Anyone that passed Level 1 and did Comquest

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Full Member
May 28, 2023
Reaction score
Hi I was wondering if anyone here passed level 1 and also did comquest? I've heard some people say it overpredicts by 150 points, so anything under 550 predicted would not be safe. What is everyone's experience?

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Just study.
Comquest, combank, uworld, or whatever the question bank, pick 2 (preferably one used for STEP and one for COMLEX).
Overpredicts or underpredicts, doesn't matter.
Don't be complacent just because you score 551 on comquest and just study for higher score.
I personally found Comquest to be inferior compared to Combank when it came to learning for Level 2. The detail just wasn't there. There is sufficient evidence that >65% on Combank has a strong correlation for passing.

Take as many NBOME practice exams as your school can provide and that you can afford.