anyone familiar with new york area

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Oct 18, 2005
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I was wondering if anyoone would recommend me flying to JFK on my way to albert einstein. thanks guys.

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temmie said:
I was wondering if anyoone would recommend me flying to JFK on my way to albert einstein. thanks guys.

It's certainly do-able, you could take a cab or a public train into the city. Personally, I prefer to fly into LaGuardia b/c it's smaller and closer to the city (where again, your options are cab or public bus). Don't get me wrong though, I don't think it'll make a huge difference for you unless you're trying to go straight from the airport to the interview.
geekOCD said:
It's certainly do-able, you could take a cab or a public train into the city. Personally, I prefer to fly into LaGuardia b/c it's smaller and closer to the city (where again, your options are cab or public bus). Don't get me wrong though, I don't think it'll make a huge difference for you unless you're trying to go straight from the airport to the interview.

u can cab it from laguardia much more affordably than from JFK.

if u do public transportation, JFK is a subway to subway to bus transfer, and LaGuardia is a bus to subway to bus transfer.