any recent grads that took the NERB/CDCA

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10+ Year Member
Feb 22, 2012
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Need input on the endodontic portion of the NERB/CDCA- Typodont teeth- Acadental
I just took it and failed the posterior Endo.

It surprises me how I could not pass such an easy exam ,when I have done several RCT's during dental school and residency.

My question is:
How far down do you go into the pulp chamber for the posterior endo?

I had the access opening per CDCA's Specification. ( triangular outline, no less than 2mm from the palatal cusp tip, line joining the MB and ML cusp tips,oblique ridge, no less than 3mm from the medial marginal ridge.
I dropped into the pulp chamber and began removing the mushy wax in there.

Am I supposed to just get the access outline right and de-roof the chamber, and stop?
Go all the way down to the floor of the chamber till I see the canal openings?


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Sorry to hear that.

What was the exact reason for your failure? My understanding is that they tell you why you failed.

I know some of my classmates failed for making the access too SMALL, not allowing for complete removal of pulp. The "pulp" material was made of this pink wax and I'm thankful they did that; it was easier for me to determine if the chamber was clean. I spent alot of time using my spoon excavator scraping. I had to extend my access opening distobucally when i found more pulp material hiding under the plastic/enamel.

After I got through the "enamel" portion of the tooth, I used endo-z bur to clean up the lateral walls. After you find the canals with your endo probe, I cleaned the chambers with slow speed round burs (#4) and a spoon excavator. In terms of depth, it's a critical error(=fail) if you go down more than 10mm. I think I found all my canals around 7-8mm depth.

good luck.
Thanks a lot for your response.The reason that they gave me was "perforation"- any part of the tooth was perforated.
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Thanks a lot for your response.The reason that they gave me was "perforation"- any part of the tooth was perforated.

Do you remember perf'ing any sides? This is what I would do. If you have any practice endo tooth that you already practiced on before, just cut the entire plastic/enamel portion off. Stare at it for a long time to memorize where the canals are located. One of my classmates did that and it really helped him locate the canals in the chamber. Also when you're cleaning the chamber, don't tilt your endo-z bur too much (or use round bur too excessively. round bur should be used to clean the pulp material out and that's it.)
That is great advice.I cannot thank you enough for your input.Im going to cut the tooth to take a look at the canal...brilliant Idea!!