Any second chances for MD/PhD or a one and done deal?

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Jun 19, 2013
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Given the competitive nature of MD/PhD programs, is it realistic to hope to get in anywhere after doing a postbac/gpa damage control or retaking the MCAT? I'm considering just trying to get into an DO program (or MD if possible) and potentially trying to do research as a clinician. For the record, I am an Illinois resident, URM (black female, 24 years old), 2.68 UGPA (biology), 3.4 GGPA (traditional master's in microbiology), 2 publications in prep and a summer intern at the NIA doing diabetes research. I have some volunteer experience, but I am trying to get a job as a medical scribe while I prepare to take the MCAT and finish writing my thesis in the next year or so. I am going to retake some undergrad science courses as I am aware that my graduate gpa does not contribute to my amcas gpa. Be honest, I don't need any sugarcoating, what would you do if in my situation?

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A PhD in the area of interest. If the MD/PhD program at your institution allows, consider applying as a GS-1 student. If unsuccessful, complete the PhD and then consider if you want to do the MD. There are multiple paths to become a clinician-scientist. Your Undergraduate GPA will likely take you out of contention for MD or MD/PhD upfront. If you are applying to MD, you might want to eventually move to a state with multiple medical schools such as New York, California or Texas where you can apply once you are a state resident.
PM me if you want to discuss further... If you truly want it, you can get it, but it is a longer path.
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I do want to say. The OP sounds like she has had some great research experiences. I would not say the dream is dead. PhD to MD would also be a great plan. It may take a little longer but it is still an option.