AUA match

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Feb 8, 2005
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o.k. I understand that Urology has it's own match. My question is: when can you apply for Urology, when you're already into a preliminar surgery position, or before it?
I know that some programs may even offer the preliminar 1 or 2 years of surgery and then get you into the urology program; however, what if someone is already into a categorical surgery program and realizes that urology is his field?
Or what if someone doesn't match and gets into a preliminar or categorical surgery program? Can this person try again in the AUA match?

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The AUA Match is technically for the urology position, a PGY 2 or 3 depending on the program. You are then guaranteed a prelim position in general surgery at the same institution. If you are already in a surgical program, categorical or prelim, and then decide you want to be a urologist, you have 2 options. Apply for the AUA match, you are in the same position as a 4th year medical student, meaning most likely you will have to repeat your intern year. The second option is to look for a opening that matches your level in a urology program, though these positions are very very rare.