"Anything else?" -- Mention recent publication or save for update letter?

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Nov 10, 2022
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I'm completing secondaries, and when schools ask the "anything else" question, I have been including that my paper was published after I submitted my AMCAS application. Is it recommended to include this information in a secondary? Or is it better to save it for an update letter so I have something substantial to say? Thanks!

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I'm completing secondaries, and when schools ask the "anything else" question, I have been including that my paper was published after I submitted my AMCAS application. Is it recommended to include this information in a secondary? Or is it better to save it for an update letter so I have something substantial to say? Thanks!
It doesn't really matter. You might get an interview or not at the schools where you really want to update. Why not include it if given the chance on your secondary application?

I'm completing secondaries, and when schools ask the "anything else" question, I have been including that my paper was published after I submitted my AMCAS application. Is it recommended to include this information in a secondary? Or is it better to save it for an update letter so I have something substantial to say? Thanks!
I'd include on secondaries. some schools don't want update, or they want them only after interviews.
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I'm completing secondaries, and when schools ask the "anything else" question, I have been including that my paper was published after I submitted my AMCAS application. Is it recommended to include this information in a secondary? Or is it better to save it for an update letter so I have something substantial to say? Thanks!
Better to include it with pertinent Secondary prompts.

I'm completing secondaries, and when schools ask the "anything else" question, I have been including that my paper was published after I submitted my AMCAS application. Is it recommended to include this information in a secondary? Or is it better to save it for an update letter so I have something substantial to say? Thanks!
mention it if it fits a prompt, ideally the "what are you doing between your application and admission", but those "anything else" questions are supposed to be for "why this school", not about your pubs.