Any Pre-Doctoral Internships Starting in January 2022 in Canada?

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Jul 7, 2021
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Hello All,

First time posting.

I was accepted via APPIC post-match to an internship in the States as a Canadian student. My school's liaison for connecting visa says they have to get clearance from State Department. The clearance hasn't come yet in order to process my paperwork. My internship site has extended my start date from August till December to allow for the visa to come through, but they also said if it doesn't come by then I will be released from the site.

Does anyone know of any unaccredited pre-doctoral internship sites starting January 2022, that I can reach out to? Preferable in a big city like Vancouver or Toronto but also willing to relocate anywhere in Canada. Or if anyone knows external agencies who can help with my visa process.

Thanks in advance

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It looks like there are two Canadian sites on the PMVS site, not sure if this helps or if they are flexible on their start dates!

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