Anyone from the Dallas area heading to Explore UTSD Predental Day this weekend?

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7+ Year Member
Jul 8, 2014
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Hey yall,

Is anyone in the Dallas area going to Houston's Pre-Dental Day? I haven't had any luck with getting a ride from any of the other pre-dents at my university and I doubt anyone will step up. 🙁 I'm willing to pay for part of gas and parking aside from being a travel companion.

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I'm sorry that you couldnt find anyone to hitchhike with.
If you really want to, you can try to take the megabus and uber from the bus station to school.
Or maybe just drive yourself? There is parking right across the school so you won't have to worry about parking too.
I'm thinking about taking the bus. Have family that lives north of Houston, but would have to either borrow a car or have someone drop me off. Don't have a car of my own unfortunately. Also not willing to pay $180 to rent a car (underage surcharge). It would be best if I could get a ride though.
It's such an awesome event! I won't be there this time but my entire ASDA will be !