Application Timeline: When were your interviews?

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Feb 4, 2017
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Hi there, I just wanted to do some future planning and scheduling for the next application cycle and was wondering when did everyone hear back from the schools they applied to, and when were they scheduled interviews? If anyone could list around what time you applied, which school(s) you applied to, when you heard back from them, and when was your scheduled interview, that would be most helpful.

I'm planning to apply sometime in August in the upcoming year. I wanted to plan out work and some other life events during my application year so I was hoping to get a clearer picture on the timeline. I know many people received interviews in January and February, but did anyone hear back and interview earlier than those months? If so, where? Thank you!

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Many people list most of those dates in the stats thread. I submitted my application 8/16 and it was verified 8/23.

I was invited to my first interview (Missouri State) on 8/24, scheduled for 9/17. I interviewed with all the Early Decision people.

11/27 - Marshall invited me to interview on 1/3

12/7 - University of South Carolina acceptance

12/13 - NAU rejected me without interview. I think that was around the time they sent out interview invites for some time in jan.

1/3 - University of Montana invited me to interview on 2/11

1/17 - CSULB acceptance

1/27 - MUSC acceptance

As far as planning your life around these interviews..... good luck. It varies depending on where you apply and even year to year at some schools. That said, some schools are willing to accommodate phone/skype interviews. Many schools on rolling admissions will interview for months on end.
What you should do is type the name of the schools you're interested in in the search bar and read from people who applied to these schools because timelines really vary depending on 3 things: schools admission process, time of application, and applicant profile.

I submitted my PTCAS application on August 10th and it was verified on August 22nd.

I'm a Texas applicant and I applied to 5 schools: TWU, Texas State, Angelo State, UTMB and UNT

- TWU doesn't hold interviews and this was my first acceptance. I was offerred a spot on October 7th.
- I interviewed at UNT on September 30th and was offered a spot on October 11th.
- I interviewed at UTMB on November 4th and was offered a spot on November 8th.
- I interviewed at ASU on November 11th and was offered a spot on November 17th.
- I interviewed at Tx State on November 18th and was offered a spot on December 1st.

I will be attending Texas State :)

Good luck !!