August MCATer Interviews?

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Has any August MCATers gotten interviews yet? I havent heard anything yet and getting worried here. How long does it take from the time secondaries are completed til you get an interview?

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dr_keki said:
Has any August MCATers gotten interviews yet? I havent heard anything yet and getting worried here. How long does it take from the time secondaries are completed til you get an interview?

I was getting interviews last year around late October/Early November.
Do you have a score from April or a previous year. I had interviews at a few DO schools before my August scores came out, but I had a score from when I took the MCAT in april.
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I would think that it really depends on 1) your August MCAT score and 2) when you completed your primary and secondary applications.

I have received one interview since my August MCAT was released, but I had a previous MCAT score and I completed my primary application very early.
I took the August MCAT last year. I submitted my app before the MCAT score was out so I had secondaries done. Once scores came out I just submitted them and had interviews for mid November and early December - acceptances shortly thereafter.

If you are in doubt call the schools with something like:

"Hello, I'm Joe Cool and I've very interested in your school. I've submitted everything just want to verify that you are not waiting on anything else from me."

I did that and it turned out PCOM had misfiled my file. The call fixed it and I interviewed and was accepted.
smc927 said:
I took the August MCAT last year. I submitted my app before the MCAT score was out so I had secondaries done. Once scores came out I just submitted them and had interviews for mid November and early December - acceptances shortly thereafter.

If you are in doubt call the schools with something like:

"Hello, I'm Joe Cool and I've very interested in your school. I've submitted everything just want to verify that you are not waiting on anything else from me."

I did that and it turned out PCOM had misfiled my file. The call fixed it and I interviewed and was accepted.

I submitted secondaries right after scores were out so I guess I'm really behind. I've gotten one MD interview but no DOs yet. Western is my first choice and I called and bugged them twice already and my file's been completed for two weeks but still under review. Dont adcoms meet every week there? Hate this waiting game. 😴
bump bump. Any new interviews yet? The pre-allopathic forum has been getting interviews like crazy! Why no movements in the DO interviews?
dr_keki said:
Has any August MCATers gotten interviews yet? I havent heard anything yet and getting worried here. How long does it take from the time secondaries are completed til you get an interview?

Dr Keki,

I submitted my AACOMAS the day I received my MCAT score, so I can't really help you. It was a BIG mistake...should have done AACOMAS sooner. Now I'm all tied up in the "pending" process. Meh. But I'll keep you updated and let you know.
I took the august first and hopefully last time, and got back from my first interview. I sent my secondaries in the day after my score came out. Some schools haven't finished processing my application, so I think it depends on how fast schools can push you through.

Good luck!
lexxie said:
I took the august first and hopefully last time, and got back from my first interview. I sent my secondaries in the day after my score came out. Some schools haven't finished processing my application, so I think it depends on how fast schools can push you through.

Good luck!

Thanks for the support duchess! I'll cross my fingers for you. Lexxie, where did you receive the interview invite?
Just got the call from LECOM-FL. Very's my first choice!

I applied there too. I was hoping to stay in Florida. Best of luck to you, and everyone else that's interviewing!
Duchess said:

I applied there too. I was hoping to stay in Florida. Best of luck to you, and everyone else that's interviewing!

Have you heard yet? I called yesterday to make sure they had received my secondary, and she said it was there but she hadn't reviewed it. Then they called me this morning. My interview is on Tuesday!
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my mcats from august were awful really really awful, lower than my previous score. i just got one invite from a school i was waitlisted @ last year.

should i call the other schools and ask them about my file? or just wait it out until they send me a rejection letter?
dr_keki said:
Thanks for the support duchess! I'll cross my fingers for you. Lexxie, where did you receive the interview invite?

I received the invite at Touro-NV last thursday and interveiwed on monday...they were really quick to respond.
I just received an interview invite from Touro-CA, and my file was just completed last week! But I did take the MCAT before
jschro21 said:
I just received an interview invite from Touro-CA, and my file was just completed last week! But I did take the MCAT before

have you called to make an appointment? i did and they told me 1/10 was the earliest they had. did you have better luck than me?
How did Touro-CA let you know of your complete status? I sent my secondary there last week but havent gotten any confirmation or invite yet. 😕
dr_keki said:
How did Touro-CA let you know of your complete status? I sent my secondary there last week but havent gotten any confirmation or invite yet. 😕

Well, they have these archaic postcards that take like two weeks to arrive from the day it is dated informing you of what they have and don't have. So I decided to contact the admissions office and make sure everything was there and that my Aug 2005 MCAT scores were in. I emailed Steven Davis, the assistant director of admissions, and his direction was incredibly helpful. He had me fax over my scores, double checked that my application was received and processed and told me that I should hear something in a week or two, and if I hadn't heard anything by then to contact another individual. At first he told me that they hadn't received my secondary, which I sent priority mail, then he emailed back and said they were just processing it. Good Luck!
I took the August MCAT, but had taken it previoulsy in April '04. I got invited for interviews at KCOM and AZCOM the week my file had been completed, which was a week after the August scores were released. I still haven't gotten invites from CCOM or PCOM, and my apps were done all at the same time. My AACOMAS was done in August... and secondaries were in by mid September.
cosmo said:
Have you heard yet? I called yesterday to make sure they had received my secondary, and she said it was there but she hadn't reviewed it. Then they called me this morning. My interview is on Tuesday!


No, nothing yet...I applied via AACOMAS the day I recieved my August MCAT score, so it's just now getting through. It seems like things are just crawling by. Ugh....frustration! *bangs head on keyboard*

But I'll keep you updated if I hear anything. 🙂 I'm just not expecting anything anytime soon since I'm so behind.
Got my Touro-MI interview today. Touro's pretty fast with their response.
Canuck99 said:
I would think that it really depends on 1) your August MCAT score and 2) when you completed your primary and secondary applications.

I have received one interview since my August MCAT was released, but I had a previous MCAT score and I completed my primary application very early.

I just had my second interview at TCOM, so that would make two interviews since my August MCAT.
I received two interview invites today ....AZCOM and LECOM-Bradenton....AZCOM is booked until the second week in February 😡 I guess that is what you get when you take the August MCAT!

What a crazy process....
Got interview today from KCUMB. I haven't even submitted a secondary there. In fact, I got a letter a week or so ago stating I was out of the running pre-secondary (I think it was based on my April scores). The next day I got an email stating I was encouraged to submit a secondary. I have no intention of submitting a secondary there, but they scheduled an interview. Is that unusual?
I received an invite from DMU yesterday!! I was/am really excited - its my first interview!!
dr_keki said:
Got my Touro-MI interview today. Touro's pretty fast with their response.

What is your interview date? The earliest I was told that was available was 1/10/06. Are you the same?
jschro21 said:
What is your interview date? The earliest I was told that was available was 1/10/06. Are you the same?

I just posted a response on another forum. I think you should call them again. My interview's on Dec 19, but it sounded like they had a lot of Dec dates left. I called on 11/7. Let me know how it goes.
HunterGatherer said:
first time I took the MCAT was August 2005. submitted secondaries 10/8. complete at UMDNJ around 10/25. I have my first interview with UMDNJ on 11/18.

PCOM complete around 10/31. email interview invite received 11/9 for interview 1/30
WVSOM interview on 12/6! Anyone know what's up with the "group" interview?
This thread needs a bump so I'll add my meager contribution thus far. Hopefully the first of several.
AZCOM 2/17/05....Hope I'm not interviewing for the waitlist... 🙂
Bump bump.....I've got an interview at AZCOM too (2/13...damn that's far away!).
bumpety, bump...Any new August MCATer interviews? Esp. August first timers?

I'm beginning to wonder if the admissions departments hibernate between Turkey Day and New Year!
I first took the MCAT in August 2005 and here are my interviews so far:

LECOM-Erie - Dec. 8 (eek!)
WV-SOM - Dec. 14
LECOM-Bradenton - Dec 21
UMDNJ-SOM. Invite for 1/17
update for future MCATers

first took the MCAT in August

received interview invites at all DO schools applied to:
all interviews scheduled before 1/30/06
Took mcat in august 2005 2nd time, and submitted ACOMAS application at the begining of December.

WVCOM - accepted to early decision 1/13/2006
NYCOM - interview on 2/9/2006
CCOM - interview on 03/21/2006
PCOM - still waiting for interview
UMDNJ-SOM - withdrew
UNECOM - withdrew
LECOM - withdrew
NOVA - withdrew
MSUCOM - withdrew