PhD/PsyD APPIC Internship Site & APA site visit

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Feb 5, 2019
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Wondering how folks feel about applying to an internship site that states they are currently accredited until Jan 2022, and have their site visit then. They don't say anything about how long they've been accredited for, or how confident they are they will be re-accredited. I really like the site, but also worry I could end up at an unaccredited site. Many thanks!

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Check out the APA directory and search that program. I looked up my old internship and it lists the initial accreditation date, last accreditation date, and next scheduled visit.

If it’s a site that’s potentially a good fit, I’d probably apply and see if I get an interview, at which point the TD should address accreditation. If you don’t get an interview, it’s a moot point.

If you’re literally stuck between applying to this or another site to round out your list and feel the need to cut one, it seems reasonable to email the TD for more info. Good luck!
If it's historically a good site, you really don't have much to worry about. For an established site to lose accreditation, they have to be really ****ing up. It;s been a few years since I've been through one as a faculty, but I believe even if there were some big problems, it's more likely to be on probation first. For it to lose accredited status altogether, that program would have to be on fire.
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