applying to my undergrad institution

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Feb 16, 2007
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Hi all,

I decided this year that I'm going to apply to my undergrad institution. My POI is a professor who has been my unofficial advisor for years and rec. letter writer (for jobs and last year's round of grad applications). How should I approach her about this? What if I want her to write rec. letters to other schools too? Thanks.

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Lots of people apply to their undergrad institution. I doubt your POI will have a second thought about your applying to your own program as well as others, or writing letters to other programs (he/she should want you to get in, and should write as many letters as you need!).

This came up on the board a while back (I have no clue what the thread name was). Most people have no problem with applying to your UG institution, but a few people--I include myself in this group--think it's really not a good thing. I'm assuming you already know your prof is ok with it? :)

Also, you might run into a little trouble at interviews. I was asked several times point-blank if I applied to my undergrad institution (I didn't). The people who would ask are probably the same ones who have big problems with it (one of my profs called it "academic inbreeding"). I think the fear is that you'll be waiting for your UG's decision, and you'll turn down any other offer in order to stay in your current location. Not saying don't do it, but be ready for that question!
Some places have unofficial rules about not accepting their own undergrads, so you may want to check out what your school's policy is. That said, I've known of several places that had these policies that still broke down and accepted someone once in a blue moon. So it's possible, but still check it out with your adviser. I'd say unless your adviser says point blank not to apply, it's definitely worth a chance if you're a good match.