Anyone heard from Pitt?

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Jul 15, 2006
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has anyone who interviewed at Pitt on the 8th heard anything yet?

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I interviewed on Jan 8. Rose called me at 1pm today to tell me I was accepted. :)
omg...I was there as the call today :)

so who are you? Where did you sit in the lecture room...and maybe I talked to you at the airport :p

I interviewed on Jan 8. Rose called me at 1pm today to tell me I was accepted. :)
omg...I was there as the call today :)

so who are you? Where did you sit in the lecture room...and maybe I talked to you at the airport :p

i'm confused...i thought pitt was waiting until all interviews were held before they selected their second round...did they fill their class as of today or only select a few?
I hope not, Im scheduled to interview on the 19th.
nah...impossible they offered all the seats...they had 80...and only around 50 ppl have been interviewed yet.

so even if they accepted all the 50...which is doubtful, you shouldnt be worried

i'm confused...i thought pitt was waiting until all interviews were held before they selected their second round...did they fill their class as of today or only select a few?
i'm in too! just got the call today! i interviewed the 8th as well ... who needs a roommate?
nah...impossible they offered all the seats...they had 80...and only around 50 ppl have been interviewed yet.

so even if they accepted all the 50...which is doubtful, you shouldnt be worried

I would rethink that, when I interviewed in November I had close to 50 kids with me and that was for one of the 3 sessions scheduled before dec 1st. So I would imagine they interviewed atleast 150 kids before dec 1st, So if they are doing the same thing for the spring semester it might be slim pickings, but I don't know much about their acceptance procedure, they said I was in on dec 1st so i ran with it. GL
Once you did not get accepted by Dec 1st, you're screwed coz they dont want you. It's a new cycle that starts from Jan to April. They re-interview 150 ppl to fill in the remaining 40 seats.

Up till now, they only had 1 interview session. so they only interviewed 50 ppl...and got to fill 40 spots basically...when I went on Jan 8th tho, they said that only 20 ppl had there were 60 spots till then.

I would rethink that, when I interviewed in November I had close to 50 kids with me and that was for one of the 3 sessions scheduled before dec 1st. So I would imagine they interviewed atleast 150 kids before dec 1st, So if they are doing the same thing for the spring semester it might be slim pickings, but I don't know much about their acceptance procedure, they said I was in on dec 1st so i ran with it. GL
there was another interview session jan 22nd...and i believe one more after that so thats 100 ppl interviewed so faar
I thought it was weird that I heard so early. When I talked to students there, they said that the adcom was going to wait til they finished all three interview sessions, and then make 40 offers. However, the seem to be extending some now, which is weird.

If you haven't interviewed yet, I wouldn't worry. They seemed like they wanted to see all applicants before making too many decisions.
From what Ive been told, the adcomm is in its final throws, filling up the last 10-15 seats. Im not sure how true this claim is, but the friend i spoke to is a 2nd yr at pitt dent who worked on the adcomm/student pannel last yr.

congrats on all who've gotten in & are coming to pitt!

ill see you for orientation!