Anesthesia Residents Has 2nd Highest Percentage of Career-Choice Regret

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From recent JAMA study, link here

According to the JAMA study, residents in these five medical specialties experienced the highest percentage of career-choice regret:
  • Pathology—32.7 percent.
  • Anesthesiology—20.6 percent.
  • General surgery—19.1 percent.
  • Neurology—17.4 percent.
  • Psychiatry—16.9 percent.
Pathology and anesthesiology, however, had a low prevalence of burnout. The low prevalence of burnout among pathology and anesthesiology residents signals that career-choice regret might be due to other factors.

LOL, I wonder what these other factors are? Getting pooped on by surgeons on a daily basis? CRNAs who think they are doing a better job than you? Attending who micro manage the **** out of your case?

Does everyone know these percentages for career choice regret was in regards to whether or not "they would choose to become a physician again" in the study?

Anesthesiology was ranked one of the lowest at 6% the article says when asked if they had SPECIALTY choice regret. Whereas general surgery was highest at 17%, pathology at 12.2%, internal medicine at 10.6%, urology 8.6%, obgyn 7.7%.
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Does everyone know these percentages for career choice regret was in regards to whether or not "they would choose to become a physician again" in the study?

Anesthesiology was ranked one of the lowest at 6% the article says when asked if they had SPECIALTY choice regret. Whereas general surgery was highest at 17%, pathology at 12.2%, internal medicine at 10.6%, urology 8.6%, obgyn 7.7%.
can you tell me what these percentages are? 6% what? 6% would not become physicians ?
Why PP is better than residency:

Better hours. Great pay. Interesting job that changes and is challenging daily. No clinic. No rounds. *Mostly* my own boss on a day to day basis. No esoteric BS crap you have to learn that is inconsequential.

And...more free time and money to spend it on fun things.
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I love my job! I would not choose another field to work in. I like the daily challenge it brings. The quality of my collegues is good. We also tend to be very likable people. I am compensated ok(still got .mil time). My risk is miniscule. I would choose anesthesia again in a heartbeat.
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One of my med school friends switched out of anesthesia when she realized she couldn’t wear nice clothes at work.
I'm the opposite: I like anesthesia because I don't have to wear nice clothes to work! :)
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Resident physicians were asked, “If you could revisit your career choice, would you choose to become a physician again?” and “If you could revisit your specialty choice, would you choose the same specialty again?” Response options were “definitely not,” “probably not,” “maybe,” “probably,” and “definitely yes.” Responses of “probably not” or “definitely not” indicated career and specialty choice regret.

Therefore, for anesthesiology only 6% of the participants responded either "definitely not" or "probably not" when asked if they would choose the same specialty.
My co-residents and I frequently joke about having made poor life choices. We never actually have regrets about our specialty choice, but picking medicine over nursing was a mistake.

“Should’ve become a PICC nurse. Procedures all day. 8-5 job, no weekends, no call. Union benefits.” :thumbup: