AnesthesiaQbank vs. M5

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7+ Year Member
Jun 2, 2016
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Any thoughts? I her anesthesiaqbank is a little tougher but what about m5. anyone use both?

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I vouch for the as many questions as possible policy. Regardless of whether this is ITE/Basic/Advanced my quality rankings would be as follows:

1) ACE Exams
2) TrueLearn
3) M5
4) Reading Open anesthesia old stems
5) Hall

I have no experience with AnesthesiaQbank and hadn’t heard of it prior to today.

The ACE exams provide relevant questions, especially for advanced exam, and have excellent explanations. TrueLearn is a decent representation of content with the added bonus of some questions being lifted from ITEs and likely prior advanced etc exams so you may get a bonus gimme if there a repeat (I did). M5 I found too opinionated and his/her idea of what is relevant has become less and less accurate over the 5 years I used it. Hall is largely irrelevant but is arguably better than nothing.
I am so curious which would be more useful for the Advanced exam aside from TrueLearn. Reading through forums, I have heard conflicting things about ACE questions, and while M5 is a favorite of many, many have also said that it hasn't helped for the advanced. Hall seems to be not as useful as well. Anyone who has done anesthesiaqbank have any thoughts? I'm debating on using some of the remaining time left on either M5 or Anesthesiaqbank
Truelearn and just do as many ACE exams as possible. Too many resources start to get confusing. Just pick 2 and know them in and out. The Faust review book was also quite good.
I just took the ITE and Basic in the past few months. The ONLY resource I used for the entirety of the year was True Learn, it's about 2000 questions for both exams combined. I thoroughly read the explanations for every answer choice and retook all my incorrect questions. It feels very similar to uworld which was a comfortable learning experience for me. I did not supplement with any textbook or other question bank. I did fairly well on the ITE and passed the basic with that method.
i decided to do anesthesiaqbank over M5 bec the questions seem a little more varied with aqb. just my thoughts
Any verdict on which of these is more beneficial? My residents asked my take and I told them they didnt have these banks when I was a resident. 🙁
I used anesthesiaqbank many times. I just think their questions are more similar to the real thing so I got better bang.