Any reviews or thoughts on these Implant Courses for GP?

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15+ Year Member
Nov 22, 2006
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I'm a GP in DC region looking for a comprehensive implant course. So I did some search and they are very expensive and I didn't want to take any random courses with that kind of money.

So far I've found

1. MaxiCourse by AAID specifically the one in Rutgers' Dental School in NJ (this was the closest one from DC) - it is $15,500, 3 days/month for 10 months - include 1 bring your own live surgery

2. Implant Seminar in DC (only one is the area where I live) - $10,000, 2 days/month for 4 months, include cadaver surgery

3. Misch Implant Institute in Orlando/Vegas (will have to fly) - Seems like it is $3750, 1 session/day and has 5 sessions

Any thoughts or reviews on these courses will be appreciated
Thank you

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Lots of input on dental town regarding the assortment of holiday inn surgery courses. One live surgery is trivial. Could you learn to do endo from a power point and a cadaver RCT? Far and away the best methods is to find a skilled gp or specialist buddy who is willing to hold your hand on a bunch of cases. Ask the sales reps how many gps get started with implants and quit because they encounter complications during surgery they didn't learn to handle from a power point. Your buddy will help you out of otherwise deterring jams.