.


Thanks for the information. The Gray's text you were referring to are the old ones and I've already got a fascimile version of that book (yeah, smalled font size, black and white illustrations etc :p ). There's now a new book called "Gray's anatomy for students" that is tailor-made for medical students, and is based upon the older texts that Henry Gray has written. The illustrations in the new book are also coloured, and it seems just as good as Moore's.

If you like, you can search for the title "Gray's anatomy for students" by Drake et al.

Thanks for sharing your opinion!!

Cheers :D
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^ i haven't seen that Gray's Anatomy for students yet.. hehe!
Saw that new edition of Gray's and I hope it wouldn't be as complicated and ultra-comprehensive as "Daddy Gray's". Moore's book was a good reference for me because it is clinically oriented. Good for studying cases and was also useful in reviewing for the boards.
Hey guys,

Thanks for all the helpful tips and advices. I'm "pretty" sure that I'll get Moore's, as a lot of med schools recommend this text. But at the mean time, I'll get Gray's student edition out from the library as a supplement to Moore's.

By the way, do u guys recommend atlases (e.g. Netter's)? do u guys find them useful at all?

Thanks again for all the help! :D

yep! Netter's (Atlas of Human Anatomy) is very helpful during Anatomy Lab sessions. u use it as a guide in studying cadavers so u know what u want to identify, and to know what structure is that (nerve, muscle, tendon, etc.)
Moore, gray's doesn't talk about clinical scenarios from what i remember whereas moore's does.
by the way, who can tell my somthing about Moore
I use Grey,and want to know the differecy between them .
Thank you ! :D
I've been using Moore's for nearly 3 years and find it helpful with the "clinical application" type stuff, but at the same time I also find the text isn't that succinct and tends to drag on.

I use Gray's (the newer edition) for their picturse as I think they have better schematic diagrams. Netter's is a godsend - as we didn't get that much anatomy teaching, it really does pay to have a good anatomy atlas cuz pictures explain much better.

hope this helps! :)
Thanks guys, I've finally decided to get Moore's first, along with Netter's. Hope they can get me through my anatomy course. lol :D