australia v/s canada

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7+ Year Member
Feb 21, 2015
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Guys which country is better for settlement with regard to dentistry australia v/s canada.kindly enlist advantages and disadvantages for both countries.

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As a Canadian dental student currently studying in Australia, I have asked a few dentists (both Canadian and Australian) the same question. From what I hear, the dentists practicing in Australia have said that if you want to live in a big city, you are probably better off practicing in Canada. The dentists practicing in Australia seemed to only find jobs at corporate dentistry chains, which didn't pay that well. On the other hand, I have heard that practicing dentistry rurally in Australia will make you the most money (supposedly more than practicing rurally in Canada). But when I say rurally, I mean the outback.
As a Canadian dental student currently studying in Australia, I have asked a few dentists (both Canadian and Australian) the same question. From what I hear, the dentists practicing in Australia have said that if you want to live in a big city, you are probably better off practicing in Canada. The dentists practicing in Australia seemed to only find jobs at corporate dentistry chains, which didn't pay that well. On the other hand, I have heard that practicing dentistry rurally in Australia will make you the most money (supposedly more than practicing rurally in Canada). But when I say rurally, I mean the outback.
Thanks for the reply but why did u come all the way to australia to get education?is canadian system is difficult for admission?what about job oppertunities canada is better or australia?Actually i am foriegn trained dentist about to immigrate to canada and i have to start my life from scratch so analyzing both the options.
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The great thing about Canada and Australia is that there is a reciprocal agreement that exists. Basically, if you get trained as a dentist in either country, you are allowed to practice in either. When you say you are starting your life from scratch, does this mean you will enter an international program or a normal 4 year program?
The great thing about Canada and Australia is that there is a reciprocal agreement that exists. Basically, if you get trained as a dentist in either country, you are allowed to practice in either. When you say you are starting your life from scratch, does this mean you will enter an international program or a normal 4 year program?
I do have 2 options here which suits me well 1)to get into international dentist program 2)to pass licensing examinations i have to opt from these 2 options so i was thinking which country should i opt for these options which could provide me promising future.Let me tell you difference btw licensing examination for both 1)Australia 2 parts for licensing 2)Canada 5 parts for liceensing
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