Are you a foreign trained dentist in California?

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Oct 8, 2006
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Hey guys,

I am a foreign trained dentist living in California, i passed part1 and I am taking part 2 soon, I am trying to get a dental license here, my question is, is it possible to get the California license without doing a qualifying program ?

A lot of people told me that i have to do 2 years qualifying program, but i can`t find anything to prove that, I am confused now and need to know the answer.

looking forward to hearing from you guys.

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Hey guys,

I am a foreign trained dentist living in California, i passed part1 and I am taking part 2 soon, I am trying to get a dental license here, my question is, is it possible to get the California license without doing a qualifying program ?

A lot of people told me that i have to do 2 years qualifying program, but i can`t find anything to prove that, I am confused now and need to know the answer.

looking forward to hearing from you guys.

call the licencing board in sacramento .916 263 2300
in 2002 it closed down bench exam...if u did nbde part 1 before 2002 u can take the bench exam after part 2 and apply for licence to practice
guys .....i already had my NDBE both part before 2002 ....i live overseas and involved in a residency program ........
if u were me , would u guys : come 2 california and apply for this final year bench exam ???????????!!!!!!!!!! plz help me am very confused , how much time i need 2 stay in california 2 pass this difcult exam, and nearly how much it costs ????? plz. advise me esp. the guys who went through the process