Any Hope? Lost at this point.

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7+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2015
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Got my MCAT score back today, kind of disappointed and heart broken. Need some advice as to what to do for this cycle (2017-2018).

I'm going to go from good to bad.

I'm a NJ resident.

Class of 2016 at a very small liberal arts college
Majors: Biology and Spanish
Minor: Chemistry

Cumulative GPA: 3.924
Science GPA: 3.94

Clinical Experience: Served as a volunteer EMT for three years. Probably over 1000 in this clinical experience.
Currently working in the ED as a medical scribe.

I have a bunch of awards and leadership activities. I could provide more detail about these if need be.

Job: I worked as a desk attendant and peer tutor throughout college.

Research: Senior thesis was a histological atlas of zebrafish cerebellum. I know it's not much, but I did present it at a conference and was chosen to represent the biology major for my college's senior theses presentations. I was also a chemistry assistant one Summer. However, I have never done actual clinical research at a laboratory facility.

I don't really have much shadowing, other than about 15 hours at another ED and I guess working as a medical scribe counts.

LOR should be pretty solid, but I'm actually super behind and have not asked for any yet (yes I know this was a huge mistake). I went to an extremely small school and was very close with all my professors, so asking for letters should not be that hard.

So in regards to the MCAT, I took it twice: April 2015 and April 2017.
April 2015: 122/125/127/123, Total: 497 (40% percentile)
April 2017: 125/127/127/123, Total: 502 (57% percentile)

So should I apply this cycle? Should I retake my MCAT again? I'm not even sure what schools to look at, at this point. What should I do to make my application stronger?

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Thank you for your response! Is it bad to take the MCAT a third time and wait another year to apply? Or even take the MCAT at the end of July and still apply this cycle with my application pending until August? I'll be very honest and say I only put in about a month (if that) of real MCAT prep due to uncontrolled circumstances in my life. At this point, I'm prepared to do anything that will increase my shot at getting accepted somewhere. I just don't know if waiting until August for my application to be final is a good idea.
if you can afford to apply, you could without taking the mcat again but it's probably not gonna yield much.

if you were a science major with that high of gpa, then something is wrong with your mcat approach and you shouldn't retake without fixing that. that can take a while--- like sept or jan. being a re-app is not a great thing and that mcat is ouch...
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