Any General Dentist out practicing several years decide to apply for specialty?

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15+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2006
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I'm a general dentist out practicing 11 years, have my own practice too, wanting to apply for a pedo program. Besides the working experience what should I work on to increase my chance? Also how do you go about getting a letter of recommendation from the faculty? Thanks

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If you have a peds residency near you, try to reach out to the part-time faculty around you to see if you can set up office visits to shadow and potentially get a reference from them? Maybe you can get letters of recommendations from your referring specialists, co-workers, or any faculty members if they are still around in your school. I know of a pediatric dentist who practiced 9 years before going back to residency.
To go back after all of this time, show that you really love pedo.
And since you love pedo, you will be a great resident for the program and you will also enjoy your time there.
Also shows you will be a great pedodontist when you start practicing.