any Emory news?

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Apr 23, 2002
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Well, Emory's committee was supposed to meet today. Does anyone know roughly how long it takes them to notify for acceptances once they have met? Do they send an email or what? I haven't heard anything yet, but I'm hoping that its just to soon.

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They sent out another batch of acceptance letters today. If you don't get one this week, you could still get one next month after the committee meets again.
Were accepted students notified by phone at all today? Or is it just snail mail for Emory acceptances?
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No phone calls, unless you're a URM. The dean for multicultural affairs sometimes calls minority applicants that they've been recruiting, but ordinary applicants just have to wait for a letter.
bump.....has anyone gotten any news yet?
No love from Emory today for me. If the committee only met on Monday, they might not have put them in the mail until yesterday. I just sent them a letter of interest a couple weeks ago, so I'm anxious to see if it will do anything.
I hate all the waiting. So what do you think, if we havent gotten anything by friday, we prolly missed out this round? or should we give them a little longer? luck my mailman prolly has a conspiracy going against me. haha
does emory give out pre-interview rejections?
My guess is by the end of the week, if we haven't heard, we weren't sent anything. They did tell us that you could interview really early and still be accepted in March, so there's still hope. Maybe they only send out a small number each month to the minority students that they are recruiting. They seem to be pretty big on that. And they have to save about half the seats for GA residents (which I'm not) so maybe they make most out-of-staters wait till the end. Who knows...I've given up trying to figure out what goes on down there.
When did you guys interview there? I was there in mid October and still ain't no fun. good luck
I interviewed the first day they began interviewing. My interviewer (not the panel ones) made me feel pretty sure I'd be accepted based on what he said to me, but it's been over 3 months and i've heard nothing. They told us if we are waitlisted in march, to show interest, so hopefully if we aren't accepted, we'll be waitlisted.
wow, yall have interviewed awhile ago. i was there in mid-december, so this is the first committee round that has come up since then. it seemed like my interview went well, but everyone else there that day said the same thing. i'm trying to be hopeful, but i guess more than likely i wont be hearing anything for awhile either.
i interviewed in early december. I think something that might play into the wait is that they do prioritize for residents of the southeast, and they take a healthy number of emory undergrads too (haha, i was the last former emory undergrad i can think of to get an interview, goes to show how much they want me :p)
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Originally posted by DW
i interviewed in early december. I think something that might play into the wait is that they do prioritize for residents of the southeast, and they take a healthy number of emory undergrads too (haha, i was the last former emory undergrad i can think of to get an interview, goes to show how much they want me :p)

haha to you DW, i'm an emory grad and my interview is this Friday, so i must be the last former emory undergrad to get an interview. anybody else out there? louisiana south enough to be east of south or south of east......or something like that. prolly whatever brownie points that mite bring gets canceled out somewhere.
Originally posted by randomlogik louisiana south enough to be east of south or south of east......or something like that. prolly whatever brownie points that mite bring gets canceled out somewhere.

If you are east of the mississippi or have ever uttered the word "y'all" ..... you're in! ;)
Damn, PA is east of the mississippi, but certainly not south. I think we should have an e-seance for acceptances :) kidding...maybe we should send brownies to the adcom...or threaten to egg their houses :D kidding again!
I guess I should have also mentioned that you have to have eaten in a waffle house at 3:00 a.m. sitting on a stool at the counter between two truck drivers while ordering cheese grits with your hash browns "scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, topped, and peppered" !! YUM!
Originally posted by Desdemona
I interviewed the first day they began interviewing. My interviewer (not the panel ones) made me feel pretty sure I'd be accepted based on what he said to me.

My 1-on-1 interviewer made me feel like a millions bucks too, but when I asked him how the rest of the Emory process would play out, he told me that he has NO INPUT into the decisions; then I was immediately bummed out, since my group interview wasn't so great;

Yeah, one of my friends happened to interview with me on the same day, and even more strangely, she was in my panel group! Anyways, she got in the same week we interviewed (mid Dec); I'm still waiting though
Originally posted by Schnoodle
If you are east of the mississippi or have ever uttered the word "y'all" ..... you're in! ;)

woohoo! i live about 15 miles east of the misssissippi.....and i know i'm quite guilty of using y'all a time or two ;)
yep yep....i think we have the logic of the adcom's all figured out....
now what did my mailman do with my darn acceptance letter! grrrrrrrrrrr....i know he lost it somewhere! haha
15 miles east of the mississippi? I'm sure that acceptance letter is on its way!

Seriously ... I wish all of you the best of luck with Emory. Hopefully we'll all end up there in August!
Originally posted by Schnoodle
I guess I should have also mentioned that you have to have eaten in a waffle house at 3:00 a.m. sitting on a stool at the counter between two truck drivers while ordering cheese grits with your hash browns "scattered, smothered, covered, chunked, diced, topped, and peppered" !! YUM!
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

haha, you're not a true atlantan until you can into a waffle house, drunk out of your mind in the wee hours of the night, and order without even looking at the menu :)
Originally posted by batman123
My 1-on-1 interviewer made me feel like a millions bucks too, but when I asked him how the rest of the Emory process would play out, he told me that he has NO INPUT into the decisions; then I was immediately bummed out, since my group interview wasn't so great;

Yeah, one of my friends happened to interview with me on the same day, and even more strangely, she was in my panel group! Anyways, she got in the same week we interviewed (mid Dec); I'm still waiting though

****. that's pretty asinine, isn't it? I wonder how much the interview counts for when they make their decisions, then, if the interviewers can't even argue for us?
The person doing the one-on-one interview has no vote on the admissions committee, but I think they turn in a review sheet about the interview.

I'm pretty sure the one-on-one was just to make sure you can carry on a conversation, and aren't some sort of goober. I had a fellow ND alum for my interview, so we mostly talked football. He also answered questions I had about Emory, etc.
Originally posted by DW
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

haha, you're not a true atlantan until you can into a waffle house, drunk out of your mind in the wee hours of the night, and order without even looking at the menu :)

all this waffle house talking is making me hungry, when the hell are we rollin over to the waho on lavista, next door to you know what :rolleyes: i need to get a new black and yellow hat.
good luck to everyone waiting on acceptances/interviews from coke u.
Any news today??
i just got an emory acceptance today :) letter dated january 10th, envelope postmakred jan 15th. hopefully yours is on the way :D
Congratulations! Hope to hear from them soon
Congratulations DW! That's fantastic!!!

When was your interview? I'm just trying to figure out the time frame here.

Originally posted by Schnoodle
Congratulations DW! That's fantastic!!!

When was your interview? I'm just trying to figure out the time frame here.


december 6th. :)

good luck..... are you a senior now or a alum?
Congrats GW!!!:clap: :clap:
I havent checked my mail yet today, but considering my mom didnt call...i bet i didnt get anything. Maybe it just takes a little longer to get over here to louisiana. heh or else i wanna try to convince myself that for awhile at least.
Congrats, DW!!!

Didn't get anything myself today...damn. Maybe it will take an extra day to get to Pittsburgh, if they sent me anything. Congrats!
Congratulations DW!
congratulations, DW!!!!
Hey congrats DW!! :clap: HOW many med schools want you now! - half the waitlist movement in May will be just from you withdrawing acceptances ;) :laugh: